Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 844

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Peter the Fraud

Peter was Penny’s boyfriend and Penny happened to be Sasha’s best friend. Upon her return from

abroad, Penny and him were joined at the hip and she wouldn’t stop bragging about him when she met

up with Sasha.

Back then, he had wanted to leave a good impression on Sasha, which was why he had spun several

lies in the process. One of which was his claim that he was an executive working in Carlson Group and

that he was a resident at the Grand Pavilion.

However, the perfect image he had created for himself crumbled when it was revealed that he was a

foreign tutor working in a bilingual kindergarten under Carlson Group. As soon as the truth broke out,

Penny couldn’t dump him fast enough.

Alas, it was a small world and Peter had somehow managed to weasel his way into Minerva’s heart. In

fact, she had been the one to arrange the dinner this evening, hoping that Tate could give her a wise

word or two after personally meeting Peter.

Presently, she leaned against Peter and beamed as she asked smugly, “So, Tate, what do you think of

this fish that I caught? An excellent candidate for your future brother-in-law, right?”

Tate appraised Peter with admiration as he replied approvingly, “Not bad at all. He’s definitely a hundred

times better than that loser!”

Minerva knew that Tate was referring to Matthew, and she grew even more triumphant as she quipped,

“Well of course! I mean, look at me. As if that wretched woman could ever compete with me in the first

place—she and that loser are a perfect match if you ask me!”

Tate guffawed and turned to look at Peter in askance. “Peter, I hear that you’re part of the management

in Wayne Group?”

Peter nodded with a hint of arrogance. “That’s right and I just returned from abroad. Wayne Group first

hired me as an honorary advisor, but they promoted me to the position of project manager soon after

that. At this rate, I could very well make it as a general manager next month! As you know, Mr. Wayne

and I are close associates outside of work.”

Tate was ecstatic to hear this. As he was back for a while now, he liked to think that he had a good grasp

of the dynamics of Eastcliff’s upper-crust society. From what he knew, Timothy Wayne was a formidable

figure in Eastcliff; he was probably only second to Billy Newman. No family in the Ten Greatest Families

of Eastcliff could even hope to compete with Timothy’s wealth and power.

Naturally, there was a gap between Leanna and Timothy in terms of their social standing as well. Tate

had been holding a grudge against her ever since she had taken it upon herself to teach him a hard

lesson, but he knew that he was not powerful enough to seek revenge against her.

However, now that he was associating himself with Peter, he began to feel a twinge of hope. If he had

Wayne Group to back him up, his revenge against Leanna would become feasible.

At the thought of this, Tate suppressed the urge to grin like a maniac. He inched forward in his seat and

asked Peter at a closer distance, “Do you think I could get into Wayne Group, Peter?”

Upon hearing this, Peter faltered slightly. He was only a fraud, so it wasn’t like he could actually decide

on Wayne Group’s human resources. However, he quickly regained his composure and answered softly,

“With your credentials from abroad, Tate, I think you can enter Wayne Group without any problem.

There’s no question when it comes to your capabilities.”

An elated Tate pressed, “So, do you think you could pull some strings and get me into the company?”

Peter shook his head ruefully. “I’m sorry, Tate, but I don’t have the privilege to do that for you right now.

As you know, I’m just a project manager at the moment, and if I were to get you into the group, you

would probably just end up as my assistant…” He paused, feigning pensiveness before adding,

“However, maybe when I am promoted to a general manager next month, I could bring you in as the new

project manager. Do you get what I mean?”

As he was overjoyed by this information, Tate was practically kissing up to the other man as he replied,

“Yes, I get it. You really do have things planned out, Peter!” He couldn’t begin to describe how happy he

was. If he could become the project manager at Wayne Group, the money that could come from it would

surely surpass the fortune his father had amassed!

Peter, on the other hand, let out a quiet breath of relief. Thank goodness Tate isn’t a very bright guy. If he

had insisted that I get him into the company, then I’d have exposed myself! He took a sip of wine to calm

his nerves before he casually asked, “Your sister mentioned that you guys are still staying at the Grand

Garden, is that right?”


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