Novel Name : Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game

Billionaire Lost to His Surrogate In A Love Game Chapter 418 Beg for Mercy

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Savannah bit her lips angrily and suddenly ran from Mrs. Fletcher’s back. She kneeled down in front of

Mrs. Chambers and cried out in tears, “Mom, I am sorry.”

What Savannah was doing suddenly caught attention from the surrounding guests.

Mrs. Chambers almost lost her control because of anger and remarked, “Savannah, stand up.”

Savannah shook her head hardly and refused to get up.

Mr. Chambers, Zachariah and Ophelia, who were talking with others on the other side walked towards

them when finding what happened.

Mr. Chambers frowned and scolded in a low voice, “Savannah, what are you doing? Get up. Today is

your niece’s first month party. Are you trying to let others make fun of us by doing this?”

Savannah stared at Ophelia angrily and cried in aggrievance, “Dad, I just want to go home. You have

gotten angry with me, scolded me and driven me out. I have been away from home for half a month

and have realized I am nothing without my family. Please let me come back. I don’t want to eat those

junk food and wear cheap clothes. I get thinner and rougher skin after been away from home for only

half a month. Dad, don’t you feel sorry for me?”

Mr. Chambers found his head got hurt. Savannah’s behaviour was deemed to make the Chambers

family became the joke.

“Savannah, get up. Don’t scare your niece. Let’s discuss about it later when the party is over. Lots of

people are watching us. Don’t behave like your parents are bullying you.” Mr. Chambers tried to

suppress his anger and remarked.

However, Savannah was still kneeling down stupidly.

The guests, watching the scene of bustle, gradually gathered around. The lady who got acquainted

with Mrs. Chambers remarked, “What happened, Savannah? Today is your niece’s first month party.

You will bring bad luck by kneeling on the floor and crying. You’d better get up first. If you have irritated

your mother, say something nice and she will cool down soon. You don’t have to make the situation so

embarrassed. Well, look at your mother, she already gets bad expression for what you have done.

Come on, listen to my words, get up first.”

Savannah raised up her head and found her mother was indeed wearing a terrible look. She didn’t dare

challenge her tolerance and got up obediently.

Ophelia showed Zachariah a weird look and walked towards Savannah, saying carefully, “Savannah,

you should go back to your room and take a bath first. Your makeup is running.”

However, Ophelia’s kindness didn’t receive a good response.

Savannah really hated Ophelia to the mallow of her bones. She wouldn’t suffer if it were not her. Now

she had to bear others’ command and even scold. She had never tasted such feeling as the daughter

in the Chambers family, making her feel unprecedented shame and regret.

Half month’s independence didn’t teach her a lesson to reflect on what she had done, but aggravated

her wrong thought to become more and more resentful on Ophelia.

“Ophelia, don’t pretend to be concerned about me. I won’t be in such situation if it were not you.”

Savannah scolded loudly out of irritation.

Ophelia got confused by her terrible words.

Mrs. Chambers was afraid that Savannah would confess what she had done irrationally. In that way, all

of her efforts would be in vain.

“Savannah, shut up.” Mrs. Chambers finally lost control. Her voice became sharp because of anger.

All people were astonished at her behaviour and threw an unbelievable look to her.

After all, Mrs. Chambers was always of good nature to be gentle and elegant. They had never seen her

behaviour with no decency.

Mr. Chambers held her arms and whispered, “Helena, calm down. The guests are here.”

Mrs. Chambers took a deep breath and became gentle again. She smiled and said to all the present

guests, “I am sorry, everybody. What Savannah has done is really inappropriate.”

“Nothing. You don’t have to be angry and hurt yourself because of your daughter’s mistake. Don’t make

her scared.” The lady remarked kindly.

Mrs. Chambers nodded. Then she turned around to look at Savannah and remarked nicely, “Savannah,

go upstairs with mom. You have smeared your makeup.”

Savannah didn’t dare cause trouble anymore and stood by her mother’s side obediently.

Mrs. Chambers remarked towards Ophelia, “Ophelia, treat the guests nicely with Zachariah and your


Ophelia nodded. “Mom, don’t worry.”

After Mrs. Chambers got upstairs with Savannah, Madeleine hold Tommy in her arms and came by

Ophelia’s side. Ophelia leaned her head and whispered, “Did Tommy get scared?”

Madeleine also whispered to respond, “The little one is fine.”

Ophelia looked at Tommy and remarked, “Madeleine, you can carry him upstairs first. There are lots of

people ad I am afraid they will scare him.”

Madeleine thought for a while and finally nodded.

Mr. Chambers led the guests back to the party. Only Zachariah, Ophelia, Madeleine and the Fletcher

family remained here.

Cora stared at Zachariah anxiously. She ignored Ophelia, who was standing by his side, and remarked,

“Zach, I have heard today is your son’s first month party. I call my parents here to accompany me to

have a look of him. Do you welcome me?”

Zachariah frowned. A flicker of impatience passed over his eyes.

“Cora, today is Tommy’s first month party. I am glad you’re here.” Zachariah gave her a polite but

distant answer.

Cora ignored the coldness on his face and smiled appropriately, asking, “Zach, I want to hug your son.

Is that fine?”

Zachariah held Ophelia’s waist and hinted her to stop thinking too much.

Ophelia raised up her head and looked at Zachariah in the eye. Suddenly, she smiled, which was

telling Zachariah that she was fine.

Seeing their sweet interaction, Cora couldn’t help clenching her fists tightly. The delicate makeup she

wore also got twisted.

Madeleine was holding Tommy and stood between them, blocking Cora’s jealous


Ophelia looked at Tommy and remarked, “Madeleine, you can carry him upstairs first. There are lots of

people ad | am afraid they will scare him.”

Madeleine thought for a while and finally nodded.

Mr. Chambers led the guests back to the party. Only Zachariah, Ophelia, Madeleine and the Fletcher

family remained here.

Cora stared at Zachariah anxiously. She ignored Ophelia, who was standing by his side, and remarked,

“Zach, | have heard today is your son’s first month party. | call my parents here to accompany me to

have a look of him. Do you welcome me?”

Zachariah frowned. A flicker of impatience passed over his eyes.

“Cora, today is Tommy's first month party. | am glad you're here.” Zachariah gave her a polite but

distant answer.

Cora ignored the coldness on his face and smiled appropriately, asking, “Zach, | want to hug your son.

Is that fine?”

Zachariah held Ophelia’s waist and hinted her to stop thinking too much.

Ophelia raised up her head and looked at Zachariah in the eye. Suddenly, she smiled, which was

telling Zachariah that she was fine.

Seeing their sweet interaction, Cora couldn't help clenching her fists tightly. The delicate makeup she

wore also got twisted.

Madeleine was holding Tommy and stood between them, blocking Cora’s jealous



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