Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 412

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Looking troubled, Sasha said, “Tiger, it doesn’t work that way! Mr. Jefford and the rest of the

shareholders shared the cost of the mansion but you bought all of these on your own! Your gifts are

much too valuable!”

Tiger guffawed and replied, “President Cunningham, you can’t look at things that way. Mr. Jefford and the

rest of the shareholders only invested 200 million altogether while I invested 100 million myself. The

return I got was nearly the total of everything they earned.”

Sasha was stumped and had no choice but to throw a resigned look at Matthew.

Matthew chuckled as he said, “Well, Tiger, there’s no need for you to feel embarrassed and you really

shouldn’t waste your money on buying gifts for us. Since you’re one of us, you don’t have to stand on

ceremony with us because you’re different from the rest, got it?”

Looking delighted, Tiger nodded vigorously and responded, “Yes, got it!”

Sasha was confused because she thought Matthew would convince Tiger to keep the watches. To her

surprise, he actually went on to accept the gifts. On top of that, he even asked Tiger not to feel

embarrassed. Weren’t they the ones who were supposed to feel embarrassed?

What she didn’t notice was that Tiger was so thrilled that he was almost trembling. Matthew mentioned

that he was one of them, and that was what mattered to him the most!

After leaving the two files in their care, Tiger left. Meanwhile, James and Helen came back not too long

after Matthew and Sasha walked back to the mansion. “Wow, the courtyard is so huge that I’m sure it can

accommodate three to five cars at the same time!” James remarked, a wide grin on his face.

Helen sounded even more delighted and said, “Of course! I was told by someone working at the property

management that this mansion is the most expensive one in The Grand Garden!

The courtyard is a few hundred square feet and it contains a garage large enough to house several cars

at one time. You should really take a look at the swimming pools; they are so beautiful!”

Demi chimed in happily, “Mom, why don’t I invite some of my friends over to admire the swimming pools?

Hmph, they’ve always boasted about having rich friends who have swimming pools built in their houses.

This time, I will show them what it really means to be a tycoon!”

Helen nodded in agreement. “You should do that. Hmph, so many people used to look down on us back

then. This time, we will make them realize their mistake! James, I’ve decided to invite all my old friends

here for a house tour after we settle down.”

James nodded in agreement. “Of course! Since we’re moving to a new place, we should hold a

housewarming party for all our friends and classmates! I’ll even call my old buddies over and we can

have a meal together!”

All three of them couldn’t wait to show off the mansion to their friends.

Curious, Liam questioned, “Why are there two cars parked in the courtyard?”

The rest of them turned around to look in the direction of the courtyard. Demi, who fell in love with the

Maserati instantly, exclaimed, “That car is beautiful! I have a bestie who loves to brag about her friend

who’s a lady boss that drives a Maserati. Wow, that car is so cool! If only I could take it for a spin.”

Meanwhile, just like most men who had a thing for SUVs, Liam was eyeing the Mercedes-Benz G-Class


Helen didn’t know much about cars and asked confusedly, “Are those cars very expensive?”

Liam nodded and answered, “Yes, they are! Both of them are more expensive than the Panamera you

used to own!”

Helen’s eyes lit up with excitement immediately. “Seriously? No wonder they look so beautiful! W-Who

own those cars? Why are they parked at our courtyard? Are they new? There are no car plates on them.”

Something dawned on Demi and she quickly asked, “Mom, could they be the gifts for Matthew from one

of the bosses? Since Mr. Jefford and the shareholders gave him this mansion as a gift, it only seems

logical that the other bosses would send him gifts too.”


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