Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 172

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Chapter 172Although John acted a little reluctant, he still sent Anna the footage a few days later.

That night, Anna opened her laptop and began to watch that video. She stared carefully and tentatively

at every detail on the screen

The fire broke out at around 11:30 in the morning. At that time, all the junior and senior managers were

having a meeting in the conference room on the second floor. Since it was lunchtime, many people

were walking around in the kitchen. So, Anna didn‘t notice anything wrong for a while.

She saw Mike, the pastry chef, baking, and Kenny standing next to him to help. It seemed that Mike

kept telling Kenny to get something, so Kenny left every few minutes and then came back. Each time

he came back, he carried some ingredients.

At 10:54 am., the two children walked into the kitchen. Tammy walked in front, and Matthew followed

her. Then, they stopped in front of Mike.

Anna still felt scared at the thought of two children trapped in the fire. She took a deep breath and then

continued to watch the video.

Tammy and Matthew both had a sweet tooth. They immediately went to Mike‘s side after they entered

the kitchen, and it looked like they did it very often. Mike pointed at the oven to them, and then to


Then, the two children followed Kenny out. After that, Kenny was not in the picture again until the fire

broke out.

According to the hotel‘s investigation, Mike had gone to the storeroom to smoke at that time. Mike was

a chain smoker, and it was known to all the people in the hotel.Anna first watched the whole video from the first minute to the last. Then, she skipped the beginning

and end, and carefully watched the crucial part in the middle

However, she found nothing because everything looked perfectly normalm making he fire seem like an


After watching the camera footage in the kitchen, Anna checked the storage room video. However, she

still found nothing.

The reason why the hotel put surveillance in the storage room was to prevent people from stealing

things. So, the camera was only focused on the goods on the shelves and could not shoot the other

few corners. And even if someone was there, they would not be captured by the camera

Anna thought she didn‘t even need to watch the video of the kitchen door because many waiters

passed by there. She didn‘t see anyone suspicious except the two kids that strutted into the kitchen

But then, something suddenly occurred to Anna, When the fire happened, she went to the lounge to

look for Tmmy and Matthew. Then, a waiter told her that Matthew had gone to the

restroom with the head waiter. That was why she thought Matthew was not with Tammy.

But, even if she recalled for a long time, she couldn’t remember who that waiter was.

Moreover, she had a hunch that Kenny might have done something suspicious. After watching the

videotape, Anna was sure that Kenny was in the kitchen with the two children. However, when he came

out, he only that said Tammy was in there. Everyone in the hotel knew that Matthew was Wayne‘s son.

So, Kenny should have said that Matthew was there first.

After that, Anna found a piece of paper and wrote down three suspicious points about the incidentFirst, the head waiter did not take Matthew to the bathroom at all; the waiter lied. Second, Kenny only

said that Tammy was in the kitchen but did not mention Matthew.

Third, why was Matthew inside the cold room? While Anna was thinking hard about these three

suspicious things, she heard someone open the bedroom door. Then, a person opened the door to the

study and handed in a box of takeout food.

“Hey, Ms. Holmes, are you still solving the case? Don’t forget to eat.” Peace said at the door and

pretended to be cold.

Anna immediately felt moved.

As they were eating, she told Peace about what she thought. Peace said thoughtfully, “Well, I think you

can just ask them. About the first thing, you can ask the waiter who told you that Matthew went to the

bathroom. Only Kenny knows the answer to the second question. About the last, you can just ask

Tammy or Matthew himself! You can‘t know the truth even though you keep thinking about it.”

“Peace, I‘m going to Liverpool,” Anna said slowly and thoughtfully.

Peace was choked with water when she heard her words. She coughed and asked, “What? do you

have to make things so complicated! You are going to Liverpool just to find Mike?”

“I want to ask him if he smoked in the storage room that day.”

Peace knew that Anna was a stubborn person and knew that Wayne had indeed pissed her off.

After realizing that Anna would go there no matter what she said, she said, “Oh, okay. Anna, if you

really want to go there, just do it. I‘ll ask them these questions for you later, okay?”

“What? You can do it?” Anna asked, looking at her suspiciously.Peace, however, smiled at Anna. She stroked her hair, raised her eyebrows proudly, and answered,

“Yes, I can. You know, I‘m very popular among gentlemen. Besides, someone in the hotel had a crush

on me.”

Anna felt resigned. She said, “Well, thank you. But, Karl should never know about this. Otherwise, that

guy will be screwed.”

Karl and Peace were both flirts. When they first dated, Anna thought they were just having fun. But,

Anna didn‘t expect Karl to change from a womanizer to a loyal boyfriend.

What surprised her even more was that Peace was the one who was not so faithful. So, Anna thought

Peace could only meet that guy behind Karl‘s back. Otherwise, that poor guy might be


In the award of the hospital, the dark clouds outside the window blocked the light. It looked like there

might be a storm later

The dim sky made the lights in the room look bright and a bit blinding The light shone on the shiny

white walls as if everything in the whole room could be hidden

Charlotte stood by the window on the phone in a pink striped hospital gown. She had a bandage in one

hand and a phone in the other

What‘s going on? You told me before that this would only be a small fire But how did it become like

this? So, what am I supposed to do? Were you trying to hurt me on purpose?”

Then Ada said, “Gee, what makes you think that? I wouldn‘t get anything out of it if I harmed you I‘ve

told you that the big fire was an accident Besides, I took precautions long ago. I assured you before

that Matthew would not be harmed So, he wasn‘t even hurt in the cooler when you went in Charlotte,how could you say this to me? I gave you a perfect chance to let Wayne be grateful to you So, why are

you blaming me?”

Charlotte immediately became gloomy Whenever she thought of that fire, she felt her heart pounding

novelbinShe growled, “Humph! Don‘t think too highly of yourself I know that you helped me because you hated

Anna I put my life on the line when I rushed in to save Matthew. But have you ever thought that what if I

didn‘t have the quts to do that? Then, Matthew might be dead. You‘re so hornble!”

When Charlotte saw how big the fire was, she was terrified She felt that it was nothing like what she

had expected before But she was terrified that Matthew would get hurt. So, she got all her nerves and

rushed in At that time, she didn‘t even dare to think about what would have happened if she hadn‘t

gone in and rescued Matthew

Charlotte thought to herself, it seems that Ada did it only to benefit herself. She didn‘t even care about

Matthew‘s life! My God, she is so vicious!

“Ada, I‘m warning you, you should stop whatever you‘re doing. Also, I don‘t want them to spread

rumors that Anna was involved in this. That‘s it! Our cooperation is over.” Although Charlotte said that

in a grim voice, she was trembling She whispered those words as low as she could.

Ada gave a sneer and replied, “What? Charlotte, aren‘t you afraid I‘ll tell Wayne the truth? You know

what he would do to you if he knows about it.”

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