Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 232

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Peter froze as he heard Wayne questioning him and clenched the book he was holding.

Wayne then firmly said out loud, “Richard wouldn’t have done those evil things if you hadn’t put too

much faith in him three years ago. That way, he wouldn’t have harmed Matthew either. When it first

happened, you didn’t want to penalize Richard because he was

a part of our family. Well, I did nothing at the moment because it had already happened. I didn’t expect

you’d let him run for president once more!”

After he was done, he looked disappointed in Peter.

Peter was a tough person who had a strong sense of right and wrong. Since Richard was a member of

their family, Peter didn’t think he should be held accountable for that incident. However, Wayne thought

that was improper.

Wayne had looked into who had harmed Matthew three years ago. In fact, he had almost known the

truth. If Peter hadn’t stopped him from pursuing the probe back then, he would have sent Richard to


“But Wayne, you didn’t have concrete evidence before. So, it wasn’t necessarily Richard who did that.”

Peter stated while frowning and making an effort to control his anger.

“Huh? What do you mean by that? Honestly, I have the proof and have already shown it to you. You

were the one who told me not to look any further and that you already knew the truth and who did it.

So, why on earth did you say something like that in the first place! Don’t you remember that you said

that belore? Is it because you’re too old?” Wayne

said. ”

With a heavy “bang”, Peter slammed the book in his hand on the table. He replied angrily, “Yes, it’s true

that I’m old. But, it’s not like that I’m confused! Wayne, do you really want me to spill the beans? I am

fully aware of who injured Matthew.”

Peter’s voice sounded husky, but it was very firm and powerful. Wayne frowned and asked, “What?

What do you mean?”

Peter’s expression was grim, and his imposing aura seemed could take people’s breath away. He said,

“You rejected me when I said I wish you could get married and start a family. And, you even let a

surrogate give birth to Matthew just to annoy me. Do you actually consider yourself to be Matthew’s

father? To be honest, there are many shady things about that incident. Richard wasn’t the only person

who communicated with Matthew’s nanny back then.”

This happened a long time ago. For various reasons, no one knew the truth. However, it baffled them


Wayne had never anticipated that his grandfather would suspect him of hurting his own son.

“What? Grandpa, what do you mean? Are you suspecting me?”

“Well, why shouldn’t I suspect you? Have you ever thought of Matthew as your son before? It seems

that you can take advantage of any person to get what you want.” Peter replied with a grim face.

Wayne clenched his fist and fell silent. After a while, he said grimly, “Well, you should let Richard take

charge of the company from now on. You don’t have to remove me from my position because I quit!”

As soon as Wayne finished speaking, he walked out of the study and slammed the door heavily behind

him. He acted so quickly that nobody even had time to respond.

Henry, who was standing in the doorway, said a few words to Wayne and tried to calm him down.

However, Wayne left as if he hadn’t heard him.

“Wayne, wait! Don’t go!” Henry said. “Come on, Henry. Ignore him.”

Peter, who was seated in the study, firmly interrupted Henry’s attempt to call Wayne back. Then, he

sighed and went back inside the study as he watched Wayne walk farther


“Peter, why did you say that to him? He is no longer a child but a grown man.”

Peter wiped his hands with a towel. His books and papers were scattered on the floor in a messy way,

which showed how angry he was.

Peter frowned and still looked furious. He said. “No, he’s not a mature adult at all! You know what, he’s

not even a human being with emotions. Well, I’m not sure where he got his personality from or why he

has it. Profit is all that matters to him!”

“No, I don’t think that’s true. Not only does he respect you, but he loves Matthew. Besides, he’s going

to marry Miss Gabriel soon. You’ve been looking forward to this, haven’t


As soon as he heard Anna’s name, Peter looked displeased again. He said, “Well, don’t bring it up

again. It seems that I made a wrong judgment about her.”

Henry froze and asked, “Oh, you’re still bothered that she hasn’t divorced? But, because they have

been apart for so long, they can be regarded as divorced.”

Peter was no longer working, but he continued to have access to all business-related news in

Birmingham. So, of course, he was aware that Jasper was searching for Birmingham-based

businesses to help marketing his idea. While running a background check on Jasper, Peter was

surprised to know that he was married to Anna. Also, the two of them had only been separated but not


But, that wasn’t the reason why Peter suddenly wanted to remove Wayne from his position.

He glanced at Henry and asked, “What did Wayne tell the board about the canceled project at Leeds?”

“He said that the talks broke down.” Peter said with annoyance, “That’s a lousy excuse! I might have

believed him if I hadn’t

asked someone at the Leeds branch what happened that day. Midway through the negotiations, he left

the conference room just because something happened to the Gabriel family. Frank Gabriel, Anna’s

father, had passed away on that day. So, Wayne went straight to the airport.”

Henry explained to Wayne, “Actually, I can understand this. You know, after all, they were in a


“But, he shouldn’t have been impulsive like that anyway. It was raining heavily then, and he waited at

the airport for two whole days. He did that just to take the first flight back!”

Peter became even more enraged as he heard it. He slapped the table and yelled, “That’s so


Wayne grew up around him, so he knew that Wayne treated everything indifferently and would do

some extreme things. Peter had always wished for him to settle down and start a family like regular

people. However, he was worried that Wayne would become crazy and cause serious consequences

because of falling in love.

Wayne’s life had changed drastically since he was with Anna, and she also put him in danger of losing


Henry tried to persuade Peter again. However, when he saw his furious look, he knew that whatever he

said at this moment would only make things worse. So, he kept quiet.

Wayne hurried to Matthew’s room. Before taking Matthew away, he told the maid to pack some clothing

for him.

At that time, Matthew was playing in the yard with Natalie. When he heard Wayne say he was taking

him home, he immediately pulled out his little board and wrote down a line, “Where’s Mom and my

sister? Are they going with me too?”

Wayne’s face turned somber, and he said, “Well, you don’t have a mommy or a sister anymore. From

now on, there will be just the two of us. We’ll live like the way we were before.”

“No!” Matthew said immediately, and his raspy, childlike voice echoed in the


Wayne froze for a moment; after all, he rarely heard Matthew speak. Then he looked a little gentler. He

said patiently, “Matthew, you’ve been staying here for too long. It’s time for you to come home with me.”

Matthew, however, shook his head and wrote down a quick line, “Tammy told me to wait here for her,

and she’ll be back soon.”

Seeing Matthew’s determined look, Wayne felt angry. He immediately reached out a hand, picked

Matthew up, and then strode toward the door.

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand -

Read Chapter 232 with many climactic and unique details. The series Falling in Love With A One-

Night Stand one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 232 -

The heroine seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly

this happened a big event. So what was that event? Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Chapter 232 for more details


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