Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 1296

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Because it was noon, the mall was lively and filled with people.

There were all kinds of people walking by the public square.

In one of its corners, a child was lying on the ground.A bowl, slightly filled with pocket change, was

placed in front of the child.

Right beneath that bowl was a cardboard, explaining the miserable fate of the child: the death of both

his parents, the disability since childhood, and the abandonment he suffered.

He begged the people for money to get food and medical help.It was not out of the ordinary for such a

scene to appear in such a lively mall.

Nevertheless, this particular child was indeed pitiful and miserable.

Both his hands were absent, leaving only two huge scars in their place.His pants covered up one of his

legs that were absent from the knee down as well.He was dressed in rags, his appearance dark and

thin, obviously malnourished, and his eyes were filled with panic and fear, as though he dreaded the


Lying on the ground, he continuously begged every passerby.

"Please, please be kind.I have not eaten anything for a few days already..."

Yet, the people kept passing the child by, unwilling to pay any heed to him.It was as though the child

was just some abandoned puppy, undeserving of the passersby's attention.

There were times when a kind soul placed some coins into the bowl, and the child responded

immediately and sincerely, saying, "Thank you, thank you.You are a generous person.Thank you.."

When afternoon came, there were visibly fewer people walking around.

The blazing sun had shined onto that particular corner.

Under the heat, the child's lips cracked, yet he could do nothing but stare vacantly at the milk tea that

passerby was holding.

He thought to himself that he would be satisfied with just a mouthful of water! However, who would ever

bother about the abandoned? Matthew quietly observed it all from the restaurant table he sat in.

This child was once the joy and pride of his parents, and yet he was now treated like some abandoned

puppy.He certainly did not ask for this fate! Out of the blue, a timid voice came from Matthew's side.

"Sir, how about buying the lady some flowers?"

Matthew turned his head to find a scrawny little girl, dressed in worn- out clothes, talking to the couple

next to him.

The little girl, who looked about 8 years old, was holding a small basket filled with roses.She was

looking at the couple eagerly with her eyes filled with desire.

It was as though it'd be her greatest fortune to be able to make a sale of just a single stalk of rose.

Unfortunately, there was only irritation on the man’s face as he waved his hands.

"Get lost! Can't you see that we're eating here?"

The girl never budged and continued to plead in low volume, "Just a single stalk is fine, sir.It's as cheap

as chips! Just 5 cents for a single stalk! Please!"

This only further angered the man.

"Still not going away? Staff! How did she come in here? Look at how dirty she is! It's affecting your

customer's appetite!"

The staff immediately came and pinched the little girl's ear while angrily saying, "How many times do I

have to tell you that you're not allowed here? Get lost! I'll beat you up the next time I see you coming in

here again!"

The staff picked the girl up by her ear.

Blood dripped down her face as the staff tore her ear.

The little girl cried out in pain and begged for mercy, yet the staff paid no care and continued dragging

the girl out of the premises.

It was at this moment that a hand reached out and grabbed the staff by the wrist.It was Matthew.

He twisted the staff's wrist with one hand and pulled the little girl behind him with another.


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