Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 524 An Uninvited Guest

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“What are you looking for?” A woman dressed in black asked Gary.

Startled by the woman’s voice, Gary turned his gaze to the person behind him. He couldn’t see the

woman’s face clearly because it was too dark. The only thing he could tell was that the woman might

be in her fifties.

“Who are you?” Gary asked warily, becoming nervous.

The woman laughed out loud and then asked him, “I should be the one to ask that question. You’re on

my doorstep right now. Do you have any idea about that?”

It wasn’t until Gary saw the gate that he realized he had accidentally wandered into someone else’s

home. Then the woman stepped out of the shadows. Her dark green eyes sparkled like emeralds in the

pale moonlight.

Gary stepped back and said, “I’m sorry, madame. I’ll leave right now. | came here to find a moon-

shaped shell for my friend.” As he spoke, he looked down at the shell at the woman’s feet.

“Are you looking for this?” the woman asked, picking up the shell after looking down

Gary nodded.

“There are many unique shells here that you can’t find anywhere else,” the woman said as she stood

up and took the tiny moon shell in her palm. She then extended her hand to Gary.

Hesitant, Gary paused for a moment before walking directly toward the woman. He approached the

woman, reached out his small hand, and 523 An Uninvited Guest took the shell from her. Then he said

with a smile, “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome,” The woman spoke softly, “Your parents will be worried if you stay here for so

long. You should leave right now, my dear.”

Hearing that, Gary turned around and left. As he walked, he looked back several times and saw the

woman still standing in the same spot, waving at him. Because he was scared by the woman in black,

he started running. After a while, he was surprised to see the light ahead

“Tammy!” He yelled.

Tammy ran to Gary immediately upon hearing his voice and asked, “Gary! Where did you go? “

Meanwhile, Peace knelt in fear and asked Gary, “Are you all right? Tammy was so worried about you

that she almost called the cops! We’d been looking for you for so long.”

Tammy turned away from Gary to wipe her tears. She said angrily, “Why would | call the cops? | wasn’t

the one who got lost.”

“Tammy,” Gary called out and grabbed one of her hands.

“Don’t touch me!” Tammy screamed, refusing to look at him.

“Don’t be mad, Tammy. This is for you,” Gary said as he took her arm and shoved something into her


‘‘What is it?” Tammy asked, looking impatiently at her hand. She went completely still when she noticed

a snowy white moon-shaped shell in her palm. The moonlight reflected off the shell, making it appear

crystal clear.

“Sorry! | only found two shells like that, and one of them was missing a comer,” Gary said, tilting his

head and smiling.

“You came all that way to find this?” Tammy asked, surprised. 523 An Uninvited Guest

“W’m sorry. | should have told you before | left. | know you like such shells, so | went to find them for

you.” Gary said.

Hearing that, Tammy was silent for a few moments and then took Gary’s hand in hers while clutching

the shell. “Look at the sand and mud on your shirt! You got dirty all over! Come on, let’s go back to the

hotel,” she said. Later, she and Gary walked toward the hotel together. And Peace and Karl walked

alongside the kids on the way back.

“Anna gave up her volunteer opportunity,” Peace said to Karl while walking slowly.

“Why?” Karl asked, surprised.

“She felt bad because Wayne had been doing nothing at home for years.”

“Why does she think that? She didn’t make Wayne stay at home. He’s doing it because of his father…”

“Shh!” Peace interrupted Karl immediately.

It wasn’t until then that Karl realized he shouldn’t have said that. So he lowered his voice and said,

“Although few people knew the truth, Wayne still worried that it would land him in hot water. He

resigned for the sake of the Wright family’s reputation, not his own.”

Peace couldn’t help but be worried about this. A few seconds later, she replied, ‘‘Yeah, you’re right.

Only a few people know Wayne actually has nothing to do with the Wrights by blood. If the Carousel

Group’s board of directors knew the truth, Matthew might be forced to resign. Anyways, Karl, let’s not

bring this up again in the future.”

“Got it.”

Anna and Wayne were talking in the hotel when her phone rang. 523 An Uninvited Guest

“Hello?” Anna raised an eyebrow and asked, “What? Stop her! I’ll be right there.” After hanging up,

Anna went outside hurriedly.

“What’s wrong?” Wayne asked.

“Lily’s here. Peace stopped her at the hotel lobby. I’m afraid she’ll ruin the wedding. We’re not going to

let her get away with it!” Anna said, looking quite nervous.

“Isabella is no longer a child,” Wayne said as he stopped her.

“What do you mean?”

“You can help her once, but you can’t help her all the time. You should let Isabella handle this on her

own. Besides, | believe it is time for Jasper to meet Lily and solve their problems.”

“Ill talk to Isabella and ask her what she wants to do about it,” Anna said after a brief pause.

Isabella left the party immediately after hearing the news. As Wayne expected, she said she wanted to

see Lily alone.

“Do you want me to go with you?” Anna asked Isabella after knowing that she wanted to confront Lily

by herself.

Peace added, “Let’s go there together. Lily knows karate, so I’m afraid she’ll.”

Isabella took Anna and Peace’s hands in hers calmly and said, “Relax. Lily hasn’t spoken to Jasper in

years. So it is impossible that she suddenly came here just to fight with me. She’d never do something

like that.”

“Fine. Be careful, okay? We’ll be waiting outside the door for you. If anything happens, just let us

know,” Anna patted her shoulder and said.

“Okay.” 523 An Uninvited Guest

After pushing open the door to the lounge, Isabella saw a woman standing in front of the window. Lily

appeared to be as strong and confident as ever. She was dressed in a suit and had her long chestnut

brown hair tied in a high ponytail.

When she heard the door open, Lily turned around and looked at Isabella, who was standing in front of

her. Then, with composure, she greeted Isabella, “It’s been a while.”

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The novel Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand has been updated Chapter 524 An Uninvited

Guest with many unexpected details, removing many love knots for the male and female lead. In

addition, the author Novelebook is very talented in making the situation extremely different. Let's

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Novel Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 524 An Uninvited Guest

Novel Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand by Novelebook


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