Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 386 Are You Going to Marry Someone Else?

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Ryan nodded, “When Anna left, Wayne had a big fight with grandpa about Matthew’s custody. Wayne

insisted at the time that Anna bring Matthew to the United States, but Grandpa disagreed. To make

Grandpa agree with him, Wayne even said that Grandpa could decide his marriage:

“No wonder Wayne talked about matchmaking.”

“Matthew didn’t leave with Anna, and Grandpa still remembered Wayne’s promise. He has been

arranging blind dates for Wayne for the past few years, but they often fight with each other over it.”

Emily said in astonishment, “Why? What are they fighting about? | thought Wayne is a mature man.”

“He isn’t the gentleman he seems to be. He said he’d do it for Grandpa, but he’s not going to do it.

That’s why Matthew was born. Mom, what exactly did Wayne say on the blind date?”

After a brief moment of thought, Jennie frowned and said, “He’d begin by informing the girls that he had

an eleven-year-old son. He’d also tell them that they’d have to have their property notarized before

getting married and that they’d be separated afterward. The girls from wealthy families would not agree

to such requests, so they complained about it to Peter. Peter was humiliated and got into a fight with

Wayne because of it”

“Well, he must have offended a lot of people over it,’ Ryan remarked.

Jennie said with a nod, “Yeah. The good news is that the Wrights are $385 Are You Going to Marry So.

well-known and prestigious, and no one dares to say anything to discredit us. However, our reputation

will be harmed later.”

“Whatever! We all know what Wayne is thinking, don’t we?”

Jennie sighed and explained, “Anna has been gone for five years. He never speaks of her, but can tell

that he still loves her.”

“Then why doesn’t he try to get back together with her?” Emily couldn’t help but ask.

Back then, a lot had gone wrong: Anna had been kidnapped by drug dealers, and Wayne had rescued

her before being hospitalized for a month with pneumonia. Therefore, Emily believed that Wayne could

have kept Anna with that good opportunity.

“She had already made the decision to leave, so he couldn’t keep her.” Jennie exhaled a sigh.

“He could’ve at least given it a shot! He wouldn’t have any regrets if he failed. And if he and Anna

reconcile, they will live happily ever after.” “He had tried,” Ryan said at the time.

Emily’s eyes widened in shock.

“That’s why he insisted on returning Matthew to Anna. Matthew is their strongest connection. Wayne

assumed that after all the years he had spent raising Matthew, Anna would bring him back frequently.

But Matthew didn’t leave with Anna.”

At that moment, Wayne and Matthew walked into the house, and the sound-activated lights turned on

all around them. “It’s getting late. Good night,” After saying goodnight to Matthew, Wayne walked to the

study on the second floor.

Standing at the top of the stairs, Matthew asked, “Great-Grandpa says ‘385 Are You Going to Marry

So. he wants you to get married as soon as possible. Will you marry another woman?”

“No,” Wayne answered firmly.

Matthew didn’t look nervous anymore. He said firmly to his father’s back, “Well, my mom will definitely

be back.” Hearing that, Wayne remained silent and shut the study door. After that, he stood motionless

in the study doorway.

Anna had not returned to England for five years. Still, Matthew insisted that she would return. And

Wayne had no idea why he thought that. Wayne used to think he was a favored child of God and that

his life could unfold as he desired. But he made a mistake five years ago and lost everything.

Five years ago, Anna had just escaped from the island and lived in Jasper’s house. Wayne had

pneumonia and stayed in the hospital for two days before waking up. When he awoke, the first thing he

did was talk to his grandfather about custody.

Gabe was by the bedside at the time. When he heard Wayne’s decision, his eyes widened in surprise,

and he exclaimed, “Are you sure you’ve thought this through? Matthew is your only son. You raised him

for six years!”

Wayne leaned against the bed’s side. His face was as pale as a vampire’s, his gaze as calm as

stagnant water. Then he uttered, “She’s stubborn, and I’ve hurt her before. She blamed me for being

self-centered and never thinking of her. There was already a gap between her and me. I saved her, and

she might forgive me. But we already have a lot of disagreements, and it’s difficult for us to reconcile

with each other.”

“How come you gave her Matthew if that’s already the case?”

“You don’t get it.” Wayne simply said that without further $385 Are You Going to Marry So. explanation

Later on, when Wayne couldn’t find Anna on the plane to America, he dashed to the airport reception

and stopped all international flights from departing. The airport police apprehended him, and the story

made headlines and was widely discussed throughout the town. Everyone was baffled as to why he did

it. They knew that he was the one who let her go and made no attempt to keep her. Everyone thought

they would break up for good. Anna would have left sooner or later, so she didn’t see the point in telling

him. They all assumed Wayne had seen too many romantic movies and was trying to impress her at

the airport.

Gabe later traveled to America with Wayne. They did not find Anna, but they did meet Jasper. Then

Gabe knew everything. Jasper said to Wayne, “You are all aware that Anna returned to Birmingham in

the first place for the sake of her two children. The fact that she’s leaving without the kids shows that

she’s given this a lot of thought. Her life will have nothing to do with you after she gave you Matthew. I

have no idea where Anna has gone, and even if I do, I wouldn’t tell you. Let it go, Wayne, and stop

interfering with her life Wayne became very ill after returning from America and didn’t leave the house

for three months. Peter paid him a visit but did not see him. Nobody knew what he did during those

three months.

Jennie later took Matthew to his door and begged him to come out. Wayne left the house because he

hadn’t seen Matthew for a long time. Wayne had been taking Matthew to business events ever since.

Matthew was only eleven years old but was already helping Wayne with small business decisions.

Wayne stayed up late reading until the early hours of the morning. 385 Are You Going to Marry So.

There was an open jewelry box on the table, and the emerald necklace glowed brightly in the light.

Outside the window, he could hear birds singing. Before leaving the study, he closed the jewelry box

and carefully locked it in the safe.

Then his phone rang. “Wayne, did you get the invitation?” Karl asked cheerfully as he answered the


Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand - Chapter 386

Are You Going to Marry Someone Else?

Read with many climactic and unique details.

The series Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook.

Chapter content chapter Chapter 386 Are You Going to Marry Someone Else? - The heroine seems

to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big

event. So what was that event? Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 386 Are You

Going to Marry Someone Else? for more details


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