Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 384

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Matthew helplessly replied, “Sasha, I’m telling the truth. Eastcliff is the biggest winner of the conference

this time!”

Sasha was stunned. Matthew doesn’t seem to be lying. Could he really be telling the truth?

Meanwhile, James frowned. “Matthew, you saying that you didn’t lose is already a big lie. How dare you

say that Eastcliff is the biggest winner? What proof do you have? Were the famous doctors from all six

southern states no match for the doctor you found? Who did you find? A reincarnation of Asclepius?”

Meanwhile, Helen roared with laughter. Then, with a look of contempt, she said, “If Eastcliff is the biggest

winner, I’ll walk backward from now on!”

Just then, the phone on the table suddenly rang. James casually picked up the phone and said, “Hello,

may I know who you’re looking for?”

An excited voice could be heard from the other side of the phone. “James, is that you? It’s me, Jefford!”

James was surprised to hear his voice. “Jefford? What’s the matter?”

Jefford was one of the shareholders of Cunningham Pharmaceuticals.

Back when Matthew founded the Eastcliff representatives, Jefford invested more than 10 million in it. He

was one of the few people in the company who supported Matthew.

Jefford sounded extremely excited. “Where’s Matthew? Is he home? Help me pass a message to

Matthew and ask him to make some time for me. We’re preparing to host a celebration banquet soon.

Please tell Matthew that he must be there!”

James was confused. “What celebration banquet? How many people and who will be joining? Why must

you invite Matthew?”

Jefford replied, “Haven’t you heard? Eastcliff made a big win at the Six Southern States Medical

Conference and won first place. The return we are getting for the money we invested is at least six or

seven times. All the shareholders who have invested are planning to gather together to host a

celebration banquet.

Well then, James, I’ll stop talking to you now. We are heading out for drinks later. Tell Mr. Larson that he

can choose anytime in the next two days for the celebration banquet. We can do it anytime. Tell him that

he must come!”

After Jefford finished speaking, he directly hung up the phone. Meanwhile, James was dumbfounded and

he stood frozen with the phone in his hand.

“What’s wrong? What’s the matter? What happened?” Helen asked anxiously.

After a moment of silence, James told them everything.

After hearing this, Sasha was overjoyed. “Matthew, you were telling the truth! Eastcliff is really the

biggest winner! That’s amazing! What great news!”

As for Helen, she had a look of disbelief on her face. With her eyes widened, she muttered, “How is this

possible? How could they win? Why did they win? Is it possible that Jefford got it wrong?”

James shook his head and replied, “I don’t think so. Jefford was there at the conference. Furthermore,

he went with the other shareholders. Do you think that it’s possible that they all got it wrong?”

Helen stared at Matthew intently and asked, “What happened? Tell me what really happened. Did you


Sasha was furious to hear this. “Mom, how could you say that? Matthew won because of his abilities.

How could you accuse him of cheating?”

Helen angrily yelled, “Nonsense! How is it possible that he won because of his abilities? What abilities

does he have?

This is the Six Southern States Medical Conference we’re talking about. Dozens of famous doctors

participated in the competition. Tell me, what ability does he have that could help him win?”

Sasha was at a loss for words because she couldn’t figure it out either. Just then, the phone on the table

rang again.

After James picked up the phone, he instantly heard Eric’s frantic voice. “James, you really are cruel!

Why didn’t you tell me that Matthew knows Dr. Ellis? He even asked Dr. Ellis to withdraw from Eastshire

Representatives and join Eastcliff Representatives that he founded instead.

B*stard! Eastcliff actually won! You are an unfilial son! How dare you trick me? You knew that he would

win but you didn’t tell me and let me sell all of my shares in Cunningham Pharmaceuticals. Do you know

how much money I’ve lost? You b*stard! I’m disowning you!”


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