Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 544 Helena Compromised

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"I think Ophelia is the one who asked for a divorce first, isn’t she?" It was a question, but Helena said it

affirmatively. "Don’t deny it. You’re my son and I know you well. Once you choose someone, you won’t

change your mind easily. Your affair happens to provide Ophelia with an opportunity to ask for a

divorce. I don’t know why she suddenly wants to divorce you, but I think it must have something to do

with her eyes, and that’s why I step in and use Tommy to make her stay. Who knew you would come up

with such an awful plan?"

Zachariah kept quiet.

Helena breathed a sigh and went on, "Zachariah, I’m not saying your plan is infeasible, but I’m getting

old now, and I think your relationship has become more and more fragile. But maybe you’re right.

There’re many unstable factors in your marriage, and probably it’s better for you and her to get a

divorce and start afresh. Well, I don’t want to get involved, but you have to promise me that I can see

Tommy whenever I want, even if you get a divorce."

Zachariah heaved a sigh of relief. "Mom, thank you! I can never be so generous as you," he sighed


"After these days, I assume you must have more complaints about me than respect for me," Helena

shook her head and said carelessly. "I’ve been mean to Ophelia recently, and she must have been

upset too."

"She won’t take it to heart. She’s always been respectful of the elder generation."

Helena nodded.

"Zachariah, I hope you’ll make a right choice this time," she said. "But for the record, if you get a

divorce and Ophelia wouldn’t accept you again, I’ll take legal action to get Tommy back. The eldest

grandson of the Chambers family can’t be left out of the household."

Zachariah replied decidedly, "Mom, Ophelia belongs to me, and she belongs to only me. I won’t allow

anyone else to get her. I believe she still loves me."

Probably because Zachariah was too confident of it, he was devastated when he learned that Ophelia

had left this city. Then he spent the next two years looking for her in despair and numbing himself with


During those two years, he had pushed himself to the limit. His life was filled with work, which made

Helena, who had used to like Ophelia, hate her gradually. Therefore, when Zachariah finally found her,

Helena wasn’t so happy about it. In her opinion, Ophelia didn’t love Zachariah at all, nor was she a

thoughtful person. So when Zachariah and Ophelia were about to get back together, she became the

one to sabotage their relationship secretly.

"Since you’ve said so, I have nothing to say. I just hope you won’t keep me waiting."

"No, I won’t."

Helena nodded, saying nothing.

"Then what about dad?"

"I’ll tell dad all this. We have the same opinion. Now that I agree to the plan, he won’t say no. It’s just

that you two have to be more serious about your relationship. You’re 30 now, and you can’t make the

same mistake again and again."

"Mom, I won’t again. It’s not like I make mistakes all the time."

"Just because you don’t, your father and I are so angry about your affair this time. You dad even

thought of disinheriting you."

Zachariah fell into silence.

Helena continued, "Your dad did so because he was furious. You’ve made the Chambers Group

prosper, and he won’t put its future at stake, even if he’s angry with you. Besides, you’re his only son. If

you don’t inherit the business, who will? Savannah? All she cares about is beer and skittles. If she

inherits the business, it’ll fail sooner or later."

"Mom, I don’t care," Zachariah said. Admittedly, the Chambers Group was a huge corporation, but he

was able to build another "Chambers Group" if the old one failed, and he would build it even better. He

had the capability, and that was why he had confidence in it.

However, Helena didn’t say anything.

Now that Helena and Zachariah had reached an agreement, she felt less angry with Ophelia. She

hated Ophelia not being considerate enough, and that was why she had disliked her so much before.

Why must Ophelia get a divorce? Helena couldn’t stand Ophelia’s stubbornness.

The next morning, Helena and Steffan were sitting on the couch after breakfast. At this moment,

Helena waved at Ophelia and said, "Ophelia, Zachariah, come here."

Ophelia’s heart jumped into her throat, but she still walked over to them obediently, while Zachariah

followed her. Savannah, who had always wanted to stir up trouble, also joined them and sat down next

to Helena.

Helena shot a glance at Savannah and said, "Savannah, go back to your room. Your dad and I have

something to tell Zachariah and Ophelia."

Savannah curled her lips and begged, "Mom, I’m also a member of this family. I want to be here too."

Helena made a long face. "Go back to your room."

Seeing that, Savannah gave up. Now Helena and Steffan were the only people who would support her.

If she offended the two of them, nobody would care about her. Zachariah was indifferent to her, and he

might not get involved in her issues anymore.

Savannah threw a glance at Ophelia. The look in her eyes was a mixture of resentment and

complacency. Yesterday, she jeered at Ophelia and thus had a condescending attitude towards her. No

matter how their marriage would end, Ophelia was destined to go blind shortly after. What could a blind

person do? She could do nothing. Not only couldn’t she do anything, but she would be needing help, so

Ophelia wouldn’t be a danger to her in the future.

With this thought, Savannah became more pleased with herself. Now she looked at Ophelia with

contempt as she jumped up the stairs.

Ophelia pretended not to have noticed the contempt in Savannah’s eyes, standing in front of Helena


Helena pointed to the other end of the couch and said, "Take a seat."

Zachariah put his arm around Ophelia’s shoulder and the two sat down on the couch.

Helena gave a little cough and said, "Ophelia, I’ll make no objection if you insist on divorcing

Zachariah. Tommy is still young, and it’s better for him to live with his mom, so you may have custody

of Tommy, but on one condition."

Ophelia stared at Helena in amazement. It didn’t occur to her that Helena would change her mind in

such a short time. Yesterday, she was threatening her and Zachariah with her heart condition, but

today, she made a compromise, which left Ophelia dumbfounded.

Seeing that, Savannah gave up. Now Helena and Steffan were the only people who would support her.

If she offended the two of them, nobody would care about her. Zachariah was indifferent to her, and he

might not get involved in her issues anymore.

Savannah threw a glance at Ophelia. The look in her eyes was a mixture of resentment and

complacency. Yesterday, she jeered at Ophelia and thus had a condescending attitude towards her. No

matter how their marriage would end, Ophelia was destined to go blind shortly after. What could a blind

person do? She could do nothing. Not only couldn't she do anything, but she would be needing help, so

Ophelia wouldn't be a danger to her in the future.

With this thought, Savannah became more pleased with herself. Now she looked at Ophelia with

contempt as she jumped up the stairs.

Ophelia pretended not to have noticed the contempt in Savannah's eyes, standing in front of Helena


Helena pointed to the other end of the couch and said, "Take a seat."

Zachariah put his arm around Ophelia’s shoulder and the two sat down on the couch.

Helena gave a little cough and said, "Ophelia, I'll make no objection if you insist on divorcing

Zachariah. Tommy is still young, and it’s better for him to live with his mom, so you may have custody

of Tommy, but on one condition."

Ophelia stared at Helena in amazement. It didn’t occur to her that Helena would change her mind in

such a short time. Yesterday, she was threatening her and Zachariah with her heart condition, but

today, she made a compromise, which left Ophelia dumbfounded.


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