Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 1038

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The Centipede’s Threat

With the jade bead in his hand, Felix followed closely behind Matthew as they sneakily headed toward

the entrance of the stand-alone building. Along the way there, Matthew realized how Felix was actually

well-equipped in self-defense. Felix had learned martial arts since he was young, and he had some level

of inner energy that would allow him to take down at least six or seven regular individuals at once.

Felix’s traits were useful in that situation. At the very least, his footsteps were light, and no one would

hear them coming. Once they got to the edge of the wall, Felix was prepared to climb over the wall when

Matthew held him back. Felix shot Matthew a puzzled gaze. “It’s fine. I can easily climb over a regular

wall like this,” he whispered.

However, Matthew simply waved him off without saying much. Instead, Matthew pulled out a glass bottle

and opened it. A red centipede crawled out from inside. Felix immediately widened his eyes as the

centipede looked extremely dangerous. Matthew placed it on the ground, and the centipede swiftly made

its way toward the wall.

Just seconds later, a slight rustling came from the direction of the wall. All of a sudden, a dark shadow

slithered across the land. It opened its mouth and gobbled the centipede without any hesitation. Only

then did Felix get a better look at the creature—it was a tiny black snake.

The snake moved so quickly that even Felix stumbled a few steps back as he was too shocked. The

snake looked like a venomous creature, yet Matthew only eyed it calmly, as if he wasn’t afraid of it at all.

After the snake consumed the centipede, it fixed its gaze on Matthew. It looked as if it was preparing to

attack Matthew.

Right then, the snake’s body began to twitch. It started writhing and twisting on the ground as if it were in

a lot of pain. “W-What’s happening to it?” Felix whispered.

Matthew waved his hand to tell Felix not to speak. Moments later, the snake stopped moving. Its belly

was torn apart, and it looked like something had bit it. Right after that, the red centipede crawled out of

the wound.

Felix’s eyes were about to pop out of their sockets! I watched the snake eat the entire centipede!

Shouldn’t the centipede have died? How could it tear the snake’s stomach apart and crawl out from

inside? What sort of centipede is this? Is it that powerful?

This centipede actually belonged to one of the first people from the voodoo clan that Matthew had met,

and that person had brought the centipede around with him. The black snake’s lethality was nothing in

comparison to the centipede’s. However, after following Jinny for some time, this centipede’s lethality,

powers and survival skills were further enhanced. That was what made Jinny special. She didn’t just get

along well with these creatures; more importantly, all of the creatures that stayed by her side for some

time would become abnormally powerful! This applied to the centipede as well!

Once the centipede crawled out of the snake’s body, it continued crawling toward the wall. More rustling

sounds came from that area, and a few more poisonous creatures crawled out from the dark. Felix’s

expression was tense. I feel afraid just looking at these creatures.

On the other hand, Matthew seemed extremely calm. He pulled out a few other glass bottles to release a

few more of the same red centipedes. Matthew had taken a good amount of centipedes with him back

then, and all of these centipedes have had their powers enhanced after staying with Jinny for a while.

The poisonous creatures that emerged went toward the centipedes, but soon enough, all of the

poisonous creatures were bitten to death. The centipedes had won the battle. Once everything was

done, Matthew kept the centipedes back into their glass bottles. Only then did he give Felix a nod. “We

can go in now.” Once he finished speaking, he made a move and lifted himself to climb over the wall.

Felix’s face was drained of color. He felt like his knowledge of the world had increased after witnessing

all that happened that night. He went after Matthew and climbed over the wall, and they made their way

to the building. Once they were near enough, they could see that a few people were sitting in the hall

through the window. In front of these people was a young and pretty girl. However, the girl’s entire body

was twitching as if she was suffering.


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