Novel Name : Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage Chapter 1310

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Matthew walked step by step toward Leopard with a chilly expression.

"Don't worry.Even if you beg for mercy, I'm not gonna spare your life, so you'd better fight me with all

you've got!"

Leopard laughed with rage at Matthew's words.

"What an ignorant and conceited brat from nowhere! How dare you talk to me like that? Hmph, you

should've looked at yourself in the mirror! You want to fight me? What gives you the right to think of

that? Go! Break his legs and let him speak to me on his knees!"

The man next to him immediately nodded.

"Roger that, Leopard!"

Walking up to Matthew in an intimidating manner, he looked at Matthew with an arrogant look on his

face, saying, "You brat, I don't care who the f*ck you are, but since you've gotten in here and offended

Leopard, you're gonna die! Hmph! And how dare you yell at Leopard? Do you know who he is? Let me

tell you, Leopard is Young Master Oliver's senior, and his master is Augustus Fisher, the Invincible lron

Fist, who is also the No.3 martial arts master in Eastshire! Leopard could crush someone like you with

just one hand!"

Matthew stood with his hands behind his back.

"Are you done talking? Are you gonna fight me or talk me around?"

Infuriated, the man bellowed, "F*ck, what a conceited brat you are! Fine, I'm gonna let you know what

I'm capable of today! Kill him!"

At the man's words, a big and tall brute next to him immediately charged at Matthew and kicked out at

the latter's chest.

With his big and muscular build, he didn't seem like an ordinary man, and his kick looked very mighty

and intimidating.

Leopard nodded in approval.

In his opinion, with Matthew's thin build, the man's kick would send him flying right away.

However, instead of dodging the man's kick, Matthew spontaneously swung his fist at the man,

punching the latter right in the sole of his foot.

All everyone heard was the sound of bones breaking.

To their astonishment, Matthew fractured the burly brute’s leg with a single punch! The impact sent the

brute flying backward before he fell to the ground and let out a shrill, blood-curdling scream.

Seeing what had happened, everyone around them was startled, and Leopard's eyes widened in


Putting his teacup aside, he eyed Matthew up and down.

"Turns out you're skilled in martial arts, huh? No wonder you're so cocky! But how dare you show off in

front of me with these skills of yours? You're ridiculously overestimating yourself, you brat!"

Everyone around him guffawed as well, especially the first man, who pointed at Matthew and said with

a guffaw, "You really don't know your limits, don't you? Leopard's so formidable that even the expert

fighters from the Ten Greatest Families have got to hand it to him! Who do you think you are, coming all

the way here to make a racket?"

Matthew looked totally unfazed, though.

He said coldly, "Are you guys gonna fight or not?"

Upon hearing his words, everyone turned to look at Leopard.

Leopard let out a sneer and stood up.

Then, he suddenly tore off his shirt, revealing the well-developed muscles underneath.

After flexing his muscles, he swaggered up to Matthew with everyone cheering for him.

"I'm gonna make three moves, you brat.If you can hold out against these moves, I'll spare your life!" he

said in a loud and clear voice.

Upon hearing Leopard's words, everyone around him cheered loudly while looking at him with their

faces full of admiration.

Leopard had smugness written all over his face; he especially enjoyed being worshiped by everyone

like this.

Matthew looked at him frostily.

"I'll only give you a punch.If you can keep your feet after I punch you, I'll spare your life as well!"

All at once, Leopard blew his top.

"You're quite f*cking arrogant, aren't you? Since you're bent on courting death, I'll grant your death

wish! Take that!" he said.

Then, with a bellow, he took a sudden step forward, swinging his right fist at Matthew's temple with the

ferocity of a rolling thunder.

Matthew immediately warded off Leopard's punch with a swing of his left arm.

The next instant, he launched his right fist, punching the man in the chest instantly!


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