Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 724

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Tiger corralled the rest of the Whites’ men into the house, and among them were Gordon and his


Presently, Matthew was seated on the couch, and there was a cold, hard glint in his eyes as he stared at

those before him.

Clueless as to what was going on, James and Helen were furious as they roared, “What are you doing

here, Matthew? Bold of you to show your face around here! Were you even invited? You—”

Enraged, Tiger grabbed a wine bottle from the nearby table and threw it onto the ground before the

couple, then shouted, “Shut up, you old fossils! I swear, if the both of you weren’t President

Cunningham’s parents, I would have killed you long ago! For the love of God, I’ve never met anyone as

ridiculous as the both of you. I ought to cut you up into pieces right now!”

The husband-and-wife duo were gobsmacked at the torrent of abuse, but even as they were too

shaken to utter another word, they still glowered at Matthew angrily.

As far as they were concerned, he was the one who had ruined everything. After all, Tiger and his men

would not have caused such havoc at the banquet if it hadn’t been for him.

Paying no attention to the hostility directed at him, Matthew was impassive as he flicked his wrist and

said, “Let them see the video.”

Upon hearing this, one of Tiger’s subordinates ran over and fished out Mrs. White’s cell phone, thereafter

bringing it over to James and Helen. The subordinate pulled up the video from earlier and clicked play.

It was a recorded video as opposed to a live one, and as such, it could still be replayed.

The couple watched the video until the end. All the color drained from their faces, and they were

trembling, clearly shocked by what they had seen. James was the first to speak, demanding, “W-What do

you think you’re doing here, President White? Your son is the one asking for my daughter’s hand, so why

can’t we talk things out like civil adults? H-How could you do something like this?”

Helen, on the other hand, was beside herself with panic as she cried, “Where’s Demi? What happened to

Demi? Is she alright?”

Tiger grimaced, then scoffed at this. “Alright? More like cut up into chunks and fed to the fishes in the


Upon hearing this, Helen felt the room spin around her, and she nearly fainted out of shock.

James quickly helped her to her feet as he urged, “How could this happen? How? We’re practically in-

laws, President White. How could you do something like this? That was my daughter! We’re supposedly


Tiger was incredulous, and he snapped impatiently, “Sh*t, just how goddamn stupid could the both of you

be? Can’t you tell what’s going on even at a time like this? They never wanted to become in-laws with

you, and they never wanted your daughter to become part of their family in the first place. They’re after

your assets! They asked Liam to poison Mr. Matthew Larson, and when he dies, his shares in the

construction company will go to President Cunningham. Then, once Sam marries her, the Whites could

take over all your enterprises! The suburban project, Cunningham Pharmaceuticals, Wellness Herbary,

and your current pharmacy—all these add up to over billions in worth! The Whites have been after these

all along, got it?”

James and Helen blanched at this, and the former countered in disbelief, “T-That’s not possible. Sasha is

Sam’s true love, and he’s head over heels for her. How could he do something like this? Besides,

President White gifted me with a villa not too long ago to show their ingenuity—”

Tiger let out a cold bark of laughter. “I can’t believe how deluded the both of you are at a time like this!

True love? What true love is there when it comes to Sam? Let me put it this way: Sam was involved in

three sexual assault cases while he was studying abroad, and the White Family paid to cover up all three

incidents. After he came back to Eastcliff, he’s been keeping a weekly roster of different girls—two for

each week. That’s the kind of life he leads, and more importantly, the b*stard has AIDS. I wonder if you

knew about that.”

James and Helen gaped at him, completely taken aback by the flurry of information.

President White, on the other hand, hastily retorted, “You’re spewing nonsense! My son is perfectly

healthy! How could he have AIDS all of a sudden?”

Tiger raised a brow as he chuckled coldly and sneered, “It’s only natural for us to do research before we

could go against you, White. Shall I let you have a look at your son’s report from his last medical check-

up? Oh, by the way, President White, I suggest you go for a check-up as well; that gold-digger you’ve

been maintaining at the Maison des Royale happens to have slept with your son.” He paused, clicking

his tongue in disapproval, and added contemptuously, “Call me old-fashioned, but your personal lives are



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