Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 62

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When Wayne‘s voice came from the other end of the line, Anna felt as if he was whispering in her ear

and her face was flushed when she thought of that night.

Did I make such a request? I have no impression of it at all.

Anna summoned up her courage and said, “That‘s impossible. How is it possible that I make such a


I was just drunk, not crazy.

“You are doubting me?” Wayne asked. “You mean that I‘m lying to you by making up a story?”

Anna was speechless. At the same time, she thought, Yes, there is no reason for Wayne to make up a

story and lie to me. I might really make the request when I was drunk.

Although Anna still didn‘t want to believe that she really made such an unreasonable request, she

thought she was very likely to do so because she was so drunk that day.

Then she stammered in embarrassment, “I didn‘t mean that. I was drunk that day and I don‘t remember

what I said that night. I… I‘m going to pick Tammy up right now.” Then she hung up the


The driver drove fast and soon Anna arrived at the Kingsford Neighborhood. It was getting dark. Wayne

and Matthew as well as Tammy were in the living room. When Matthew saw Anna, he rushed over

happily and held her legs

Anna caressed his head and said, “Matthew, be careful. Your hand is injured. Does it still hurt?”

Matthew shook his head and looked at Anna with attachment.

His hand recovered nicely and the plaster had been removed. But the doctor said that he still should be

careful with his hand.

The maid was putting the dishes on the table. When she saw Anna, she smiled and said, “Hi, Miss

Gabriel. The dinner is ready. You may have dinner now.”

Anna was stunned and then said with an embarrassed look, “No, thanks. I‘m here to pick up Tammy

We‘re leaving now”

“Let‘s have dinner together.” At this time, Wayne said as he closed the book in his hand and walked

over from the sofa.

Seeing this, Tammy nodded and said, “Mommy, I‘m hungry.”

Thinking that it was impolite to refuse again, Anna had no choice but to sit down at the table helplessly

“Mommy, look at the smoked salmon. I told Uncle Wayne that you liked smoked salmon fish most and

he specially asked the cook to cook it for you!” Tammy said happily and blinked at Anna.

Hearing this, Anna felt even more embarrassed. She took a glance at Wayne and said shyly, “Thank


Wayne just nodded as a reply. When he was about to get some food, someone suddenly tugged at his

sleeve. Then he lowered his head and saw that Matthew was pulling his sleeve with one hand and

raising his drawing board with the other hand. And on the drawing board was a big word, “Juice“.

Wayne then poured some juice for Matthew.

Seeing this, Matthew became anxious. He grabbed Wayne‘s sleeve and kept shaking it while motioning

Wayne to look at Anna.

It was not until then that Wayne realized that Matthew was asking him to pour some juice for Anna.

Then he raised his eyebrows and looked at Matthew with a helpless smile.

While Anna was eating silently with her head lowered, a good–looking hand suddenly came into her

view and poured some juice into her glass.

She raised her head in surprise and met Wayne‘s calm gaze. She was flattered and immediately said,

“Thank you, Mr. Wright.”

“Matthew asked me to pour you some juice just now. Have more if you like it,” Wayne said naturally

Although he said it as if he didn‘t do it voluntarily, his words made Anna have an illusion that she was a

wife who was spoiled by her son and husband.

Since Matthew liked the food cooked by her, Wayne and Matthew always went to her place for dinner

before and it was not the first time that they had had dinner together. However, due to what had

happened the night before yesterday, Anna found it embarrassing to have dinner with Wayne.

What she didn‘t know was that she had fallen into Wayne‘s “trap“..

Yesterday, on the way Wayne sent Anna back home, Anna said casually that he didn‘t need to be

responsible for her and asked him not to take the one–night stand seriously

However, her attitude made Wayne feel displeased. The more he thought about her words, the

unhappier he was.

Don‘t take it seriously? Let me see if you can really pretend nothing has happened, Wayne thought

The two kids seemed to eat slowly on purpose and it took them almost two hours to finish the dinner

Finally, urged by Anna, Tammy finished the food on her plate.

It was dark outside. Anna looked at the time and surprisedly found that it was already ten o‘clock at


“Tammy, where is your schoolbag? Pack it quickly. We have to go now.” Tammy blinked her big eyes

and asked, “Mommy, aren‘t we staying here tonight?”

Hearing this, Anna blushed and said, “Who said we‘ll şiay here for the night? We‘ll go home now. Go

get your schoolbag now.”

At this moment, Wayne‘s voice came from the living room “It‘s so late now. Just stay here tonight. The

guest room has been cleaned.”

As soon as he finished his words, Tammy cheered, “Great! We can stay here tonight‘s

“Matthew, let‘s go to the entertainment room!” she said as she ran upstairs with Matthew happily.

“Tammy…” It was too late for Anna to stop her.

Ann then turned to look at Wayne and said, “Thank you, Mr. Wright. But we have to go now. And I‘m

sorry that we bothered you today.”

“It‘s no bother,” Wayne said gently, standing in front of the cabinet where many antiques were displayed

and taking out a jade in an unhurried way.

“I‘m not busy these days. Didn‘t you say that I should spend more time with Matthew? I‘ll spend more

time with him and help you take care of Tammy these days.”

“No, thanks. Mr. Wright…” Anna still wanted to say something but was interrupted by Wayne.

“I never go back on my words,” Wayne turned around and said. “Since I have promised you that I will

take care of Tammy, I will keep my word.”

“I was drunk that day. Please don‘t take my words seriously. Besides, it‘s not appropriate for Tammy

and me to stay here,” Anna explained with a guilty conscience.

She suddenly felt a little annoyed and regretted drinking so much at the party

“Didn‘t you tell me not to take what happened that night seriously?” Wayne asked. “Then why have you

been avoiding me since that night? You and Tammy always come and spend your weekends here

before, don‘t you? Why do you look so guilty?”

Anna‘s heart jolted and she was speechless. “… I‘m not guilty.”

With a frown, she said frankly, “You are going to get married soon. It will cause misunderstanding if I

stay here. Your fiancee will misunderstand our relationship.”

In fact, the main reason why she had asked him not to mind the one–night stand was that Wayne was

about to get married to Ada. She didn‘t want to destroy the relationship between Wayne and Ada and

didn‘t want to offend Ada.

“Just because of this?” Wayne asked carelessly.

“Isn‘t that enough?” Seeing his careless look, Anna was confused. Then she repeated what she had

said just now again, “It‘s indeed inappropriate for Tammy and me to stay here.”

After thinking for a moment, Wayne walked closer to her with a meaningful smile and said in a low

voice, “But that is not a misunderstanding, is it?”

He stressed the word “misunderstanding” deliberately to remind her of what had happened between


Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand -

Read Chapter 62 with many climactic and unique details. The series Falling in Love With A One-

Night Stand one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 62 - The

heroine seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this

happened a big event. So what was that event? Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Chapter 62 for more details


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