Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 1145

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What an Arrogant and Conceited Young Man

Matthew slammed the table at that. “Here’s a piece of advice for you, you old shrew. This is between the

Leigh Family and me, so you better stay out of it, or you’ll lose your dear ol’ life here.”

Matthew’s words stunned the woman. She didn’t think someone would dare to offend her like that. For

years, she had been throwing her weight around in her father’s name, and no one had dared to cross

her. As a result, she developed a cunning and mean personality. Now that she had been admonished,

she hit the roof, quavering even as she spoke. “H-H-How dare you tell me off…”

Matthew sneered at that, “So what if I did? Who do you think you are, telling me to bow and apologize to

you when you know nothing of the situation?”

Furious, the woman screeched, “I… I’m gonna kill you!”

But just as she wanted to charge at Matthew, Brock, who was by her side, pulled her back. “Take it easy,

darling. Just leave this small fry to me. I’ll break his limbs, gouge his eyes out, and cut his tongue off.

He’s gonna wish he weren’t born!”

The woman smiled at once. “You’re the best, honey! Make sure he doesn’t die so quickly. I want to see

him tortured!”

Brock nodded with a faint smile before slowly walking up to Matthew with arrogance written all over his

face. “You’re arrogant and insolent, young man. Since you’ve asked for it, don’t mind if I do! Die!” Brock

snarled, then charged forward and swung his fists toward Matthew’s temples.

Matthew frowned, thinking, Hmm, this Brock guy isn’t weak. However, he wasn’t the slightest bit fearful

either, raising his hands simultaneously to block Brock’s attacks.

Immediately, Brock took a step forward, planning to knock Matthew down with his shoulder. Unfortunately

for Brock, Matthew had quicker reflexes. While blocking Brock’s attack, he lowered his stance slightly

and stomped his heel on the floor.

All everyone heard was the piercing screech of Matthew’s outsole rubbing against the floor, and the next

thing they knew, he shot forward like a cannonball, knocking his right shoulder against Brock’s. The

impact sent Brock flying backward before crashing heavily onto the table behind him, smashing it into


Everyone present was stupefied. No one had expected Brock to be defeated so quickly. Even Somy, who

had been smoking on his pipe the whole time, paused his actions, boring into Matthew as he exclaimed

gravely, “The Mountain Strike of the Northern Eight Fists! You’re not from Eastshire. Where on earth are

you from? Who’s your mentor?”

Matthew ignored him completely, though.

Seeing this, the woman flew into a rage. “You impudent son of a b*tch! Did you not hear my father’s

question? Answer him! Or do you actually wish for death?” As she barked, she charged at Matthew,

attempting to slap his face.

However, Somy stood right up. “Stop!”

Somewhat defiant, the woman asked, “Why, Dad?”

Somy slowly walked up to her while staring coldly at Matthew. “Why? You’re no match for him, that’s


The woman opened her mouth in an attempt to speak but dared not say anything in the end. Her father

was right. Her prowess was on par with Brock, so she certainly was no match for Matthew when he could

defeat Brock with just one move!

Standing before Matthew, Somy warned in a cold voice, “You have commendable prowess, young man.

However, you’re a little full of yourself. A martial artist needs to remember, there’s always someone better

than us! Your Northern Eight Fists are quite formidable, but it was my apprentice’s mistake for

underestimating you. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been so easy for you to defeat him just now!”

Matthew replied coldly to that, “And here’s my advice to you—don’t meddle in other people’s affairs, or

you might end up losing your dear ol’ life. It’s not worth it, don’t you think?”


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