Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 358

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Previously when Travis arrived at Eastcliff, Stanley purposely brought Matthew to meet him as he wanted

Matthew to represent Eastshire in the competition.

Back then, Travis despised Matthew and directly rejected him before humiliating him.

After that, when Matthew represented Eastcliff in the competition, he still looked down upon him.

Unexpectedly, Matthew was an expert in medicine!

As the heir of the Hughes family, Travis had been given an important assignment concerning this

medical exchange conference.

If they won, he would be the master of his family.

If they lost, not only would he lose his identity as the heir, but he would also be expelled from the core

power of his family and became an insignificant member.

The medical exchange conference was extremely important to the Hughes because if they were

victorious, they could rise again and advance by leaps and bounds among the Ten Greatest Families of

Eastshire to become the top five, or even the top three families.

If they lost, the Hughes would be in trouble because the other families behind them might surpass them

and even kick them out of the Ten Greatest Families.

Therefore, the result of this competition was extremely crucial for both Travis and the Hughes.

However, due to his arrogance, Travis had stopped Matthew from representing Eastshire.

If Matthew had meagre medical skills, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

However, if Matthew was an expert in medicine and rose to prominence during this conference, there

would be trouble.

By that time, the Hughes Family would lose and Travis might not only lose his identity as an heir.

If the Hughes found out that he was the culprit who led to their crushing defeat due to his arrogance, he

might even lose his life.

Clenching his teeth, Travis’s face became ferocious.

No way. I can’t let Matthew win no matter what!

Right at this moment, a group of people walked into the room and Mr. Harrison was among them.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry but this meeting room belongs to the Eastcliff Representatives.

Eastshire Representatives’ resting room is there. Shall I lead you there?” Mr. Harrison asked while

smiling apologetically.

As soon as he finished his sentence, he noticed that his granddaughter’s wrist was being grabbed by


At once, his face froze and he looked extremely angry.

Tonight, he had deliberately arranged for Crystal to welcome Matthew with the sole objective of allowing

her to spend more time with Matthew.

If Crystal could get together with Matthew, that would be the best because Matthew was definitely the

best grandson-in-law he could ever wish for.

Even if both of them couldn’t make a pair, befriending Matthew would also greatly benefit Crystal’s future.

However, he had never expected that Crystal would get involved with Travis after offending Matthew.

How could she stand beside Matthew’s enemy?

What was she trying to do?!

“Crystal, what are you doing? We’re in public! A-Are you trying to drive me mad?!” Mr. Harrison trembled

in anger while scolding her.

Crystal’s face flushed red. “Grandpa, i-it’s not my fault. He doesn’t want to let me go and even tried to

sexually harass me! Grandpa, save me!”

Mr. Harrison’s expression changed instantly and he condemned angrily, “Travis, how dare you humiliate

my granddaughter? Do you really think that the Hughes can dominate the world?

Even though I’m not as powerful as your family, I’m not someone who you can humiliate as you wish! If

you fail to give me an explanation, don’t even dream of walking out of Eastcliff even if it costs my life!”

Travis glanced at Mr. Harrison and sneered, “Mr. Harrison, don’t vent your anger on me. I’m not the one

to be blamed for this matter. It was your granddaughter who willingly flirted with me in an attempt to carry

on with the heir from the Ten Greatest Families.

Since she came up to me on her own, why should I reject her? You should blame yourself for failing to

educate your granddaughter, who proves to be materialistic and vain. Since she foolishly dreams of

marrying into a wealthy family, she deserves to be humiliated!”


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