Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 854

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I Don’t Remember the Exact Time

Wasn’t Crystal at Eastcliff on that day?

When Joseph dropped the bomb about what actually happened, everyone’s expression changed.

“Tate, did you… Did you mess up the dates? Maybe it wasn’t Monday?” Helen was desperate to prove

Tate’s innocence.

At this moment, Tate, who was so terrified to the point where he started shivering, immediately

answered, “O-Oh, that must be it! I-I can’t seem to recall when I ran into them. Gasp. M-My head is a

mess right now, so I can’t really remember well. However, I did remember witnessing them being

intimate with each other at the back alley of the hospital…”

Upon hearing that, James frowned, as he could tell that Tate was lying. Still, he couldn’t expose Tate with

the way things had escalated right then. After placing his bet with Joseph, he didn’t think he had a

chance to back down now.

On the other hand, Joseph questioned Tate, “Why do you think that people are obliged to believe you

when you can’t even recall the exact time?”

Helen came to Tate’s defense. “What’s wrong about Tate being confused and not getting the date right?

That doesn’t change the fact that your granddaughter tried to seduce my son-in-law, though!”

Joseph gave her a look. “Listen clearly, Helen. The more you try to prove yourself right, the more I’ll

prove you wrong later on!”

At this instance, Helen jumped out of her seat abruptly. “Who are you to threaten me, old fart? Do you

think you can intimidate me by saying that? Come get me if you even dare!”

Nevertheless, Joseph ignored her and asked Tate coldly, “Tate, are you sure that you saw the two of

them at the back alley of the hospital?”

Tate quickly nodded. “Yes. It’s true! Although I don’t remember the exact time and date, I definitely

remember who I’ve seen!”

Right then, Joseph nodded slowly. “Alright, then. Moving on, how are you going to explain yourself about

what happened in the hospital?”

Tate’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“The instance where Crystal beat you up after you tried to hit on her!”

Immediately, James and Sasha looked stunned. That happened too?

At this moment, James’ face darkened as he suddenly realized that the situation was way more

complicated than he had imagined.

It seemed like he was fooled by Tate again.

On the other hand, Tate’s face was completely flushed before he snapped, “That’s a lie! Since when did I

try to hit on her? Stop accusing me of things that I’ve never done, old fart!”

“Explain why my granddaughter beat you up, then.”

Tate explained angrily, “I recognized her as the woman who tried to seduce Matthew, so I tried to

approach her and get her to stop. However, she got mad at that and even started attacking me!”

Immediately, a pained look appeared on Helen’s face. “Aw… My poor Tate… Why didn’t you tell us that

you were beaten? Does it still hurt?”

With his head held high, Tate explained, “Aunt Helen, I didn’t tell you guys about this because it was just

a small matter, and I figured that I could deal with it on my own. However, I didn’t expect them to be so

shameless to come over and accuse us, so I can’t deal with it anymore!”

Helen nodded along. “Tate, you’re really a good kid to be so caring to the family! Don’t worry. As long as

I’m here, no one will be able to bully you!”

Right then, Joseph chuckled coldly. “Helen, do you seriously trust him that much?”

Helen replied quickly, “Of course, I believe in my nephew! So what? Do you have anything else to say?”

Couldn’t be bothered by Helen, Joseph turned toward Tate. “Tate, let me ask you again. Are you willing

to take responsibility for your claims just now?”

“Of course. What’s there to be afraid of?”

Joseph nodded. “Great! That’s great! Haha! It looks like you still don’t know that there are surveillance

cameras outside of Matthew’s department, Tate. In fact, those are newly set up to be able to record

voices as well. Those surveillance cameras probably had recorded everything that happened in the

corridor, and I brought the footage along with me when I was heading here. Why don’t we all take a look

at it?”


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