Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 1102

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He’s Not Bluffing

Embarrassment washed over Zion, and his voice trembled as he croaked, “Mr. Larson, I realized my

mistake now, really. Please have mercy and let me off. I-I’ll never do this again…”

With a wave of his hand, Matthew gestured for someone to take Sasha and Natalie away. The scene

after this would be very gruesome, and he didn’t want them to see it.

After the women left, he stood up with his hands behind his back. “Let you off? Since you know who I

am, then you should also know that the two most important women in my life are my wife and sister, and

all of you happened to give them a hard time earlier. How do you expect me to let you off?”

Zion’s face was pale as he was speechless for a minute. Suddenly, he took out a dagger from his

pocket, placed his left hand on the floor, and sliced it with the dagger, cutting off one of his fingers.

Everyone gasped in shock, and Zion was shivering from the agonizing pain. “Mr. Larson, will this do?”

Matthew gave him an expressionless look, then Zion gritted his teeth before cutting off another finger.

However, there was still no response from Matthew, so he continued to cut off his fingers one by one

while gritting his teeth tightly.

Until all five of his fingers were cut off, only then did Matthew nod his head slightly. “That’s enough. This

time will be a lesson for you. Remember, there won’t be a next time with me. If you oppose me again, it’s

your neck which will be cut next,” Matthew said coldly, and Zion bobbed his head with all his might.

Matthew walked to the door and came to a stop all of a sudden. “Oh, by the way, I heard that people

were calling my wife and sister names earlier. Zion Fowler, I suppose you know what to do about this,

don’t you?”

Instantly, Zion nodded. “Mr. Larson, don’t worry. I’ll get it done for you nicely. Waiter, get me the

surveillance. Damn it, who are the people who insulted Mr. Larson’s family earlier?”

Only then did Matthew leave the place in satisfaction, leaving the people in the restaurant in panic.

Earlier, a lot of them were sarcastic, and many of them threw all sorts of insults at Sasha and Natalie in

order to curry favor with Zion. Now, with the surveillance, none of them could get away with it, and they

were full of regrets.

Why didn’t they just keep their mouths shut when they were watching the show? Indeed, this was a

perfect example of trouble emanating from the mouth!

Until Matthew, Tiger, and the rest of them had all gone, only then did Lisa walk over to Zion shakily.

“Honey, what happened? Who were those people earlier?”

The sight of her made him fuming mad, and he slapped her a few times. “Jinx, you are such an idiot! Just

because of a piece of worthless shirt, you created such a huge mess for me. Do you know that I almost

lost my life?”

Despite being panic-stricken, she was still unconvinced. “Don’t be angry, honey. I think that guy is a

swindler! Earlier, he said that Renaissance Mall belonged to him, but this is the Telk Family’s main

business. How could they possibly sell it to someone else? He must be bluffing. Were you fooled?”

Everyone’s heads turned to her direction as they had the same thought in their minds, but Zion slapped

her again. “You know nothing! Yesterday, the Telk Family already sold thirty percent of the shares of

Renaissance Mall to him. Not only that, but from today onward, everyone from the Telk Family will

withdraw from the mall, and Mr. Larson’s people will be taking over their positions. In other words, from

today onward, Renaissance Mall belongs to him. Everything he said was the truth, and he wasn’t bluffing

at all!”

This time, everyone was stunned and speechless.

Lisa’s eyes almost fell out of their sockets as she said in a trembling voice, “How did it turn out like this?

T-That’s impossible! It’s the Telk Family we’re speaking about!”

Glaring at her, Zion shouted, “Even the Telk Family couldn’t provoke him, and yet you did it. Aren’t you

just looking for death?”


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