Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 413 Come Home

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Madeleine clenched her teeth and said, "Miss King, we all know you’re full of shit, and you don’t have

to prove it to us again and again."

Gracie ignored Madeleine and held her chin up high, taking the high road.

"Ophelia, I heard that you gave birth to a boy. Now you have a husband and a son, and you’ve got all

the things a woman is supposed to have, but why must you have teased Tassach when he was

determined to forget you?" Arms-crossed, Gracie questioned Ophelia.

Ophelia stared at her.

Madeleine, nevertheless, couldn’t stand it anymore and chimed in, "Miss King, I’m afraid it’s not up to

you to decide who Mr. Conduibh should be with. Ophelia had a car accident, and it’s reasonable that he

paid her a visit. Do you want to put the 'Mrs. Conduibh’ hat on and control him while you haven’t even

married him yet?"

Gracie squinted at Madeleine with a defiant air and replied, "So what if I do? Tassach will be mine

someday. Both his family and mine have tacitly approved of our relationship, and we’ll get married

sooner or later. I’m just exercising my right in advance."

Madeleine was lost for words because she found Gracie delusional.

What Gracie said also left Ophelia dumbfounded. Truly, Gracie was staking out her claim, but that also

showed how unconfident she was.

A confident woman never revolved around a man. A smart woman would make her man obsessed with

her while keeping him at an arm’s length. In that case, all he could think of was still her, even though

they were a million miles apart from each other.

Gracie rose to her feet and looked down at Ophelia in a condescending way, saying, "Since you aren’t

dead, I have no reason to stay. I’m leaving now."

After that, she left immediately before Ophelia and Madeleine could say anything.

Madeleine scowled at her back, stupefied. Then she looked at Ophelia and snorted, "Is there

something wrong with that woman’s… ?" She pointed at her own head.

Ophelia said resignedly, "That’s just some nonsense. Ignore her."

Hands on her hips, Madeleine retorted indignantly, "But she’s so mean! Didn’t you hear what she just

said? No wonder Jinx doesn’t love her. Were I a man, I wouldn’t choose her either. Her only redeeming

feature is her appearance, and her personality is simply nasty."

"Well, she isn’t happy either. She has done so much for Tassach yet gets nothing back from him. I

totally understand why she would vent her anger on me."

"Don’t be ridiculous! She loves Jinx, but does that mean Jinx must love her back? Love doesn’t work

that way. Otherwise, no one would ever have killed themselves for love."

Ophelia shook her head. Apparently, she didn’t want to bother herself with this issue anymore. In her

view, Gracie was nothing but a passer-by in her life, and she wasn’t worth her attention at all.

One month had passed in the blink of an eye, and Tommy was one month old. The Chambers family

took the celebration party very seriously. After all, he was the first grandson of the family. Therefore,

Helena began to make preparations the day Tommy was brought home. She went through everything

herself, including the decoration of the house, the invitation cards and so on. Zachariah, who was busy

working and taking care of Ophelia, didn’t pay much attention to the celebration party instead, while

Ophelia did. However, she hadn’t fully recovered yet. Even if she had spent the last month in the

hospital, she could only walk in a small area, and her body would ache all over if she walked a little

longer, so she was unable to help with the celebration party.

It was Tommy’s one-month-old celebration party today. Accompanied by two doctors and two nurses,

Ophelia was discharged from hospital and taken back to the Chambers Mansion by Zachariah


Ophelia felt as if she was dreaming at the sight of the newly decorated house. It had only been one

month, but she felt that it had been a century since she had been here. It might be because she had

just returned from the gate of hell, and the things bothering her before didn’t seem that important

anymore. Now she didn’t split hairs, nor did she torture herself by letting her imagination run away with


Helena greeted them, hugged Ophelia, who was helped up by Zachariah, passionately, and said in a

gentle voice, "Welcome home, Ophelia."

Warmth surged through Ophelia, and she hugged Helena back, smiling, "Thank you, Helena."

Helena loosened her arms around Ophelia and said, "Let me take you to Tommy’s room. It’s been half

a month, and he has been missing his mom."

Ophelia, of course, missed her son as well. Now Tommy was one month old, but as his mother, she

had hardly seen him.


At this moment, Zachariah scooped Ophelia up, which made her let out a cry and throw her arms

around his neck.

Ophelia said with embarrassment, "Zachariah, Helena is here. Put me down."

Zachariah, nonetheless, replied righteously, "You haven’t fully recovered yet, and you can’t walk too

much. Besides, you’ll get to Tommy’s room sooner like this. Don’t you want to see your boy?"

Ophelia compromised because Tommy was her Achilles heel.

Zachariah, with Ophelia in his arms, followed Helena up to the second floor. When they walked into the

baby’s room specially prepared by Helena, Ophelia saw Tommy lying in the crib, her heart melting.

A baby changed significantly as it grew up every day. It had been only half a month but Ophelia could

hardly recognize Tommy now.

Now Tommy was one month old, and he had tender skin, ruddy and chubby cheeks and fine features.

He just looked like a lovely porcelain doll.

Ophelia asked Zachariah to put her down.

Just as he put her down, Ophelia crouched down by the crib and reached out to stroke Tommy’s cheek

carefully. Thanks to the spiritual bond between the mother and the baby, as soon as she touched him,

Tommy woke up, stared at Ophelia with his dark and bright eyes, and stretched out his little hands,


Helena smiled, "Seems that Tommy knows his mother came to see him. He was sound asleep, but

woke up once you came."

Ophelia coaxed with a faint smile, "Tommy, it’s mom. Say 'mommy'."

Tommy seemed to understand her and began to gurgle.

Helena’s grin widened. "Tommy is such a smart boy. He understands his mom now."

Ophelia was overwhelmed with happiness.


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