Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 1090

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Kneel Down and Talk to Me

Wesley couldn’t help but be taken aback.

He did not expect that Matthew would be so bold.

“A-Are you serious?” Wesley said angrily. “Mr. Larson, do you know what your words mean!? The Telk

Family is a member of the Ten Greatest Families. When you declare war on the Telk Family, you are

declaring war on the Ten Greatest Families. You’d better think about it properly!”

Matthew sneered, and suddenly slapped Wesley’s face. “Kneel down! You are not qualified to talk to

me while standing!”

Wesley was furious. “Matthew Larson, don’t go too far! No matter what, I am also a member of the Telk

Family, and my brother is the head of the Telk Family. You—”

Matthew slapped him again.

Everyone in the Telk Family was angry and rushed over in an uproar.

Matthew didn’t talk any further, and waved at his subordinates. “Beat them up!”

Tiger was already prepared. He roared, “Beat them to death!”

A group of people rushed in immediately from outside. They surrounded the Telk Family and fought.

It was obvious that Tiger came prepared and had brought many people over.

There were only dozens of people in the Telk Family; they were obviously outnumbered. They were not

able to retaliate against the onslaught, and they were badly beaten up.

When Wesley saw such a situation unfold, his face became extremely ugly.

“Matthew Larson, what are you doing? Are you really going to declare war on the Ten Greatest


Matthew sat on the chair and said coldly, “I’ll say it again: Kneel down when you talk to me! Otherwise, I

will kill them all today!”

Wesley looked at the miserable state of his people from the Telk Family. No longer able to bear to see

the scene, he gritted his teeth and kneeled down in front of Matthew.

“Matthew Larson, I’ll have you know that the Telk Family will never forget this shame!”

Wesley gritted his teeth.

Matthew sneered. “Don’t worry. I won’t forget it as well! You want to know why, right? Okay, I’ll tell you!”

After Matthew finished speaking, he brought Gerald over and said coldly, “Tell him what happened

before. Listen to me clearly: I have obtained all the surveillance in your shopping mall. If you dare to tell a

lie, I will kill you directly!”

Gerald almost peed himself from Matthew’s sheer intimidation, and he was trembling as he recounted

what happened earlier.

After Wesley heard it, he was immediately stunned.

He finally understood why Matthew was so angry.

Gerald injured Matthew’s only sister and intended to rape Matthew’s wife.

It was impossible for any man to let it off so easily!

Even if the Ten Greatest Families knew about this matter, they wouldn’t be able to help them.

After all, they were in the wrong!

If the Ten Greatest Families forcibly intervened in this matter, then Billy Newman would have an excuse

to deal with them directly.

Upon that realization, Wesley slapped Gerald in the face with a slap and scolded, “You b*stard! H-How

could you do such a thing?”

Gerald fell to the ground and wetted his pants. “Wesley, I know I was wrong. Please save me. I-I swear I

will never dare to do it again…”

Wesley’s face was pale. “Do you really think you still have a future? Let me tell you: You have to pay for

what you did! Someone cut off both of his hands for me!”

The people from the Telk Family came directly over, ignoring Gerald’s wailing, and actually cut off both of

his hands.

Wesley kneeled on the ground. “Mr. Larson, this time, we really did something wrong—on behalf of the

Telk Family, I apologize to you.”

Matthew was expressionless. “Wesley Telk, the sincerity of your apology is not enough!”

Wesley’s expression changed. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, “Someone, throw him out for me!”

Gerald was so frightened that he wailed. F*ck, this is the top floor.

If they were to throw him out from here, then he would fall to his death!

“Wesley! Wesley! I know I was wrong. Please forgive me… Give me one more chance! Please, just

once! I’ll never do it again. Wesley! Please!”

No matter how he begged, no one paid attention.

The Telk Family lifted him up and threw him directly out from the window.


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