Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 321 Stay with Her

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Zachariah smiled dotingly while saying, “Don’t you think it’s a bit more romantic to have dinner under

warm light?”

Ophelia replied with a cute tone, “I saw in some movies that couples often enjoyed candlelight dinner

together. Don’t you think it’s also a choice for romance? I just want myself to be part of such a

romance. Mr. Chambers, please…”

Zachariah smiled and still turned off all lights as she required. Soon, the apartment fell into darkness.

When Ophelia was about to deal with those candles, Zachariah hurried over to take over the candles,

“Just take your seat. Let me handle it.”

She said down and found it hard to see things clearly in the dark. But she felt relaxed and secured. She

wondered perhaps it was because of Zachariah’s company.

She suddenly smiled, “Mr. Chambers, it seems that we just made a foolish mistake. Why don’t we light

them up before we turned off the lights?”

Zachariah ran into a pause. Even he himself didn’t notice that he seemed to be a bit retarded when

spending time with her.

It took him quite a while to light up those candles. Then he took a seat beside.

Under the candlelight, Ophelia’s burning face looked more alluring.

Meanwhile, Zachariah’s eyes turned to be more affectionate.

Ophelia raised up a glass of milk, which was just served by Zachariah, “Cheers.”

They clinked their glasses. Zachariah took a sip and put it down. Then he picked up some food for her

and said, “Time to taste it.”

He kept his eyes on her to watch her expression while she was taking a bite. She didn’t even notice

that Zachariah actually looked quite nervous at this moment.

“Does it taste good?”

Ophelia raised her head to look at him, showing no response.

Zachariah frowned, “It doesn’t taste good?”

His heart seemed to skip a beat while Ophelia was still chewing decently.

Zachariah seemed to drop his last hope. His voice sounded a bit nervous, “It tastes awful?”

Staring at his tense face, she couldn’t help giggling. Not until then did he realize that he was being


“You naughty girl.” Sighed Zachariah.

Ophelia swallowed the food and presented him a thumb-up, “Mr. Chambers, I didn’t expect you to be

so good at cooking.”

Zachariah finally let out a breath of relief.


Ophelia nodded and took a big bite of food.

She was overwhelmed with happiness at this moment—Zachariah not only treated her with great

tenderness today, but also cooked for her. It was so surprising that she had never expected before.

“Mr. Chambers, I have never seen you cooking before. When did you learn to cook yourself?” Ophelia

couldn’t help asking curiously.

Zachariah said while picking up food to her again, “The foreign dishes didn’t fit my appetite when I was

studying abroad. So I learn to cook by myself. I even paid for cooking courses so as to get myself some

tasty dishes. So I learned both domestic and western dishes. Actually, I am also good at western

dishes though I don’t like that taste so much.”

Ophelia still kept her thumb up, “Mr. Chambers, you are so amazing! I feel really proud for being your

wife. That’s my man! I couldn’t help wondering how I make myself marry such an excellent guy like

you. I always stay grateful for this marriage though I was driven by money at the beginning. But now…”

Ophelia didn’t finish what was in her mind. But she was sure Zachariah could get it.

Zachariah stood up, reached forward and patted on her head, “You silly girl!”

Upon hearing that, Ophelia even felt like crying. Under the candlelight, Zachariah looked so mild and

gentle that he got her so enchanted.

Ophelia lowered down her head to wipe her tears stealthily for she was afraid to spoil the romantic


Then more food appeared on her plate while Zachariah was saying, “Time to get yourself stuffed.”

Ophelia kept her head down to get down to food while he was watching her with doting eyes.

Perhaps it was because his gaze was being too passionate, Ophelia couldn’t stay composed anymore.

She raised her head and looked at his plate with rice only, “Mr. Chambers, aren’t you going to enjoy

your dishes?”

“I just want to enjoy your beauty.” Said Zachariah.

Ophelia paused for a while. Then her face felt like burning.

“Mr. Chambers, I can’t believe that now you are so good at sweet words. Tell me with honest. How

many girls have ever heard of the same things from you?”

Zachariah couldn’t help smiling, “Are you being jealous?”

Ophelia shook her head to reply.

Zachariah continued to pick up food for her, “Enjoy the dinner. I will stay with you tonight.”

Ophelia also picked up some food for him, “You are not going back to the hospital?”

“You want me to?”

Ophelia shook her head, “I can tell how much Miss Fletcher needs you. Are you sure she will just let

you stay?”

But obviously, Zachariah didn’t want Cora to be part of the conversation. So he tried to fudge, “I have

told her that I would be at home today. Besides, Savannah will be with her tonight since they have been

friends for years.”

Hearing that, Ophelia still looked impassive.

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling unhappy?”


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