Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 2 Back to Chambers Mansion

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The next day, Ophelia drove to the Chambers Mansion after sending Zachariah to work. The butler Mr.

Harley Jordan greeted her with a smile and said, “You are finally back, Young Madam. Madam has

been talking about you these days.”

Ophelia got out of the car and said with a smile, “How is she? I miss Mom’s cooking a lot as I've been

away for a month. That is why I'm rushing back.”

Mr. Jordan smiled and said, “She is in good health. She is bored sometimes, as both Master and Young

Master are busy with work.”

“Mom won't be bored now that I am back.”

Ophelia stepped into the house with her high stiletto heels.

Located halfway up the hillside, Chambers mansion was a villa, covering a vast area over a thousand

hectares. As for the Chambers family member, it was quite simple. Mrs. Helena Chambers had a son

and a daughter. The son was Zachariah, and the daughter was Savannah. Mrs. Chambers was in her

sixties, but thanks to her affluent skincare routine, she looked like a woman in her early forties.

Apart from Savannah’s prejudice against Ophelia, the Chambers family was good to Ophelia,

especially Helena. She sincerely treated Ophelia as her own daughter. However, she had no idea that

her son and Ophelia were married based on a contract.

Ophelia was loath to part with Helena even after the divorce.

Helena didn’t have the kind of arrogance often seen in most wealthy women. She was easy-going,

dignified and magnanimous. Talking to her was as natural as breathing fresh air.

“Mom.” Ophelia called out sweetly to the lady sitting on the sofa with delicate makeup.

Seeing that it was Ophelia, Helena smiled courteously and said, “You are back? Come and sit beside


Ophelia walked over and snuggled next to Helena. Helena looked at her from head to toe and said,

“Why are you getting thinner?”

“That’s because I didn’t get to eat your cooking and was starved.”

Delighted by her sweet words, and Helena said, “I will cook some of your favorite dishes later for you,

to make up for the weight loss.”

“You are the best, mom.” Ophelia said coquettishly, as if she was Helena’s biological daughter.

“You are beyond the age of being coquettish, you make me sick.” A rebarbative female voice came,

and Ophelia knew who it was without turning her head.

“Savannah, how can you say that? She is your sister-in-law.” Helena said with a frown.

Savannah snorted coldly, and said, “What kind of sister-in-law is she? She's just a woman bought by

my brother.”

Helena’s expression darkened visibly and said, “Savannah, stop talking like that, or I will be angry.”

Savannah sat down and said nothing.

Rather than get angry at her, Ophelia replied with a smile, “Savannah, I heard from Zachariah that you

went to Paris. When did you come back?”

Just to spare Helena’s feelings, Savannah replied reluctantly, “The day before yesterday.”

As if thinking of something pleasant, she gloated and said in a sadistic tone, “Sister-in-law, do you

know who I saw in Paris?”

Ophelia became alert instantly. Savannah only addressed her as sister-in-law when she had wicked

ideas brewing in her mind.

“Your friend?” Ophelia asked tentatively.

“I bumped into Cora. Sister-in-law, you know who she is, right?” Savannah said excitedly, “No, you

don’t know her, she is the ex of my...”

Throwing her a deadly stare, Helena interrupted, “Savannah, what on earth are you talking about?”

Shrugging, Savannah said, “Mom, I will be outside for a while. The air here is too stale because of

someone’s presence.”

She walked out as if there was no one else in the room.

Helena sighed and said, “Ophelia, don't mind her. Savannah is spoiled by us.”

Ophelia smiled and said, “Savannah is just in her early twenties. It is normal for her to be rebellious at

this age.”

Helena patted her hand, feeling more affectionate towards her, and said, “Ophelia, you are such a good

girl. Don't take Savannah’s words seriously. As for that Cora, you can act as if she doesn’t exist.”

Ophelia was not so stupid enough to ask her who Cora was.

“We are a family, Mom. I won't take Savannah’s words seriously.” Ophelia said generously, even

though she knew that the so-called “family” would soon be apart.

“I knew you were a good girl.” Helena liked her even more after hearing her reply.

Ophelia chatted with Helena for the entire morning, and joined her for lunch. Helena was a little tired

and went to take a nap. Ophelia walked outside for a walk and Savannah followed her.

“Ophelia, don't assume that my mother likes you, and you can become my sister-in-law forever. My

brother bears Cora in mind constantly. Be careful to beat the air.”

Savannah mocked her.

Ophelia shot her an elegant glance and replied with a smile, “Savannah, I don’t know who you are

talking about, but don’t forget, I am still your brother’s wife. As long as we are not divorced, I am still

your sister-in-law. Mind your words.”

Savannah looked at her mockingly, and sneered, “My sister-in-law? I don't think you can hold that title

for much longer. Only my mother is kind enough to treat someone like you as her daughter-in-law. You

have nothing at all.”

After a pause, Savannah continued, “A Cinderella like you shouldn’t dream of marrying into a wealthy

family. If you divorce my brother now, you may still get a considerable compensation, or you will end up

with nothing.”

Ophelia's smile deepened upon hearing this.

“Thank you for your reminder. I did consider divorcing your brother at first, but now, I changed my


Ophelia started to walk back to the house after saying this.

Ophelia chatted with Helena for the entire morning, and joined her for lunch. Helena was a little tired

and went to take a nap. Ophelia walked outside for a walk and Savannah followed her.

“Ophelia, don't assume that my mother likes you, and you can become my sister-in-law forever. My

brother bears Cora in mind constantly. Be careful to beat the air.”

Savannah mocked her.

Ophelia shot her an elegant glance and replied with a smile, “Savannah, | don’t know who you are

talking about, but don’t forget, | am still your brother’s wife. As long as we are not divorced, | am still

your sister-in-law. Mind your words.”

Savannah looked at her mockingly, and sneered, “My sister-in-law? | don't think you can hold that title

for much longer. Only my mother is kind enough to treat someone like you as her daughter-in-law. You

have nothing at all.”

After a pause, Savannah continued, “A Cinderella like you shouldn't dream of marrying into a wealthy

family. If you divorce my brother now, you may still get a considerable compensation, or you will end up

with nothing.”

Ophelia's smile deepened upon hearing this.

“Thank you for your reminder. | did consider divorcing your brother at first, but now, | changed my


Ophelia started to walk back to the house after saying this.


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