Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 477 The White Lie

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Bill leaned up against the school bus and dialed Anna’s number. He remembered it because he had

stolen Peace’s phone before.

It took Anna a long while to answer the phone. She left the auditorium quietly through the side door.

After pressing the answer button, she lowered her voice and asked, “Hello?

“The bus has a brake issue. Tell them to change buses.”

The moment she heard it, Anna tensed up and became terrified. Before she could ask who that was,

Bill hung up the phone. Her mind kept replaying the straightforward but shocking message. It wasn’t

until a minute later that she called back immediately, only to find that she couldn’t get through.

Just as Anna was about to return to the auditorium, she noticed the doors had been opened. And

people rushed out of the jammed doorway. Immediately after that, Anna became alarmed and dashed

toward the underground parking lot.

She instantly stopped in front of the bus owned by Birmingham High School. The last students were

just getting on the bus at that point. Anna slammed the door shut and asked the driver to get out

because she thought she had no time to explain to him what happened.

“What’s the matter with this woman?” The driver asked, frowning as he slowly began the engine.

Tammy, who heard the noise, looked out the window and exclaimed, “Stop the car!”

The driver had no choice but to stop, Tammy jumped out of the car as 476 The White Lie soon as the

door opened.

“Brake!” Anna yanked the driver out of the driver’s seat, panting.

The driver was startled after checking the brakes suspiciously. “Dear God!” he exclaimed. After coming

back to his senses, he asked Anna, “How did you know there was a problem with the brakes?”

Anna didn’t have time to explain, so she ignored him. She called the police first and hung up before

saying, “I’ll explain this to the police.”

For three days, Birmingham had been raining nonstop, and the air was extremely humid.

When Anna woke up in the bedroom, she heard the sound of raindrops outside the window. Frowning

slightly, she opened the curtains and looked out.

The sky was so dark that Anna thought it was night. Somehow, as she looked up at the dark sky, Anna

felt anxious and sorrowful for no reason.

After a shower, she entered the dining room and saw Wayne and Matthew reading the Financial Times.

Tammy then walked downstairs in her school uniform. When she noticed the extra cutlery in the dining

room, she asked, “Is Grandma back?”

“It’s Ryan,” Wayne looked up at her and answered.

Sitting next to Wayne, Anna sipped her milk. She raised her eyes “I heard he was helping police catch

criminals abroad. Is this mission over?” Anna asked.

“Yes, he’s now taking a break.” Wayne flipped over the paper, seemingly unconcerned about the

situation. What surprised Anna was that Ryan had not told her of this but had instead told Wayne. 476

The White Lie

“Read it after you finish your breakfast,” she said and snatched the newspaper from both of their


Wayne and Matthew exchanged glances and skimmed their lips immediately brought breakfast to the

two of them.

At that time, Tammy had already wiped her mouth and walked upstairs. She returned to the dining

room a short time later with her schoolbag, saying, “Let the driver take me to school earlier today. You

don’t have to come with me.”

With that, she dashed to the entrance to change her shoes. The maid handed her an umbrella before

she went out.

Wayne looked up at Tammy as she was about to take the umbrella “Tammy, you don’t have to go to

school for a while,” he said slowly and softly.

“Why?” Tammy loosened her grasp, and the umbrella thudded to the floor. Upset, she stood at the front

door and looked over at Wayne, retorting, “I told you | didn’t want to work for your company.”

Yesterday, Wayne offered Tammy a break from school to work for his company after returning from the

police station with Anna. Tammy refused and even got mad at him. She assumed Wayne wouldn’t bring

it up, but she wasn’t expecting him to say that again.

Tammy went out again because she was so angry. However, as she turned around, she She stumbled

a little as she smelled the rain, and Ryan caught her before she fell.

“Are you going to school? Why didn’t you wait for me? You know I’m going to come back home,” Ryan

said to Tammy with a slight frown.

