Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 619

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After Matthew returned to the kitchen, Demi immediately asked, “Dad, why are you giving him the BMW?

Didn’t you say you would give it to me?”

Upon hearing that, James chuckled. “Silly girl, this project will make us hundreds of millions. When the

time comes, I’ll buy each of you a new car. Why would you still want the BMW?”

Ecstatic, Demi chirped, “You’re the best, Dad!”

At that moment, Liam was excited too. “Demi, Dad did the right thing by sweetening the deal in order for

Matthew to return the shares. It’s just an old BMW; what’s wrong with giving it to Matthew? When the

time comes, each of us will have a new car that will be more expensive than his. By then, you wouldn’t

think the BMW is any good!”

Demi nodded profusely, looking forward to it.

Early the next morning, James and the rest of the family had gone to the office along with Matthew to

transfer shares. Matthew did not refuse. In fact, he was very cooperative in transferring all the shares to


As soon as everything was done, James and the others were thrilled and at noon, they went to have a

celebration banquet at a high-class restaurant—without Matthew, of course. Once the shares were

transferred, Matthew was no use to them anymore.

After three rounds of drinks, Liam started buttering up to James. “Once this project is completed, you’ll

be a real estate giant of Eastcliff! By then, Eric and Jason Cunningham would be no match for you and

soon, you’ll be on the same level as the powerful people of the Ten Greatest Families of Eastcliff. Who

knows, maybe we’ll be one of the Greatest Families too! When the time comes, we’ll show Eric and the

others who will truly bring the Cunningham Family glory and carry the family forward!”

At that moment, James was glowing as he triumphantly praised, “Ha! Liam, you’ve also contributed a lot.

We’ll go to the construction company this afternoon and appoint you as the general manager. Then,

you’ll be in charge of the villa project. You’d better not let me down!”

Overjoyed, Liam nodded. “Don’t worry; there won’t be any problems as long as I’m there.”

At once, Demi was ecstatic too. “Unlike Dame Judi Dench’s career who took off in her sixties, my father

has already risen at the age of fifty! Father, I always knew you weren’t incapable, you just lack the

opportunity. Now that the opportunity is here, no one will look down on us anymore! When you make a

lot of money, we’ll buy Cunningham Residence and then we’ll chase them out the way they did us!”

Remembering that incident, James was filled with anger. When they were kicked out of Cunningham

Residence, it was the greatest shame they experienced and because of this, James was constantly

thinking of revenge!

Gritting her teeth, Helen nodded too. “That’s right, it’s time to show them our achievements! James, how

about this? You go pick Eric and Jason up and we’ll drop by to inspect the villa area this afternoon. I want

them to see with their own eyes how big this project is!”

Upon hearing this, James’ eyes lit up. “That’s a good idea. Liam, you will go and pick them up this

afternoon, alright?”

Immediately, Liam nodded in agreement. “No problem. Leave it to me!”

With that, they ate their meal happily before rushing to the construction company.

After triumphantly showing off to a few departments, James wanted to go to the villa area for inspection

immediately. And so, Liam went to the Cunningham Residence to pick up Eric, Jason and the others

while a few people from the construction company brought James to the villa area.


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