Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 472

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Eventually, everyone in that house had to be sent to the hospital.

As Tiger had stood at the side and watched Matthew drink all that alcohol with his own eyes, he could

not help but give him a thumbs-up. “You have my respect, Matthew! How did you drink over 50 liters of

liquor? It’s hard enough to drink 50 liters of plain water!” he mused.

Matthew laughed. “Didn’t you see me go to the bathroom multiple times?”

Tiger waved his hand. “I go to the bathroom when I drink too, but I still get drunk.”

“Our bodies just function differently. I can get rid of all the alcohol from my system, so I can drink as

much as I want. Even if I drink 50 liters at once, I would just have to make more trips to the bathroom.”

Tiger gaped at him. “That’s amazing. I have so much respect for you, Matthew!”

Demi and Liam, who had been listening in on their conversation, were beside themselves. They had just

discovered that Matthew had come well-prepared.

Meanwhile, Sasha was able to smile now. She had been concerned that Matthew would be in danger

after drinking that much alcohol.

“Well, it’s all done now. Thank you for your help tonight, Tiger,” Sasha said with a smile.

Tiger immediately waved his hand. “Please skip the formalities with me, President Cunningham. It’s my

job. Oh, right. We should probably clean this house up a bit.”

Looking over the disorder in the house, Sasha suddenly glared at Demi. “You guys can clean up!”

Demi immediately protested, “Why should we? Hasn’t Matthew always been in charge of that?”

Sasha scolded, “You invited your friends over tonight, so that makes it your job to clean up! Also, what

business does Matthew have to clean the house up for you two? You’re not three-year-old kids. Can’t

you manage yourselves?”

Demi muttered, “Isn’t that what a live-in son-in-law is supposed to do? Weren’t women who married off

into their husband’s family responsible for doing all the house chores?”

Tiger instantly rebuked, “Didn’t you marry into your husband’s family? Don’t you do the chores in your


She was slightly flustered. In a low voice, she said, “This isn’t my house. If it were my house, I-I would

definitely do it.”

His eyes widened. “If this isn’t your house, then why did you come here to throw a party? Why did you

come to live here? If you’re not going to clean this house, then get out. I will clean it myself. How does

that sound?”

Demi was at a loss for words. She murmured, “Okay, okay. We’ll clean up.”

After dragging her feet into the kitchen, she did not come back out again.

A frown appeared on Sasha’s forehead for she knew what Demi was planning.

With Tiger around, she did not dare to go up against him so she could only dawdle for now.

The moment he left, she was going to leave everything to Matthew.

However, Tiger caught on quickly. He ran into the kitchen and yelled, “What are you idling around for?

Get on with it. I’m not going anywhere tonight. I’ll be right here keeping watch on you guys. I’ll only leave

once you’re done cleaning up! But, I’m warning you; the later I go to bed, the worse my temper gets.”

Sasha was right. Demi had planned to dawdle until Tiger departed, then leave all this mess to Matthew.

But now, she couldn’t kill any more time with Tiger hard on her heels.

Left without a choice, she started cleaning the house obediently.

After having a party with more than thirty people in that huge villa, the amount of mess inside the house

was unfathomable.

It took them more than three hours to finally finish cleaning up.

At this point, both of them were about to pass out from exhaustion. That was when they started to regret

it. Why did we let them have a party at the house?


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