Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 368

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Everybody was in shock after hearing this. “Matthew? Who’s Matthew?”

“What does he do for a living?”

“Why is Dr. Ellis following his orders?”

“What kind of a person is he? Is he deliberately trying to ruin Eastshire’s reputation? How could he do

such a thing?”

Everyone was in a heated discussion and some with bad tempers even directly started cursing


They had all rushed over to watch the competition, having full confidence that the Eastshire

representatives would win. Furthermore, they had already invested a lot of money and were expecting to

rake in a lot of profit.

If they lost the competition, they would lose a lot of money, which was why whether Dr. Ellis was

participating in the competition or not was extremely important to them. After hearing Travis say that

Matthew was the one who persuaded Dr. Ellis and stopped him from participating in the competition,

everyone hated him to the core.

Meanwhile, Travis secretly chuckled because this was the result he wanted.

After a while, Travis gestured to the man beside him with a glance. Understanding what he meant, the

man immediately yelled, “Matthew is from Cunningham Pharmaceuticals in Eastcliff.

Not only has he bewitched Dr. Ellis, but he also founded his own Eastcliff representatives group which is

separate from the Eastshire representatives group so that he can participate in the competition.

In order to win and gain profit for himself, he has tricked Dr. Ellis to withdraw from the competition! It’s

obvious that he’s going against the Eastshire representatives!”

After hearing this, everyone was even more furious and all of them started cursing Cunningham

Pharmaceuticals. In fact, some people from the crowd had business relations with Cunningham

Pharmaceuticals and they were also angry after they heard the man.

Each of them swore to completely cut off ties with Cunningham Pharmaceuticals, which made Travis

delighted. He wanted to grab this opportunity to completely ruin Cunningham Pharmaceuticals and

Matthew’s reputation.

This time, not only did he want to humiliate Matthew, but he also wanted to acquire Cunningham

Pharmaceuticals. If his plan succeeded, he would have achieved something great. By then, his position

in the Hughes family would definitely rise!

The crowd continued to be in a heated discussion when Travis suddenly waved his hand and said,

“Gentlemen, there’s no need to panic!

Everything will be fine even if Dr. Ellis doesn’t represent Eastshire in the competition because we’ve

already prepared a backup plan. Leonard the acupuncturist from Mightwater will represent us instead! As

long as you support me, I promise that we’ll definitely win this competition!”

These words instantly made everybody feel excited. After all, Leonard was an even more famous doctor

than Dr. Ellis. They had a better chance at winning if Leonard replaced Dr. Ellis in the competition.

“Young Master Hughes, you’re a genius and you’ve made a thoughtful arrangement!”

“We’re all at your disposal, Young Master Hughes. If you want us to do something, just ask!”

“Young Master Hughes always does things thoughtfully and meticulously. With you as the heir of the

Hughes, we won’t have to worry about the medical industry in Eastshire.”

Everybody started to praise and flatter Travis.

With a delighted expression, Travis smiled and said, “Thank you all for trusting me. I hope that all of you

will continue to support me in my future endeavors, but for now, let’s focus on the conference.

This time, not only do we have to win, but most importantly, we have to completely defeat the Eastcliff

representatives! Otherwise, the weak and useless will continue to disturb us in the future!”

Everyone nodded in agreement to Travis’ words. Some of them even directly made a call back to their

company and ordered their staff to immediately cut all business ties with Cunningham Pharmaceuticals,

which pleased Travis very much.

After this, the company would be hated by everyone in the Eastcliff medical industry. Not only did they

want to win the Eastcliff representatives tonight, but they also wanted to completely ruin Cunningham


Now that these people had cut ties with them, the company was pretty much doomed. By then, Travis

wouldn’t even have to spend a penny to acquire it!


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