“Oh, Uncle Ryan!” Tammy said with a smile after a brief pause.

Ryan then placed his hand on her shoulder. The heavy fabric of his uniform made her feel safe. They

then walked to the dining table 476 The White Lie together.

“The plane doesn’t take off until ten o’clock. Please wait a little longer, Tammy:” Dressed in a soaked

uniform, Ryan walked into the dining room, leaving muddy footprints from the doorway to the dining

room Then he began eating the toast that was on the table.

“Unele Ryan, what are you talking about?” Tammy was baffled as to why even more confused when

she heard his words.

“Ah, you don’t know about that? Didn’t your dad tell you about it?” Ryan appeared to be hungry and

quickly finished that slice of toast. He then glanced at Wayne unhappily.

“Sorry, I haven’t had a chance to tell her yet,” Wayne said calmly, setting his bowl down.

“Are you going to tell me about taking a break from school to work at the carousel?” Tammy asked


“Huh? No! | want you to go on a study tour to the US. New York University has recently begun

recruiting students in England for a study tour. These students will spend a month and a half studying

at ten most prestigious universities in America. This is an incredible opportunity for you!”

Tammy’s eyes widened as she exclaimed, “Huh? Attend college? But I’m not yet in high school.”

“You may also be eligible for guaranteed admission to a well-known local high school. If you have this

experience, you might be able to get into the college you like later on!”

Ryan said, “I have two spots available here. Matthew has expressed an interest in going there, so there

is only one spot left. Do you want to go, Tammy? If you don’t want. III give it to a friend’s child.” 476 The

White Lie

“II go!” Tammy exclaimed joyfully and laughed. She had always wanted to study in America.

Wayne nodded as he took up the newspaper next to him, saying, “Matthew, you can’t always work with

me. You can travel to America to see if there is a college you want to attend and then prepare for it.

You and Tammy can attend high school together in America next semester.”

Matthew nodded and seemed not interested in Wayne’s suggestion. He looked at Tammy thoughtfully.

Tammy didn’t notice their expressions, so she asked excitedly, “Uncle Ryan, where did you get the


Ryan said, without looking up, “We worked on an international information fraud case in collaboration

with American authorities. A Canadian police officer was in charge of the meeting with us. His father is

a UNESCO employee who was recently in charge of the study tour. He brought it to me, so | asked for

two spots for you guys.”

Right after Ryan finished his words, Anna realized that he was lying through his teeth. However, as

innocent as Tammy was, she flushed with excitement and didn’t even doubt a single word that Ryan

had just uttered. She asked, “So, when do we leave?”

Ryan looked at his watch as he lifted his wrist. “At ten o’clock. You have two and forty-three minutes to

get ready.”

Then Tammy took Matthew’s hand and led him to the second floor.

“Didn’t you tell me that you had to go to school?” Wayne asked Tammy, raising his eyebrows.

Tammy took the final step and shook her head, saying, “This matters more than school. Maybe I’ll be

able to attend my dream college!”

“Don’t worry, honey. You will make it,” Wayne looked at the last page of the paper and said gently. AT6

The White Lie

Ryan raised his brows and smiled triumphantly as he watched them leave. Wayne caught a glimpse of

his expression and then put the paper higher, pretending not to notice anything.

At the same time, Anna wrapped her arms around her chest, cast a serious look at the two men in front

of her, and asked, ‘You two planned all of this, right? ‘The head of UNESCO? A study tour?’ Tammy will

realize you’re lying to her once she gets there.”

Knowing that Anna was about to blame him, Ryan lowered his head to eat his breakfast and used his

elbow to poke Wayne’s arm. To Ryan’s surprise, Wayne put down the newspaper he was using to

shield his face and said seriously, “It was Ryan’s idea.”

About Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand - Chapter 477

The White Lie

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With

the below content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred

interchangeably, despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and

then regret. late. Please read chapter Chapter 477 The White Lie and update the next chapters of

this series at


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