Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 442 Disillusionment

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Savannah thoroughly conceived that she was nothing without the protection of the family. She cannot

lead a life in this world with her ill temper. No one will pay for her and even the old women who sold

vegetables can lead a better life than she did. They made a living by themselves, while she was just a

parasite who can do nothing to support herself except play and waste money. She didn’t want to work

because the salary was so little in her eyes and she was reluctant to do anything for others. So she led

an unhappy life during the half and one month after she left the family.

She also went to her good friends and asked for help, but those so-called good friends changed a face

when they knew that she was ejected from the family. Cora ever came and found her, but she just gave

her one hundred thousand yuan. She even said that the family will be softened and pick her up back as

long as she pretended to be more pathetic.

As a result, she was in a total mess. However, when she went to the gate of the main house, those

guards seemed to know nothing about her. She scolded and hit them, but they kept her from entering

the gate. When she wanted to stay and wait in the surroundings, she was forcibly sent away by the


She had been privileged since she was a child, and she never suffered much pain. In the past half and

one month, she tasted the fickleness of human nature. She was aware that she cannot live without the

protection of the family.

Zachariah pushed Savannah away and said, “Stop crying or I go now.”

Savannah stared at Zachariah and stopped crying.

“Did they bully you? You know what I am saying.” Zachariah looked at her, asking without emotion in

his voice.

Savannah bit her lip and finally shook her head awkwardly. She said, “No, but I would have been ruined

by them if the bodyguards didn’t come on time. Elder brother, you have to punish the gangs severely.”

Zachariah peeped at Savannah with disappointment in his eyes. At such a time, what in her mind was

to avenge.

“Then Ophelia and Tommy are my wife and son, can I say that I should punish you severely?”

Zachariah simply asked.

Savannah was choked.

While Mrs. Chambers in the car worried Savannah, she handed Tommy over to Ophelia, “Ophelia, you

and Tommy stay in the car, I and your dad get off to have a look.”

Ophelia nodded with little expression.

Mrs. Chambers also knew that it’s some hurt to Ophelia that she was so concerned about Savannah,

but she was her only daughter. Mrs. Chambers cannot leave Savannah alone at this time.

Mrs. Chambers got off and was about to run to Savannah, but she was stopped by Mr. Chambers out

of worries.

“Helena, you don't worry and Zachariah is there. Besides, you’d better not be so urgent. Ophelia must

still embrace some resentment to what Savannah has done. Ophelia will be unhappy to see you be so

worried.” Mr. Chambers reminded.

Mrs. Chambers frowned, sighing, and finally slowed down.

She did worry Savannah, but she had to take Ophelia's feelings into account.

“Savannah.” Mrs. Chambers appeared to break the ice between Savannah and Zachariah.

As soon as Savannah saw Mrs. Chambers, her tears immediately came out. She ran directly into Mrs.

Chambers' arms, “Mom.”

Mrs. Chambers hugged her and became more worried while seeing her uncombed.

“What's the matter? Were you bullied by them?” Mrs. Chambers asked nervously.

Savannah kept crying, and Mrs. Chambers got more worries.

She patted Savannah while looking over at Zachariah, “Zachariah, how is Savannah? Was she


Zachariah shook his head, “She said no.”

Mrs. Chambers wore a cold face, “Why is she crying with so much grievance if not, and where are the


“They are gone.”

Mrs. Chambers stared at Zachariah with blame in her eyes, “Zachariah, how can you let them go?

Whatever Savannah has done before, she is your younger sister anyway. She was never treated like

that, how can you let them go?”

Mr. Chambers thought that Mrs. Chambers sort of overreacted, so he said in a small voice, “Helena,

you calm down. We should figure the whole thing out first.”

Mrs. Chambers took a deep breath, but still worried Savannah for what she had experienced.

Seeing Savannah crying, Zachariah said without emotion, “Mom, I said I won't intervene in her things.

Why I come here is to get Ophelia out of the dilemma between you and father. She is tolerant enough

and I hope that you don’t show your partiality in front of Ophelia.”

Mrs. Chambers paused.

Hearing his words, Savannah stared at him and shouted out of control, “Elder brother, I was ejected

from the family by mom and dad, and now I was almost raped by a dozen of people. Is it enough for me

to have a lesson? You all said that I have no conscience, no humanity, but was Ophelia hurt? She and

Tommy are fine now and why are you all criticizing me?”

Zachariah shot her a cold look, and had no interest to say something more with her.

“Dad, mom, I first go back to the car and it’s up to you how to handle her?” Finishing, he turned and

went to the car.

Mrs. Chambers glanced at Zachariah, opened her mouth but finally gave up to stop Zachariah.

Mrs. Chambers looked at Savannah with a stubborn stare, poking her forehead, and said, “You know

your brother is still angry, why you talk thoughtlessly to make him angry. Do you know if it weren't your

brother, you would have been arrested?”

Savannah also was terrified, but she still said stubbornly, “Mom, the gangs are so bad, otherwise, I will

not be in such a mess. Mom, I want to go home. I really got a lesson and I am aware that I am nothing

without you, without dad and without the family. Mom, you let me come back home, and I promise I will

never make you angry again.”

Mrs. Chambers gave Mr. Chambers a look.

Mr. Chambers said, “Let her come back with us now.”


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