Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 274

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Anna was perplexed after hearing the truth that Ryan suddenly told her. She froze, and then lowered

her head in thought for a moment and said, “Actually, you can tell me about this later.”

Ryan was at a loss for words. When he looked up, he noticed that Anna looked at him with a gentle


Ryan asked, “What? Did you already know about it?”

Anna said when shaking her head,”! did, in a way, but | don’t know about those details. All | know is that

you may have recovered your memories.”

“What? Then, why did you…”

Anna sighed and said, “Are you wondering why I’m still acting as if | don’t know anything about you

having back your memory? Well, that’s because | was the one who hit you. When | took you to the

hospital, you were dressed so shabbily that | assumed you were homeless. Besides, you are free to

leave at any time. So, you must have your reasons if you keep staying at my house.”

Her words both moved and amused Ryan.

“No, Anna, I’m not a homeless person,” he explained.

Anna said with a wink, “Well, | know. You’re a student at Military Academy, aren’t you?”

Ryan’s heart skipped a beat before he held her hand and said, “Anna, you’re so good to me. Thank you

for everything you’ve done for me.”

“| know! And you don’t need to remind me of that!” With a chuckle, Anna teased Ryan.

“So, how about you leave Wayne? His family affairs are too complicated and exhausting. Why not be

with me? | can support you and Tammy for the rest of my life!”

Anna glared at him, and then withdrew her hand and slapped his, saying, “Ryan, don’t talk nonsense!

You’re still a student, and you’re still relying on your parents for money. What makes you think you can

support Tammy and me?”

“What? I’ve already started earning my own money since | was a freshman. | am capable of earning my

own money.”

Anna furrowed her brow, folded her arms, and asked with suspicion, “Really? Then why are you still

staying at my house, eating my food, using my stuff and yet you paid me nothing?”

Ryan immediately responded, trying to defend himself, “Yeah… You’re right. But it’s just temporary.


Hearing that, Anna said with a smile, interrupting him, “Fine. You’re welcome to stay at my house for as

long as you want. Now, would you like some more pasta?”

Ryan exhaled a sigh of relief before smiling and saying, “Sure!”

He felt relieved and at ease after revealing his true identity to Anna.

He’d been lying to people, and he even got used to it. However, when he lied to Anna, he felt like he’d

committed a crime.


Following the press conference, the news of the White Group disparaging the Lemon Group trended on


Anna was confused as she saw that. When she noticed that hashtag had been on the rank for a week,

she knew who had done it.

Anna found it odd that Jasper hadn’t called her when almost everyone in the city was talking about it.

So, she was sure that he did it for her.

On the day she won the bid from the Joan Group, Anna called Jasper to thank him.

Anna said, “Thank you, Jasper. The Joan Group has placed their order from us.”

Jasper said teasingly, “The order is supposed to be yours, Anna. It’s just that there were a few twists

and turns along the way. Why would you call me just to talk about something so insignificant when I’ve

already helped you so much?”

Anna didn’t seem embarrassed and said, “Well, it’s common courtesy. Of course, | have to thank you.

Actually, I’m calling because | have something else to discuss with you.”

“Is it about the lawyer?”

“How did you know that?” Anna asked in surprise.

Jasper replied calmly, “| heard that you and Wayne are back together. So, you won’t need to file a

lawsuit, right?” Anna was immediately embarrassed and said, “Geez! You truly know it all! Well, I’m

stuck because | don’t want him to know I’m Matthew’s mother now. Relax, I’ll consider this matter later.”

Jasper said thoughtfully, “But, you know, you and he have broken up and gotten back together on and

off. So, | don’t really think you two are perfect for each other. Anna, you still need a backup plan. Do

you still want custody of Matthew if you split up with him later?”

“Of course | do!”

“So, pay attention to what I’m saying next. That lawyer is now back in town, and | hope you could talk

with him about the custody of Matthew. And then, you can decide whether or not to sue Wayne.

Anyway, | hope you will be fully prepared for that.”


“Anna, listen to me. Don’t put it off any longer. That’s all | can do for you, Anna. I’ll be happy for you if

you and Wayne get married eventually. And if not, | hope you can have what you want. | think you

should send Tammy to America ahead of time in case something goes wrong later. Otherwise, you’ll be

at a loss of what to do by then. I’m too far away from you, so | can’t help you right away.”

“All right, I’ll think about it,” Anna responded.

She knew Jasper was acting in her best interests and she

should have prepared herself beforehand.

Then, Anna looked down at her watch and exclaimed, “Oops! Isn’t it late at night in your town? Well,

time for you to go to bed! I’m on my way to Joan Group’s headquarters to sign the contracts with them.”

“Good night,” Anna said before Jasper could speak. After that, she hung up the phone.

Jasper sighed as he watched his phone screen slowly dim. He stood in his Manhattan condo, looking

out of the window.

He loved Anna so much that he considered her happiness

more important than anything else.

After seeing Anna being happy with someone else, he decided he could live alone for the rest of his

life. However, he couldn’t accept that Wayne would also make her feel threatened while bringing Anna

joy. As a result, he attempted to provide Anna with more options.

Anna and her assistant Mona arrived at the Joan Group’s headquarters meeting room at the same time

and signed the contract with the person in charge. Although what happened last week was unpleasant,

it helped Anna.

Since that incident, everyone was aware that Anna had many big shots to support her. The things with

Gabriel Group were getting better and could now provide some assistance to


The whole procedure went smoothly.

hope that we’ll enjoy working together,” Anna said as she shook hands with the person in charge. It

was Anna’s first significant contract since Lemon’s inception. Despite her excitement, she maintained

her composure.

Anna walked downstairs to wait for Mona to get her car after declining to have lunch with the person in


Anna had just stepped out of the elevator and was about to enter the lobby, when she met one of the

last people she wanted to see on this planet: Richard Wright.

Richard said to her with a fake smile, “Hello there, Miss Gabriel, the lady boss. Are you here to sign an

agreement with them?”

“Yes, we won the bid,** Anna tried her best to be polite.

“Wow! That’s fantastic! Congratulations, Anna. Would you like to join me for lunch with their manager

today at noon? I’d like to celebrate with you.

Update of Falling in Love With A One-Night

Stand by Novelebook

With the author's famous Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand series authorName that makes

readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 274 readers Immerse yourself in love

anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Falling in Love With A One-Night

Stand series are available today.

Key: Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 274


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