Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 400

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Even after various attempts, Matthew was not successful. It seemed like the several pots he had

prepared weren’t suitable. As such, he felt somewhat resigned. Although he had all the required herbs,

there was nothing he could do as he had yet to find suitable tools to make the medicine.

He started recalling how his ancestors used to make medicine and remembered that there was a special

cauldron they used which could withstand extremely high temperatures. The cauldron was the best tool

for medicine making because the rate at which it was heated up could be regulated.

However, nobody had the skills to make such a cauldron now. In his opinion, that cauldron was a must if

he wanted to succeed but it would be an arduous task trying to get one!

After some contemplation, he called Mr. Harrison and asked him for a favor to keep tabs on any clues

about the cauldron. After all, Mr. Harrison had been a medical practitioner for decades and he had vast


It would be much easier for him to get the information about the cauldron compared to Matthew

himself. Since he could not make the medicine, he had no choice but to put aside the treatment of

Natalie’s illness for the time being.

When he reached the hospital the next morning, he saw James and Helen standing outside his office

door. No one knew how long they had been waiting for him. The moment they spotted him, they

immediately walked over with mocking smiles.

“Matt, have you had your breakfast? Here you go; I bought you some porridge and buns on my way

here. Why didn’t you come back home last night?

You really shouldn’t have stayed outside since the house is big enough for all of us,” Helen said with a

wide grin on her face and none of her usual aggression.

Matthew knew them too well and was certain that they only behaved so amicably because they were

thinking of asking him for money. As expected, after making small talk, they started steering the

conversation to the medical conference again.

Helen smiled thinly and suggested, “Matthew, I really think you should pay Stanley a visit. Think about

this—shouldn’t he be thankful because of the billions of profit that you got him? Forking out several

hundred million is nothing to him but it is a whole different thing for our family!

With the money, you can at least get Sasha and yourself a new house. Also, it’s about time you buy a

new car; a Porsche would be nice. It doesn’t look good on you when you travel around in that motorbike

—ooh, and you should really get some new clothes as well!

In fact, James and I have been thinking of getting some branded clothes for you but we simply can’t

afford it. Though… with the several hundred million from Stanley, everything would be solved!”

Deep down, Matthew was amused by how nicely Helen put it. Are you sure you want to get a new house,

new car and new clothes for me? Come on, I know you’re the ones who want it. Are you sure that you

guys have been thinking of buying me new clothes?

I’ve never even worn a pair of new socks throughout the three years I stayed with the both of you. You

might not have been able to afford new clothes but couldn’t you afford even a new pair of socks?

Of course, Matthew kept all these thoughts to himself. Instead, he replied, “Mom, you’re right. How about

this? I’ll ask President Carlson out for lunch to discuss this with him.”

Overjoyed, both James and Helen nodded vigorously. “Attaboy! I was right to say that Sasha made the

best choice in her life by marrying you. You’re so much more reliable than Liam! Well, you ask Stanley

out for lunch and we’ll wait for you to tell us the good news then!”

While the two left the hospital smiling, resignation was written all over Matthew’s face. This was their

typical behavior—when he was loaded, they would treat him as if he was the king; when he was broke,

they would treat him like rubbish that they couldn’t wait to get rid of.

Matthew let out a sigh and decided to give Stanley a call. As per the discussion with Sasha last night, the

two of them had decided to fork out some money to establish a company, which they would then tell

James and Helen that it was a reward from Stanley.

He reckoned James and Helen would not be able to make any fuss out of it because it was only a

company and not cash.


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