Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 434 The Misunderstanding (Part Two)

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A pang of regret flashed across Zachariah’s eyes. He asked, "Is she in the apartment now?"

Madeleine shook her head.

"The nanny I hired went to the supermarket with her. I think they’ll come back soon." Madeleine threw a

disappointing glance at him and continued, "Zachariah, if you really love Ophelia, please don’t go

missing again. The reason Ophelia took Tommy away with her back then was because she was angry

that you guys were partial to Savannah. All she wants from you is a sincere apology, but your whole

family hasn’t even called her or visited her or Tommy for the past two weeks. The whole Chambers

family was missing. Do you guys think Ophelia is nothing without the Chambers family? Is that what

people from a distinguished family usually do?"

Zachariah said nothing.

Meanwhile, Madeleine was in a fit of anger.

"Zachariah, don’t blame me for being harsh on you. Ophelia is a kind woman who’s deeply in love with

you, but I hope you won’t take advantage of her love and hurt her. During the two weeks you’ve been

missing, she hasn’t eaten or slept well. If it weren’t for her, I would have chopped your head off! You’ll

pay for what you’ve done to her. When someday, her love for you withers away, you’ll realize you just

lose the purest love in the world with no interests involved. Hope you’ll cherish her," said Madeleine

with total sincerity.

Madeleine said so to wake Zachariah up, hoping he could pay more attention to Ophelia so that she

wouldn’t be so insecure in this relationship.

Zachariah frowned thoughtfully.

"I’ll explain the situation to Ophelia in person," said Zachariah in a low voice.

Arms crossed, Madeleine pouted her lips at behind Zachariah and said, "The person you want to

explain the situation to is right behind you. Go ahead."

Zachariah turned around and saw Ophelia walking towards them with the help of a strange middle-

aged woman.

Ophelia was talking and laughing with the nanny, but the moment she saw Zachariah, the smile on her

face froze and faded away. Finally, she stopped three meters away from him.

Zachariah strode towards Ophelia, and the nanny stood in front of her, asking, "Who are you, mister?"

Ignoring the nanny, Zachariah fixed his eyes on Ophelia, who was hiding behind the nanny.

"Ophelia," Zachariah said in a choked voice.

Ophelia cast a look at him with mixed feelings and said to the nanny, "He’s my husband. Please take

the bags home now."

The nanny nodded at once and left.

Zachariah strode forward, while Ophelia took two steps back subconsciously. His eyes darkened as he

saw this.

"Finally, you show up, Mr. Chambers. Have you made up your mind to divorce me?" During the two-

week torture, at first, Ophelia felt disappointed, then heart-broken, numb, and at last, she totally cooled

down. If Zachariah wanted to divorce her, she would be sad, but the last thing she would do was

badger him. What else should she do but give up on him when her five years’ love wasn’t enough for

him to spare a thought for her?

Zachariah couldn’t look more remorseful. He strode forward, pulled Ophelia in his arms and huffed,

"Who says I’m going to divorce you? You’re my wife. Do you divorce me to marry some other man?

You’re not allowed to do that."

Ophelia leaned against his chest and sniffed the familiar masculine scent of his. Suddenly, her eyes

grew misty, and the next second, she managed to wrench herself free from his arms, but ended up

being clutched tighter to him.

Zachariah whispered into her ear, "Ophelia, I love you. I’ve called you for the past two weeks, but you

never answered me. I called Madeleine, and she didn’t answer me either. I called Ted. He answered

me and told me you were great. Only then was I relieved. I didn’t come to see you so late deliberately.

On the day you left us, something happened to the Chambers Group. Someone leaked our contract

with a corporation in Paris that we work with, and that caused a plunge in stock prices, and I had to fly

to Paris with my secretary and assistant immediately. During the past two weeks, I’ve missed you all

the time, except when I was having meetings. I’ve thought about you endlessly. I was worried that you

couldn’t take good care of Tommy, and that you wouldn’t recover well. I was also afraid that you would

think too much due to my absence, and that you wouldn’t love me anymore. I was so scared. I haven’t

had a good sleep in a long time."

Ophelia stopped struggling slowly and looked up at Zachariah, finding that he had lost much weight.

His slightly plump cheeks had become sunken, and his face was covered with the stubble. His deep

and bright eyes had turned bloodshot. The Zachariah before was handsome and cool, but now, he

looked haggard and drawn.

Her heart aching for him, Ophelia stroked his cheek and asked, "What happened to the Chambers

Group? Why didn’t you tell me about it?"

Zachariah grabbed her hand and entwined his fingers with hers. "You haven’t fully recovered yet, and I

didn’t want to make you worry."

"But don’t you know you’d make me worry more when you’ve been missing for two weeks? I thought

you wanted to divorce me because I was being too headstrong. I was suffering each day. I was worried

that there would be a divorce settlement in your hand when you showed up again. Truly, you said you

wanted to divorce me a while ago, and you talked with me over the division of marital property, but you

loved some other woman at that time, so I had to accept it. But now is different. You just tell me you

love me, and suddenly, you want to divorce me. How can I take that? I haven’t slept well for days

either. I dread to think of you coming with the divorce settlement."

Zachariah kissed the back of her hand regretfully and said, "It’s my fault. But what made you think I

would divorce you? Once I’ve decided which woman to be with, I’ll spend the rest of my life with her.

We still have our life time to love each other. Don’t ever think about divorce again, you get that?"

Ophelia nodded, stared at Zachariah, who looked much thinner now, and asked, "What made you lose

so much weight? Haven’t you eaten well?"

Zachariah replied carelessly, "I’m alright."


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