Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 1061

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Taking Control of the Lewis Family

The other families each expressed their support as well.

Old Master Lewis’s expression completely darkened, and he said in a deep voice, “Aaron is just a

temporary replacement to solving the current issue first. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Robert chuckled. “Haha, Old Master Lewis, the acting head of the family, represents the entire family.

Aaron will apologize to Matthew and the Cunningham Family tomorrow in front of everyone in Eastcliff. If

you let him become the head of the family, are you intending to make the whole Lewis Family apologize

to Matthew? ”

Bursting with anger, Old Master Lewis said through gritted teeth, “Master Sandel, you’ve really

considered it thoroughly! How about we let Aaron’s younger brother—”

Robert interrupted him before he could finish. “Aaron has two younger brothers. One is nineteen years

old, and the other is only eleven years old. Hah, Old Master Lewis, do you think they are suitable to lead

the family? ”

With his eyes widening in shock, Old Master Lewis suddenly looked straight at Robert. It was only then

that he finally understood that Robert didn’t only want to help a single person to the top, but also wanted

to drive those who were on his side out. As both of Old Master Lewis’ sons were dead, Donovan’s son

could not be the head, let alone Franklin’s son. Who else in the Lewis Family could be the head of the

family? With the change of a new head, the Lewis Family’s power was about to be transferred.

Old Master Lewis’ expression turned bitter, and he roared angrily, “Then, who do you think is more

suitable to be the acting head of the family, Master Sandel?”

With a smile, Robert replied, “I think Felix is a better fit!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, several other family leaders immediately spoke out in support.

Felix’s performance tonight reflected his responsible and courageous nature. Not only that, but he also

personally rescued Old Master Lewis and saved the family from the crisis. In fact, even many people in

the Lewis Family were in support of Felix. They all thought that Felix was the best fit for being the head

of the family!

On the contrary, Old Master Lewis’ face had completely frozen after he realized that Robert and the

others were in support of Felix. However, with a glance at the expressions of everyone in the family, he

knew that he could not object to this matter. Felix has already won the hearts of everyone in the Lewis

Family for everything he had done that night. If Old Master Lewis objected now, not only would the nine

other families put pressure on him, but even the Lewis Family would not heed his words.

Although he was extremely unwilling, he finally nodded. “Master Sandel’s proposal is not bad. Felix, what

do you think about being the acting head of the family?”

Felix hurriedly replied, “Old Master Lewis, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to take on such a big


Old Master Lewis pretended to persuade him, and in the end, Felix finally agreed to step up to the role.

Hence, the Ten Greatest Families were overjoyed, and the nine other families finally left the scene.

After they left, Old Master Lewis’ face darkened. Without a single glance at Felix, he immediately went

straight back to the small building where he lived. As soon as he returned, he called a few confidants to

discuss the matter with them.

Old Master Lewis was absolutely unwilling to let Felix be the head of the family. He still wanted people

from his side to continue controlling everything in the family. Therefore, he was prepared to let these

confidants think of a way to drive Felix from the position of the patriarch. It was best if he was able to kill

Felix quickly and end everything so as not to cause more accidents!

However, before their discussions could come to a conclusion, Old Master Lewis suddenly fell into a

coma. Though the Lewis Family immediately rushed him to the hospital, after a series of emergency

resuscitations, Old master Lewis passed away in the hospital.

At that time, Felix had just become the acting head of the family. As Old Master Lewis passed away, no

one could suppress Felix. Now that the Lewis members that were on Old Master Lewis’s side had

completely withdrawn from the center of power, Felix finally took full control of the Lewis Family!


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