Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 806

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I’m Kneeling Down to You

Sasha was extremely furious. “Why should he? You guys chased Mr. Manning away by scolding him last

night. So, why should we talk to him now? Why can’t you go talk to him yourself?”

Chloe and Helen exchanged awkward glances with each other.

Last night, they threw a lot of harsh words at Craig. At this point, how could they bring themselves to find

him again?

Finally, Chloe gave in and mumbled in a low voice, “Sasha, it’s our fault last night. We admit we were in

the wrong. So, p-please help us out…”

Helen nodded too. “Sasha, hear your Aunt Chloe out. You don’t want to disappoint her either, right? And

to be frank, the task isn’t that difficult.”

Sasha waved her hand directly. “I’m too embarrassed to talk to him again.”

Minerva quickly said, “We’re not asking you to go, Sasha. What we meant is to send Matthew.”

Sasha was cheesed off. “What the heck are you saying? Do you want to embarrass Matthew by asking

him to go? You guys don’t even want to apologize to Mr. Manning, yet you want Matthew to apologize to

him on your behalf? You should clean your own mess and stop pushing all your problems to Matthew.

Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves?”

Minerva and the others were extremely awkward upon being scolded. At this point, they couldn’t retort at


Helen knew Sasha wouldn’t listen to them, so she could only turn to Matthew and say, “I’m begging you,

Matthew. Please help Chloe out, will you? H-How about… I kneel down to you…”

Saying that, Helen started kneeling down immediately.

Sasha almost exploded with anger as she knew her mom would eventually resort to this method. Mom

always uses this trick to guilt-trip others into doing what she wants!

Sasha immediately stopped Helen. “Mom, can you stop doing this every single time?”

Helen cried, “What else can I do? I can’t just sit and watch Tate being put behind bars! I’m begging you,

Matthew. Both Chloe and I are begging you. Please.”

At this moment, Chloe understood Helen’s meaning. At once, she kneeled in front of Matthew. “Matthew,


At this two-versus-one situation, Sasha couldn’t drag the both of them up by her own strength. So, she

was rendered speechless in anger.

Matthew, too, was resigned. He knew that this matter would require him to resolve in the end.

He sighed and said, “Alright, I’ll give it a try, but I can’t guarantee that things will work out.”

Helen and Chloe were overjoyed.

“Matthew, I’m sure it can be settled if you’re involved.”

“Mr. Manning will definitely listen to you.”

Sasha glanced at Matthew apologetically.

She knew Matthew was doing these for her sake.

He was not even acquainted with Chloe prior to this, so if it wasn’t that he was doing Sasha a favor, no

way would he help Chloe out.

“Mom, since Matthew has agreed to help, I need to make things clear first. Every one of you has

witnessed what Matthew has done for our family. So, from now on, if anyone dares to gossip about

Matthew being a live-in son-in-law, then don’t blame me for being hostile,” Sasha announced angrily.

This time around, she wanted to help Matthew fight for his dignity in the family.

Helen quickly nodded. “Sure, sure. Of course. Matthew is a kind man. No one is allowed to gossip about

him anymore in the future.”

Chloe nodded too. “I could tell Matthew is an honest man since the moment I came back. Minerva,

please be more respectful toward Matthew in the future. Jonah, remember to get Matthew a decent

position once the situation in your company is stable.”

Jonah nodded. “Sure, sure. We’re a family—Matthew’s problems are also my problems. Of course I will

help my nephew-in-law!”

Minerva pursed her lips. Although she remained silent, her disdainful look was obvious.


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