Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 987

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Don’t You Know Who I Am?

The young man’s nose flattened with that single punch. His nasal bridge snapped, and blood streamed

out of his nostrils. The other youngsters rushed over as well, but Matthew delivered a punch to every

single one of them.

One after another, they toppled like bowling pins. In the end, Matthew gripped Luke’s hair as he dragged

the latter and plopped him down in front of Sasha.

“Kneel!” Matthew commanded in a cold voice.

Luke spat on the ground and cursed, “You b*stard! Don’t you know who I am? Don’t you know who my

boss is?”

Matthew simply gave him a slap across the face, which caused Luke to bleed from his mouth. “I said,

kneel!” Matthew shouted again, emotionless.

Luke growled, “How dare you hit me! Dickson Lewis is my homie! Go to University Town and ask around!

There’s not a single person who has never heard of him! You damned b*stard!”

Another slap on the face. Matthew chose to be silent this time as he started forcing Luke to get on his


Luke was going nuts because of the man’s persistence. “You—”




And so, with a few more slaps, Luke finally fell silent. However, another slap still landed on his face,

which had irritated him. “I’ve already shut up! Why are you still hitting me?!”

Matthew repeated his command, yelling, “Kneel!”

Luke retorted, “In your dreams!”

Slap! Slap!

Matthew didn’t say anything as he consistently delivered the blows. At this point, Luke was panicking.

“Guards! Guards! Come on, does no one even care?”

No one responded to his calls, as the security guards would rather watch Matthew beat Luke to death. In

the end, Luke gave in to the demand. He knelt on the ground, but still, he didn’t forget to threaten

Matthew. “Mark my words, punk. When my homie comes back, you won’t even have time to beg for

mercy. I—”


Luke finally fell silent, but Matthew’s demand remained. “Now bow down!”

Obviously enraged by the order, Luke barked, “Don’t get too cocky!”


Luke resigned and lowered his head toward Sasha.


As if seeing the man’s insincerity, Matthew commanded, “Show more respect!”

Even Luke’s neck was burning red, but he didn’t dare oppose as he groveled respectfully.


With anger rising within him like a tide, he was near the brink of madness. “I already bowed! And with


“I never told you to stop,” Matthew replied.

Huh? What? Ain’t that enough?

Still, he didn’t have the courage to protest anymore, so he repeatedly lowered and raised his head while

being on his knees.

Once, twice, thrice…

As long as Matthew hadn’t said the word, Luke dared not stop. In the end, after almost ten repetitions,

Matthew finally said, “Enough. Pick up the key and wipe it clean.”

Luke’s cheeks were swollen, and he was truly drained of any courage to protest. He ran to the trash can

and fished the key out, then wiped it carefully until it was clean.

Matthew returned the key to Sasha. “You leave first.”

Sasha gave him a smile. People like Luke are not worth the pity anyhow. He deserves it!

Luke had his head lowered, but his dark gaze was directed toward Matthew. “What, still upset about it?”

Matthew shot a gaze back at the man who currently had his teeth gritted. “Tell me your name if you have

the guts. I swear I’ll find you!”

Matthew smiled coldly. “Don’t worry, you’ll know my name soon enough. However, I’m afraid you won’t

get the chance to look for me. Do you think a few slaps and some humiliation will suffice as punishment

for bullying my wife?”

Luke was stunned. “That… That was your wife?”

“Who did you think she was?” Matthew asked.

Luke frowned, but a wave of coldness soon overtook his face as he started smirking. “Hmph, you punk!

Since I’m still alive, I have all the time in the world to mess with you!”

Oh my! Matthew returned the man’s smirk with a slight grin. “Are you so sure that you won’t be dead?”

Luke was taken aback, but he quickly recovered. “Dead? At your hands? You’re just a trashy doctor!

Who are you trying to threaten? You’ll meet your own death when my bro comes back!”

Faced with the man’s threat-like proclamation, Matthew initially had his fist clenched but suddenly

decided to smile at him. “All right, enough nonsense! Guards, call the police. Tell them that someone had

brought weapons into the hospital to inflict harm. See, that swiss army knife would be evidence enough!”

These people have so much hatred in their eyes. I bet they want revenge.

For people with such characters, Matthew wouldn’t settle on disciplining them just once. He wanted them

to pay the price for everything they had done!


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