Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 403 Failure

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Zachariah didn’t care about the five muscular men at all.

“June, do you think I can do nothing with you with five guards around you?” Zachariah asked.

June shook his hand and remarked, “No, no, I know you are good at Chinese kung fu. I have also

practiced martial arts since I was young, however, I can’t even fight back with you. It seems we’re in a

situation when an unscrupulous wealthy man encounters a powerful bully. In my view, if the baby is not

harmed, both of us can step back and promise we won’t find each other trouble in the future. How

about that?”

Zachariah pretended to consider his suggestion and replied, “Yes, I will consider it as long as you break

one of your hands.”

June’s expression changed.

“Zachariah, you should know it is a wise choice to show mercy. Although a wealthy man can’t do

anything with a powerful bully, I am afraid it is hard for you to handle if a wealthy foreigner dies in your

country.” June tried to convince him.

“Don’t worry. I will handle everything well and no one can find a clue if I want to kill someone.”

Zachariah replied.

June hid among the five guards and commanded, “Kill him.”

Before the five guards could shoot, more than ten men in black came behind them and shot them

quickly. June escaped by dodging swiftly.

He never expected people would shoot them from behind. Although there were five guards to protect

him, June almost got shot.

They never expected such thing to happen.

June was regretful at this point. He was too presumptuous to underestimate Zachariah’s strength. Now

he was in a dilemma.

“Stop! Stop! I lose.” June dodged awkwardly and also shouted awkwardly.

Zachariah raised his hand to hint them to stop. Morgan said, “Stop.”

Tens of well-trained guards in black soon ran behind Zachariah’s back.

June’s five guards all got injured, but it was not fatal injury. After all, Zachariah didn’t want to kill them at

this point, it explained why June could bark like a maniac.

June petted the dirt on his suit and showed a thumb’s up to Zachariah, saying, “No wonder people call

you young master. I couldn’t compare with you.”

Zachariah looked at him coldly and remarked, “June, you’re only a bit better than an outcast. Don’t be

presumptuous and think you can compete with me. I am only here to give you a lesson today. If you

dare hurt my family in the future, I will make it impossible for you to leave this country. Remember this. I

am not joking.”

June felt terrible. He felt he was nothing in front of Zachariah after losing his face.

If it was Cora who made him hate Zachariah, now it was time for a man-man competition.

“Zachariah, don’t make a judgement too soon. You cannot be sure that I am only a bit better than an

outcast. Well, you have already taught me a lesson. Can I leave now?” June remarked casually.

“Let your guards retreat first.”

June got hesitated.

“What? Are you afraid of them?” Zachariah tried to provoke him.

“How could?” June raised up his hand and remarked, “Retreat.”

Zachariah also commanded the guards behind him to step back.

Fearfully, June looked at him and remarked, “Are you going to tell me something?”

“You can go back to tell Cora to stop finding troubles anymore. Our relation should end five years ago.

Stay away from Ophelia and my son, otherwise, I don’t mind teach the Fletcher family a lesson. I think

she don’t want her family to be ruined because of her so-called love.” Zachariah remarked.

June raised up his eyebrows and replied mysteriously, “Why don’t you tell her these words in person? If

you treat her badly, I think she won’t tangle with you anymore, right?”

Zachariah showed him a complex look and suddenly took action. He was so fast that June was slapped

and got kicked without realizing it. He was directly kicked on the ground.

June coughed painfully. He covered his belly and a flicker of anger passed over his eyes. However, he

soon hid his negative emotion and acted normally by smiling.

“Zachariah, it’s a shame for me to lose this game. Are you satisfied by slapping me and kicking me?”

June coughed again and smiled casually.

Zachariah stared at him coldly. He went forward, while June supported his body to step backwards


Not only did he worry about Zachariah now, but he began to be scared of him.

Zachariah got more strength than he imagined.

“Zachariah, let’s talk peacefully. There is no need to fight.”

Zachariah took out a knife behind him. Suddenly, June’s eyes pooped up when seeing it. It was hard

for him to pretend calm anymore. He remarked, “Are you going to kill me?”

Zachariah squatted down and petted his cheek with the knife, replying, “I won’t waste time talking with

you if I want to kill you. I just want to teach you a lesson that a foreigner can’t do anything he wants in

our country. No one can harm people from the Chambers family.

After saying this, Zachariah grabbed his hand and pressed it on the floor. Then he swiftly used to knife

to stab on his palm.


June let off a serious of painful screams.

Zachariah stabbed again teasingly and June’s painful sound got more serious.

Zachariah took out the knife and swept the blood on it calmly, remarking coldly, “Go away!”

June covered his bloody hand when cold sweat coming down because of pain.

He struggled to get up from the ground and glanced at Zachariah, saying, “Thank you for sparing my

life.” I would take my revenge later. June didn’t finish his sentence and murmured in his mind.

Zachariah looked at him coldly and remarked, “This is just a little lesson. Don’t pretend to be

mysterious and cool if you are not good at it.”

Zachariah then threw away the knife and left without turning around. Meanwhile, guards behind him

also left together.


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