Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 989

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How Dare You Criticize My Friends

Leia glanced at Matthew, frowning. “And you? Who do you think you are? Who gave you the right to


Taken aback by her daughter’s bluntness, Heidi tried to lecture her daughter. “Leia, mind your manners!

This is Sasha’s husband, Director Matthew Larson! He’s a part of the family.”

Leia pouted in disdain. “Hmph, who’s Sasha? I don’t know her. You have no right to butt in on my family’s

matters! Also, who said that I didn’t care for my mom? I visited her yesterday, and I also came to see her

just this morning! Also, do you think higher education is free or something? What about my meals?

Should I just die of starvation? If it’s so troublesome, then I can just drop out, can’t I?”

The young lady’s words were like a trigger because the protective Heidi turned furious upon hearing

her. “You! How can you say that?!”

Leia was worked up as well. “What? Was I wrong? Going to school requires money, doesn’t it? If you

don’t want me to continue my studies, you can just tell me, and I’ll quit school and start working. I won’t

take even a penny from you anymore. That’s what you want, right?”

“I… I….”

Helen sighed and took some money from her pocket. “All right, I’ll give you some money for now. Just try

to get by for the time being.”

Leia took the money, then her eyes widened. “Only 300? What is this good for? It’s not even enough to

cover my meals! Quit pretending to be generous if you’re out of money! Did I come all this way just to get

300? That’s outrageous!”

Helen was dumbfounded. “300 isn’t enough for one week? When Sasha was at school, 200 was more

than enough for her weekly expenses!”

“We’re different! She went to school so long ago, and I’m in school right now! Look at the price tags on

everything now! How many cups of Starbucks can I get with this measly 300? One and a half? Also, I

have so many friends, and I sometimes have to treat them to meals and karaoke and movies and

whatnot! One meal and this 300 would be gone! How am I supposed to meet my friends now?”

Matthew was in disbelief. “Your mother is in this condition right now, and you still want to have fun with

your friends? Can’t you just decline some of the gatherings and spend more time with your mother?”

“You have no right to tell me what to do! If I don’t establish connections right now, who will help me when

I leave school and start working in the future? With my family in this condition, I can’t get any good

opportunities, so I can only depend on myself!”

Matthew shook his head. “How are you so sure that these friends of yours will help you in the future?

Stop being foolish. You won’t get any good friends if you buy them over with money. They won’t help you

one bit!”

Leia was enraged. “Shut up! You have no right to criticize my friends!”

At this point, Heidi was boiling in anger. “You better mind your manners, young lady!”

Refusing to listen, Leia snapped, “Was I wrong at all, Mom? What sort of relatives are they? They never

gave me so much as a penny in their whole lives, and now they can only give me 300! And they think

they can tell me what to do just because of that! What right do they have?”

At this moment, Heidi was so breathless with anger she had her hand pressed against her chest in an

attempt to calm herself down. Suffocated by fury, she couldn’t even say a word. Standing on the side,

Helen could only sigh in exasperation. All these years, she had never taken much care of this niece of

hers, so she was also regretful about that. Leia is right in a way… I have not taken care of her all these


“Never mind, I’ll give you some more.” Helen took out another 200 from her bag. “500 for a week. That

should be enough, right?”

Surprisingly, the girl was still upset. “Enough? Do you even hear yourself talking? It’s only enough for one

trip to Starbucks! How am I supposed to go out with my friends? Mom, come on! Why don’t you just give

me money already? This isn’t nearly enough!”

Heidi’s hand remained on her chest, and she had no words to say.

Helen feared that Helen’s condition would get worse with the anger, so she could only fork out another

500. “Here, 1,000. Happy now?”

Finally, Leia smiled as she took the money. “Now, this is what we’re talking about! All right, Mom, rest

well, okay? I’m going back to campus now!”

With that, she left happily with the money in hand. She didn’t even spare a glance at her mother lying on

the hospital bed.


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