Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 866

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How Dare You Hit Me?

A frowning Sasha felt that Ronald was being too arrogant. “I’m really sorry; I haven’t been feeling well

recently, so the doctor ordered me not to drink.” She again politely refused him.

Ronald put down his glass, his face dark as he stared at her with a smile. “Miss Cunningham, are you

unable to drink? Or, are you not wanting to drink with me?”

Minerva immediately played along and added, “Sasha, are you feeling unwell? Why don’t I know about


Sasha fiercely glared at Minerva and responded, “Young Master Lach, I’m really sorry. I really am not

feeling well.”

Then, he slammed his wine glass on the table and said in a cold voice, “Miss Cunningham, you’re really

something. I have personally toasted to you, yet you don’t care to drink. Tsk, it seems that you really

don’t care about the Ten Greatest Families of Eastcliff!”

The other wealthy youngsters immediately looked over in anger; they were also considered Ronald’s

lapdogs, so they naturally had to behave with the correct attitude at this time.

Sasha frowned as she insisted, “Young Master Lach, I am really not feeling well.”

Thus, he immediately responded, “Since you are not feeling well, let me help you up. Come with me. You

guys continue to have fun while I’ll take Miss Cunningham home to rest first!”

With that, he reached out to pull Sasha, who hurriedly took a few steps back and urged, “Young Master

Lach, I-I can head home by myself!”

By this time, Ronald’s face was red with humiliation due to her multiple refusals. Since his father became

the head of the Lach Family, he had not encountered such a situation and he felt that she was simply

looking down on him. Therefore, he was annoyed and said in a cold voice, “Miss Cunningham, you’re not

feeling well. How can I feel at ease to allow you to head home by yourself? Come, Miss Cunningham, I’ll

take you to the room upstairs to rest.”

After speaking, he took a step forward and blocked Sasha in the corner. Next, he opened his arms, ready

to forcibly grab her into his embrace. As she was faced with this sudden action, she was furious and

slapped him across his face without thinking.

As Ronald froze for a moment, his expression instantly changed. “B*tch, you dare to hit me?”

The other wealthy youngsters immediately rose to their feet and angrily stared at Sasha. Upon seeing

this, Minerva crowed, “Sasha, w-what are you doing? Young Master Lach has kindly tried to help you!

How can you hit him? Besides, it’s rude to hit someone’s face. You’ve slapped him! This is too much!”

As expected, these words aggravated Ronald’s emotions as his face turned purple while he pointed at

Sasha to angrily curse, “B*tch, you really take yourself seriously, huh? As the heir of one of the Ten

Greatest Families of Eastcliff, how am I not good enough for you? D*mn you, I invited you to drink, yet

you dare to hit me in the face after not drinking with me. If I don’t deal with you today, I will never be able

to face anyone in the future!”

With that said, he reached out and lunged straight at her. A shocked Sasha desperately struggled to

resist his actions. She inadvertently grabbed a cup on the table and smashed it on his head, which

caused him to suddenly bleed.

This time, the whole room was shocked. Minerva could not help but be secretly happy as the result was

beyond her expectations! Everyone froze for a moment at that sight while Ronald roared in fury, “D*mn,

b*tch, do you want to die? I have talked to you politely, yet you’re treating me as a punching bag? Fine,

I’ll show you who I really am today! D*mn it! Hold her down; I’m going to finish her off here today!”

His peers immediately rushed over and prepared to hold Sasha down.

However, at that moment, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open and Matthew walked in with a

cold face. Upon seeing this, all the people in the room were stunned. As Ronald recovered from his

shock, he pointed at Matthew and cursed, “Who the hell are you? Get the hell out of here! I—”


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