Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 416 Savannah Is Coming

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A lady, who was acquainted with Mrs. Chambers, came towards them at this point, started flattering her

by complimenting Tommy.

“Helena, how lucky you are for having such a beautiful daughter-in-law and an adorable grandson! I am

really jealous of you for having everything. My son only focuses on his career and doesn’t even have a

girlfriend.” A lady dressed in elegant outfit remarked.

Mr. Chambers replied with a smile, “Lily, you’re being jealous by saying those words. I have heard that

Jessica gets pregnant and you will become a grandmother after a few months.”

The lady showed a much more sincere smile. “Jessica has visited lots of traditional Chinese doctors

and eaten lots of Chinese medicines to carry the baby. My tense nerve finally loosens up when learning

the news that she gets pregnant. Now the only thing I am worried about is my son. I don’t know when

he can settle down and have a girlfriend. I am really worried about him. If he could be half-like Zach to

be considerate and have a beautiful and filial wife, I won’t chatter every day.”

“There is no need for us parents to worry about our children’s marriage. It’s better for us to let nature

take its course. Your son will naturally want to get married when he meets the right person. Take it


“We could only do that. Well, I really like Tommy. Let me hug him. What an adorable baby! I wish to

offer all the good stuff in the world to him when he stares at me.” The lady hugged Tommy carefully and

continued complimenting him.

The hall showed a harmonious atmosphere when discussing about Tommy. However, when seeing the

group of people came to the hall, the warm atmosphere suddenly turned weird.

Mrs. Chambers, who was teasing with Tommy, suddenly showed a terrible expression when seeing

them. However, because other people were still present, she hurriedly adjusted her facial expression.

Mrs. Chambers remarked, “Lily, I have told the cook to invent some cakes with different flavours. I can

show you around to have a taste. You can try whether they suit your appetite or not. If you like, I will

talk to the servants to pack you some.”

The other ladies also knew what she meant to make them away. Anyway, the Fletcher family was

coming. Everyone had witnessed the unfinished wedding of Cora and Zachariah five years ago. Cora’s

fled made the Chambers family became the joke in the upper class within one night. Although

Zachariah married Ophelia in a short time later, the upper class still made fun of their marriage.

Therefore, despite the Fletcher family and Chambers family seemed to be harmonious on the surface,

there was a subtle relation between Cora and Zachariah. No man could bare the shame for a girl to

escape before marriage.

“Then we have to try some. We will discuss with the cook if the cakes are delicious.” The lady called

Lily said with a smile. Other ladies also agreed with her and left.

Mrs. Chambers held Tommy. She turned around and told Zachariah, “Zach, bring Ophelia to meet

guests on the other side. I will handle with the Fletcher family. There is no need for you to show up to

avoid Cora from misbehaviour. In that case, everyone will be embarrassed.”

Zachariah put arms around Ophelia and replied, “Mom, I will visit uncle Matthew with her. He just

returned from abroad yesterday. He has never met Ophelia during our five years’ marriage. He

stressed on the phone yesterday to let me introduce Ophelia t him.”

Mrs. Chambers nodded and remarked, “Off you go.”

Zachariah encircled Ophelia’s waist and let her to the other side, while Madeleine decided to stay by

Mrs. Chambers’ side.

“Aunt, I will sew their mouths if they don’t show you respect.” Madeleine made a funny posture and

remarked seriously.

Mrs. Chambers smiled. However, when seeing the people showed up behind Mr. Fletcher, her

expression got a bit frozen.

Madeleine also noticed the change on her expression and asked carefully, “Aunt, what’s wrong?”

Mrs. Chambers soon tidied her mood and answered with a smile, “Nothing.”

Madeleine didn’t say anything. Even when seeing Savannah was holding Cora’s arm, she only raised

her eyebrows disdainfully.

Savannah was challenging Ophelia’s endurance on her in public. Madeleine wouldn’t be sure how

would Zachariah react in the past. However, judging from Zachariah’s love on Ophelia, it was time for

him to express his standing when seeing his own sister got so close with his past lover. He shouldn’t

pretend he didn’t see anything to let Ophelia get bullied by her sister-in-law in the Chambers family.

Madeleine thought both Savannah and Cora were good at doing terrible things. No wonder they would

become best friends. Just as a saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together”. Both of them were self-

centred and they were deemed to be friends.

Madeleine really despised Savannah’s foolish behaviour. However, Madeleine was also smart to hide

her feeling.

Mrs. Chambers brought Tommy in front of the Fletcher family and asked, “Bradwen, what are you doing


Mr. Fletcher showed an awkward expression. After all, the Chambers family didn’t invite the Fletcher

family to join Tommy’s first month party, which indirectly expressed the Chambers family meant to

distant their relation.

“Helena, what are you taking about? Tommy turns one month old today and our two family have been

friends for years. Why can’t we come here to celebrate?” Mrs. Fletcher glanced at Tommy in Mrs.

Chambers arms and continued talking in a weird tone, “Well, that’s Tommy. I was curious about what

he looked like. Well, just an average boy.”

Mrs. Chambers’ expression changed and was about to get angry.

Madeleine touched her arm and remarked harshly, “Mrs. Fletcher, I originally thought we have already

tidied your dirty mouth. Now it seems you didn’t. Well, the air gets so smelly after you starts talking,

which directly put you in the lowest level. Even a young girl like me can’t stand your speech. Well, it’s

really sorry for you to be a lady. How are you going to talk with other ladies by having such a smelly


Madeleine wrote novels as a career and was good at satirizing others.

Suddenly, Mrs. Fletcher showed a terrible expression.


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