Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 376

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Matthew’s single sentence made the audience dumbfounded. Everyone stared at him in a daze, not

understanding what his words meant.

Leonard frowned and asked, “What are you talking about?”

With his voice lowered, Matthew replied, “It’s normal that you couldn’t tell. After all, having two lives in a

body is a rare illness. Furthermore, his illness is really special.”

Leonard was even more confused. “What are you mumbling about? What do you mean that there’s two

lives in one body?”

Matthew didn’t reply to him. Instead, he reached out and patted the patient’s left shoulder. Then, he

suddenly grabbed a syringe from the side and directly punctured it into the vessel on his left neck and

took some fresh blood.

Seeing this, Leonard yelled in horror, “What are you doing? I just cured him and he hasn’t fully recovered

yet. The illness will recur if you move him around like this!”

The other doctors present were also frowning in confusion. After all, as doctors, they knew that

Matthew’s actions were dangerous.

However, Matthew ignored them and passed the syringe to Dr. Ellis. “Get someone to test it. I want to

know his blood type!”

Dr. Ellis was at a loss and didn’t know what Matthew was trying to do but he quickly made the

arrangements as Matthew asked.

There was a lot of medical equipment and many professionals waiting on site so the results for a simple

blood type test would come out really quickly.

One of the doctors frowned and said, “His blood type is written in his medical records. Why are you

testing his blood type now? Besides, does his blood type have anything to do with his illness?”

The other doctors nodded in agreement. They had been practicing medicine for many years but they had

never seen Matthew’s treatment method before. However, Matthew only smiled and said nothing. Not

long after, the test results came out but the results were surprising.

The blood drawn by Matthew was different from the blood type written on the medical records! Instantly,

everyone broke into a clamor.

“How is this possible? How can the blood type be different? Is there a mistake? Is there a problem with

the blood test? I’m sure there is a problem. Test it again!”

Dr. Ellis was also stunned. “Mr. Larson, what is going on?”

Hearing this, Matthew raised his voice and replied, “There is nothing wrong with the test or the results

because there are indeed two blood types in his body!”

Everyone was dumbfounded and they exclaimed in shock, “What?! How is it possible that there are two

kinds of blood flowing in one person’s body? Are you really a doctor? Don’t you have the basic

knowledge of medicine? Where did this con man come from?”

Leonard was also frowning hard. In a solemn voice, he said, “Matthew, if you don’t know anything about

medicine, just admit defeat. There’s no need to waste our time!”

In a soft voice, Matthew replied, “I know all of you don’t believe me. Fortunately, we have equipment on

site. You can take his blood again and test it yourselves to see whether I’m right!”

Everyone glanced at each other in confusion, wondering where did Matthew’s confidence come from.

Leonard frowned for a while. In the end, he nodded and ordered the staff to carry the equipment to him

so they could do an on-site blood test.

Someone in the audience drew some blood from the patient and just when he was about to draw some

blood from his neck, Matthew stopped him. Then, Matthew patted the patient’s shoulder again before he

quickly drew some blood.

Afterward, both syringes were taken to be tested and everyone watched closely. Not long after, the

results were out, and they stunned everyone!

The two samples were indeed different blood types, as if they were blood from two different people!

Everyone on site almost lost their minds. Based on their medical knowledge and clinical experience they

had accumulated over the years, this was simply impossible.

Leonard was also in a daze. In a trembling voice, he asked, “H-How is this happening? How is this even


Hearing this, Matthew replied, “I told you that two lives are living in this body! He’s not a single person.

Instead, he is made up of two people.”


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