Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 712

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In reality, Liam had put the packet of powder inside this bowl of food. This kind of powder was colorless

and tasteless, and it could not be noticed at all. Although Matthew had some suspicions about Liam and

Demi’s sudden change of attitude, he did not expect them to do something to the food. And so, the family

ate the meal in peace and harmony.

After the meal, Liam simply handed the car keys to Matthew. “Matthew, from now on, it’s better for you to

drive this car.”

At once, Matthew’s guard was up; he knew that Liam was not this kind of person.

Why is he so nice today? Something must be wrong!

“My workplace is close by, so it’s fine for me to ride the bike. I think it’s better for you to drive the car

instead,” Matthew replied.

Liam was anxious because he knew that President White was going to create a car accident for

Matthew. If Matthew was not driving, then how could the accident happen?

So, he said, “Matthew, this is not a matter of going to a further or nearer workplace; consider this my

sincere apology. I really want to apologize to you. If you do not accept these car keys, does that mean

you are still unhappy with me?”

Helen waved her hand as well. “Hey, we are all family. Why be so petty? Matthew, Liam has apologized

to you already. Just forgive him for once. Come, come. Take the car keys and don’t upset your own


Hence, Matthew had no choice but to take the car keys. However, he was currently alert to the max.

Seeing this, Liam was secretly happy, for he knew that when Matthew drove out in the afternoon, it was

time for the man to die!

In the afternoon, Liam stood on the balcony and watched Matthew drive out. The first thing he did was to

call President White and tell him about it. After that, Liam was full of contentment. When Matthew died,

everything would be taken care of. By then, he would get 10% of the shares from the construction

company, and Demi would get Cunningham Pharmaceuticals, while the assets of the Cunningham

Family would all be theirs. When he got all of these, he would find a way to kick Demi out of everything

and then marry Sasha. Finally, everything would be perfect.

With this fantasy in mind, Liam also left home on his bike. Riding it, he drove along the route that

Matthew always took to work because he intended to watch Matthew die with his own eyes.

At this time, Matthew was driving his car along Lakeside Highway. While he drove, he suddenly saw

black in front of his eyes as a burst of dizziness came to him violently. He had been on his guard all this

while, so sensing that the situation was not right, he immediately drew a silver needle and stabbed it into

the top of his head. Instantly, he became much more awake. At that very moment, the sound of a horn

suddenly blared from behind. He looked through the reverse mirror, only to see a large truck rushing over

at a very high speed, knocking over several cars behind in the process. Considering the direction of the

truck from Matthew’s car, it was estimated that his car would be crushed.

Hastily, Matthew hit the steering wheel, but it was already too late. The truck directly hit his car, causing it

to spin around a few times. Smashing through the guardrail on the side of the road, it crashed directly

into the turbulent river and disappeared after bobbing and sinking for a few moments.

On seeing this scene, Liam could not help but become overjoyed.

Hahaha! Dead! He’s finally dead! Nothing will be in my way anymore!

He hummed a little song as he gleefully rushed home. As a result, just after he turned a corner, a van

directly knocked him to the ground.

Climbing up, Liam cursed, “Do you f*cking know how to drive? I—” Before he could finish, a few burly

men got down from the van. Without saying anything, they grabbed him and pushed him into the van.

“What are you doing? Have you made a mistake? You must have arrested the wrong person! I have no

grudge against you!” Liam exclaimed repeatedly, but no one paid attention to him as they pressed down

on him in the car.

At this point, Liam suddenly realized that there was another person in the van. Tied up with ropes, it was

none other than his wife, Demi!

Liam was nothing but dumbfounded.

What on earth is going on?


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