Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 347

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“You gave me two phone numbers, one of which is a virtual number that changes its address every five

minutes. So, it will take me some time to locate it. But | found the other number’s address and texted it

to your phone.” Jasper said.

“Okay, thanks. Hold on a second, let me see.” Anna quickly checked her phone and saw the address. It

turned out that Jennie was in a hotel in Seriel City.

After leaving Seriel Airport, Anna got into a cab and headed for the Kings Inn. Then Anna put the

phone to her ear and said, “Hey Jasper, ‘m in a cab now!”

“Okay, let me know when you arrive at the hotel, ‘ll have someone check the number and get back to

you tonight.”


“Anna, does Wayne have something to do with this again?” Jasper asked as Anna was about to hang

up the phone.

“Yes, and it’s a pretty serious matter.”

“So, where is he? Why does he always get you into these dangerous troubles?”

“Oh, it’s quite a long story. I’ll tell you about it after | settle this.”

Jasper abruptly hung up the phone after a long silence.

Anna sighed and glanced at her phone, but she didn’t feel guilty. Jasper had always treated her like a

sister and was kind to her, so she had taken it for granted. As a result, she didn’t believe he’d be angry

with her.

Later on, she even texted him, saying, “Please check that number for me as ‘347 Don’t Worry soon as

possible! Thanks!”

Little did she know that Jasper was feeling blue. For the past five years, he had treated Anna as the

most precious person to him. So, he was disappointed to learn that Anna had been busy solving

problems for Wayne.

The Kings Inn was located outside of downtown but close to the airport. So, Anna arrived there half an

hour later. Then Anna knocked on the door of Jennie’s room. It was already past midnight, and Jennie

appeared haggard. Her expression indicated that she had recently been tired and panicked.

When she saw Anna, she was taken aback and asked, “Anna? What are you doing here?”

“Please accept my apologies, but I’m still worried about you. Please don’t try to get rid of me again,

Jennie. Believe it or not, | can help you.”

Anna walked straight into the bedroom. She made no complaints and only asked, “What happened?

Why did you leave in such a hurry?”

Jenny realized that Anna really wanted to help her out. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have come to the city.

So, she was conflicted and embarrassed to keep it from Anna anymore. She said, “William called me

and said he would only allow me to go there alone. | didn’t tell you because | feared something bad

would happen to you if! told you.”

Hearing that, Anna found Jenny to be more naive than she thought. She then said, “You thought there

might be an accident, but you still came, didn’t you? What on earth were you thinking? Have you ever

considered what would happen if anything goes wrong? You and Ryan would both be in danger.”

“Don’t worry, I’m all prepared, | will not drag anyone into this.” ‘347 Don’t Worry ia

Anna sighed and said, “Jennie, | will be your daughter-in-law, for God’s sake. And soon, I’ll be your

family. I’m not yet married to your son, but it’s the truth.”

Jennie froze after hearing her words as if she couldn’t believe them. It took her a moment to regain her

composure and say, “Yes, of course, know that.”

Anna smiled to reassure her and said, “Don’t worry, ‘ve got everything taken care of”

“What did you do?”

“You don’t have to know about that in detail. Anyway, I’l be there with you tomorrow. I’m quite confident

in myself, so I can buy you some time. When it’s time to run, I’ll let you know.”

Jennie wanted to say no. However, Anna appeared determined and seemed won’t take “no” as an


The next day, the meeting time was changed from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Every time Anna and Jennie

arrived at a place, William called them and told them to change the site in an hour.

He kept making them go around various parts of the city until 7:00 p.m. It was winter, so it was

completely dark at that time.

William said in a low voice, “There’s a power plant located north of the town, and I’ll be waiting for you

there. If you call the cops, | guarantee you’ll never see your son again!”

Jennie clenched her teeth and said, “Don’t hurt him! I’ve prepared all the money. If he gets hurt one bit,

III die with you. That way, neither of us will get what we want.”

“Hmph, cut the crap. I’ll cut off one of his fingers and throw it in the river if you’re a minute late. Is it true

that your son wants to be a cop? His dream will be shattered if he becomes disabled!” ‘347 Don’t Worry

Jennie nearly burst into tears when she heard this terrifying threat. Jennie’s face grew paler and paler,

even as her lips turned purple. She looked completely drained

William had asked them to switch places just to see if they had called the cops. If that was the case, it

was unlikely that the police would be able to fully assemble at the new location in a short amount of

time. Furthermore, many police officers switching places in the city would be obvious.

On the way to the plant, Anna kept talking to Jennie to keep her calm. “You mentioned earlier that

William married a wealthy woman, right? So, how did he run out of money?”

Jennie replied, “He’s always bringing troubles to everyone. He had been gambling and owed a lot of

money, so she divorced him. But he couldn’t quit gambling after all those years. After this, he kept

dating rich women to get money from them.”

At the same time, inside the abandoned power plant on the north side of town, a broken light bulb

illuminated the place. Shivering from the cold, two men stomped and paced back and forth on the

concrete floor.

“It’s f*****g freezing! | heard it’s going to snow here today. This is really not a good time to do that!”

“He can’t decide that. The New Year has just passed, and he still hasn’t paid his debts. Claire will never

forgive him.”

The other man quickly covered his mouth and whispered, “Shh! Stop it! He will not let you go if he

hears you.”

The man broke free of his friend’s hand and spat on the ground, “Are you trying to kill me? He’s on the

phone right now on the top floor, and | believe he’s pleading with Claire. He is too busy to pay attention

to us.” 347 Don’t Worry

The two men laughed sarcastically while looking at each other. Claire was the daughter of the boss of

the gang they belonged to and was dating William. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have paid any attention to

William atall.

On the top floor, the wind was howling. Despite shivering from the cold, William said gently, “Claire, I’m

not fooling around. I’ll be back ina couple of days. Don’t worry, | got all the money back that they owe

me. Yes, | have three million dollars.”

Update of Falling in Love With A One-Night


Announcement Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand has updated Chapter 347 with many

amazing and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm

romance of the author Novelebook in Chapter 347 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the

Chapter 347 Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand series here. Search keys: Falling in Love With

A One-Night Stand Chapter 347


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