Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 846

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Getting Caught in a False Scandal

Tate had built a network of friends in Eastcliff, but this was because they believed he was a resident of

the Grand Garden.

While he elaborated on his lies, he told everyone he knew that he stayed at one of those stand-alone

villas in Grand Garden and that his father was a high-level executive in a foreign company. He had also

painted his sister as a president of another corporation.

At the end of the day, he had essentially piled all of the Cunningham Family’s achievements unto himself

to create the perfect image of a young heir who had returned from abroad, and it was only because of

such an image that he could get along so swimmingly with a group of friends.

His rag-tag group of friends were mostly hooligans who terrorized the streets, but they treated him like

he was the heir to a fortune and they were constantly at his beck and call. One phone call from Tate

was all it took for them to rush over to the Italian restaurant without further delay.

After he gave them his orders, he left the premises. Learning the lessons from the last incident, he now

knew better than to be personally involved in these things, thus leaving his dirty work to others.

As soon as Tate disappeared downstairs, the few hooligans strolled into the restaurant and glanced over

at Crystal. Their eyes gleamed as one of them pointed out sleazily, “Hey, Tate has such good taste! She

looks like a catch!”

“We’re in for some real good fun tonight!”

The few men were practically leering at her as they echoed each other’s lewd sentiments. Tate had told

them beforehand that they could do whatever they wanted with her if they could drag her back with them.

Meanwhile, Crystal was deep in her conversation with Joseph when the group of hooligans approached

their table. The man leading them reached out without any warning and grabbed a fistful of her hair,

making her yelp in shock as he pulled her head backward. He feigned anger as he roared, “So, this is

where you’ve been hanging out, you sl*t! Damn, you’ve been sneaking around behind my back and this

is the old piece of crap you have ended up with? Just what do you take me for?”

His speech was loud and rough, instantly attracting the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

At the sight of his granddaughter being subjected to such random assault, Joseph slammed his fist

against the table and demanded, “Who the hell are you and what do you want?”

The man kept his hold on Crystal’s hair and with his free hand, he snatched the wine glass from the table

before he splashed its contents at Joseph’s face. Then, the man furiously snapped, “Damn it, old man,

what do you think you’re doing by picking up girls half your age? This sl*t right here is still my wife! I

ought to kill you for trying to steal her from me!”

The moment such words reverberated around the room, the patrons descended into gossip as they

peered at the scene like they were watching the most exciting part of a soap opera.

“So, he’s been cheating on him and he found out!”

“My goodness, will you look at how old that man is? I can’t believe he’s still trying to pick up young girls

like her at his age. I’d be embarrassed if I were in his shoes!”

“To be fair, that girl doesn’t look like she’s of any good breeding anyway. I mean, look at her! She looks a

total sl*t!”

The whispers were still ongoing when Joseph thundered, “How dare you! What the hell do you think

you’re doing? She’s my granddaughter, for heaven’s sake!”

The hooligan took the porcelain plate next and flung it at Joseph before shouting demeaningly, “Stop

lying, old man! Your granddaughter? Please! Save your reputation, why don’t you? F*ck, I’m not even

here to waste time on you, old man. Boys, come over and drag this sl*t back home now!”

The rest of the hooligans immediately marched forward and proceeded to drag Crystal out the door. She

let out several cries of help, but no one came to her rescue. Everyone at the restaurant thought of her as

a cheating wife who was caught red-handed and they would rather watch the show unfold than believe

her or Joseph’s stubborn explanations.

The hooligans man-handling Crystal were pleased at how well their plan was going. They couldn’t simply

drag a person out of an upscale restaurant like this, but if they were to make it look like she was

cheating, then no one would try to rescue her. More to the point, Joseph wouldn’t dare to call the police

on them.

After all, as far as these hooligans were concerned, he was an old man who had a fetish for young girls

and he wouldn’t have the guts to get law and order involved.

However, they were surrounded by a few security guards before they could leave the restaurant and call

their plan a success. The one who led the security guards appeared to be the restaurant manager

dressed in a suit with leather shoes, which served to accentuate the cold look on his face. He growled in

a deep voice, “Let her go immediately!”

The hooligan who started the scene faltered slightly at this unexpected confrontation, but he demanded

loudly, “What the hell did you just say? How I deal with my wife is my business, and you’d do damn well


He never was able to finish his sentence, for at that moment, the manager landed a hard punch on the

hooligan’s nose, which reduced his face into a swollen, bloody mess.

Then, with a wave of his own hand, the manager barked at his subordinates, “Don’t spare any one of



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