Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 1225

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Matthew said coldly, "My name is a gift from my parents.What right do you have to change my name?"

Mason sneered, "A gift from your parents? Huh.Did your parents teach you to deceive others too? Are

your parents as ill-mannered and uneducated as you?"

Matthew's expression turned cold.

"Mason, listen closely.No matter what misunderstanding there is, it's between us.You have no right to

talk about my parents, let alone insult them!"

Mason tilted his head upward and smiled.

"Heh, you're quite a character! F*ck.Who do you think you are, talking to me about rights? Let me tell

you this: I can say whatever I want.What can you do to me? Hmph.So what if I talk about your parents?

If they could give birth to garbage like you, then they aren't any better—"

Before he could finish, Matthew suddenly took a step forward and reached out to grab Mason's neck.

"I'll give you a chance to apologize to my parents! Otherwise, don't blame me for not going easy on


Matthew warned through gritted teeth.

Mason didn't expect that Matthew would dare to make the first move.

Mason had practiced martial arts with Ambrose since he was a child, so he was quite strong too.

But now, being held by the neck, he had no power to resist.He was a little confused.

This boy toy is actually so powerful? At this moment, the people he brought with him roared and rushed

up to attack Matthew.

Matthew dodged their attacks, and Mason took the opportunity to break free of Matthew's grip.

After coughing a few times, Mason was livid as he pointed at Matthew and roared, "F*ck you! How dare

you touch me! Kill him!"

Upon that, more than a dozen people immediately rushed forward, ready to fight Matthew in groups.

Standing at the side, Crystal was furious and wanted to stop them.

Upon seeing this, Xander gave the girls a look, indicating for them to cover Crystal's mouth and press

her onto the chair.

Without Crystal's interference, the battle broke out at once.

At first, Matthew didn't want to cause a conflict with these people.

However, they took out their weapons, wanting to take his life.

Matthew was also angered, and he no longer held back.

He rapidly knocked dozens of them to the ground.

Mason was standing in the distance, and he was stunned when he saw this scene.

Originally, he thought that Matthew was just an ordinary boy toy; he could crush more than a dozen

people like him with one hand.He didn't expect that Matthew was so powerful.

His subordinates were all fighters trained by Ambrose, but more than a dozen of them were defeated

by Matthew! When Mason saw Matthew coming toward him, he panicked a little.He immediately took

out a firework from his pocket and lit it.

Fireworks exploded in the air, alerting the entire Woodside.

This was Woodside's special distress signal.

When the people of Woodside saw the fireworks, they would come as soon as possible.

In fact, not long after Mason's fireworks exploded, many people emerged from the market.

Immediately afterward, many people outside the market rushed over too.

Upon seeing this, Mason breathed a sigh of relief, looking proud.

"B*stard, you have some tricks up your sleeve! But, this is Woodside, so your tricks are useless! Over

here, even the gods can't save you if I want you dead!"

With that, Mason waved his hand and yelled, "Kill him!"

Hundreds of people surged forward.

Crystal was going insane.She didn't expect the situation to get this serious.

Matthew frowned as he wondered if he really had to fight these people.

In the nick of time, a car sped toward them and stopped right in front of Matthew.

The person who got out of the car was none other than Ambrose.

He glanced at the crowd and yelled angrily, "Are you all crazy? How dare you be so rude to Mr.Larson!"


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