Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 183

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“Madam, please watch your step. There’s a threshold here.” The maid said.

After hearing her words, Anna immediately put her hand on the door frame. She asked, “By the way,

where are the kids? It’s too

crowded here, and I think you should take care of them.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve sent them back to their rooms. Besides, there are nannies to take care of them. It’s

cold now, you need to go back

to your room to warm yourself up.”

“I’m fine, thanks. I’ll stay here to clear my head.”

Anna pulled her hand out of the maid’s hand, waved it casually, and asked her to leave.

Afterwards, she stood alone under the porch. The cool evening breeze blew on her and made her smell

the roses. In the breeze, Anna

felt that she was sober a little.

Then, she sat down by the beautiful stone table in the courtyard.

“Anna, are you all right?” A man asked.

Hearing that, Anna froze and then looked at the man.

The man was in a grey suit and he was at about the same age as Wayne.

At that moment, Anna remembered that this man was the first one to stand up and congratulate her

during dinner. Anna

remembered that Henry had introduced him to her as Wayne’s cousin.

“I’m fine, thanks.” She replied. She then did her best to pretend she was sober. Knowing that the

Wrights were a decent family,

Anna decided that she couldn’t act rude.

Anna noticed that the man was very handsome and cute. When the man heard her answer, he

immediately came out from the


Then, he put a plastic bottle on the table and said, “Hi, I’m Wayne’s cousin. Here are some pills. You

must have drunk a lot of wine

just now, right? if you take one, you won’t feel dizzy. I noticed that you were walking a little wobbly

when you left just now. I was afraid

something would happen to you, so I followed you. I hope that I didn’t scare you.”

Gee! But you did scare me! If you don‘t want to be abrupt, then why don‘t you just leave me alone?

Anna thought to herself.

“Thanks.” She then nodded politely but didn’t take the pills.

“You’re welcome. Hey, Anna, when did you and Wayne meet? How come I never heard him mention

you before?” The man asked,

pretending to bring up the topic casually.

Anna felldizy from drinking too much wine. She glanced at him and said, “Oh, it’s not a big deal. We

just met a couple of months


“Really? It seems that Wayne really likes you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have decided to marry you so

quickly. You know, it’s really a

bit hasty.”

Anna just felt like laughing when she heard that she said, “What? Ile wants to marry me? Oh, no, that’s

impossible. You know, he’s

got his extend back. So, l’s probably planning to break up with me right now.”

Heanne her words, the man seemed intrigued. Ile asked, “What? It seems that he made you mad,

didn’t he? Well, you can tell me

what he’d done, and

lecture humlor you.”

“Huh? Why?” Annd asked, shoving him impatiently.

The man was caught ollguard and almost tell over. Then he frowned and glanced at her unhappily.

“Ha, I don’t care if he wants to marry me or not! Even if he wants to, I won’t say yes! You know, a lot of

men are chasing after me. Who does he think he is?!”

The man froze after hearing her words and then laughed. He said, “You’re right! Who the hell does he

think he is? Anna, look at the way how he looks down on others. He can be so condescending. So, tell

me, how did you guys meet?”

Anna raised her head to look at the man in front of her. At that moment, she blinked and suddenly

grabbed him by the collar. She

growled, “Us? Wayne, you stupid bastard!”

Because Anna had drunk a lot of wine, she looked melancholy and frustrated. However, these complex

emotions made her appear

even more beautiful.

When she came close to him, she made Wayne’s cousin fall into a trance.

She’s so gorgeous! No wonder Wayne decided to marry her so soon. The man thought to himself.

“Oh, Anna, you’re so drunk. Shall I take you back to your room?”

The man held Anna by the waist and prepared to leave with her. He had just taken a few steps when

he saw a tall man standing in

the hallway. And he was terrified after recognizing that it was Wayne.

“Wayne, hi.” He said awkwardly.

Wayne stared at him indifferently and ignored him. He then walked towards them and took Anna in his

arms. After making sure she

had all her cloth on, he said grimly, “Richard Wright, how dare you! Believe it or not, if you ever lay your

hands on my things or my

girlfriend again, I will never let you off!”

After he finished, he carried Anna back to his room.

Richard stood alone and watched them leave. The cold wind blew on him and dried his sweat. He

looked at them jealously, as if his

gaze could turn into a knife and kill Wayne.

Richard thought, Wayne, don’t you go too far. One day, you won’t be able to be so smug anymore. At

that point, your stuff and your

girlfriend will ALL be mine.

After kicking the door to the room shut, Wayne carried Anna into the bathroom. He then immediately

threw her into the tub and

turned on the tap.

The cold water made Anna jolt and scream. The moment she opened her eyes and saw Wayne, she

became lucid.

Wayne looked at her grimly and asked, “Are you sober now? Tell me, what did he just do to you?”

Anna still felt scared when she thought about what had just happened. But instead, she clenched her

fists and forced herself to say,

“What are you talking about? Isn’t that man your cousin? We were just in your yard, so nothing

happened. What did you think we were

going to do?”

Wayne snarled, “What? You don’t want to admit it? Tell me, what did you just say to Richard? No, don’t

tell me, because I’ve heard it

all! You said you didn’t want to marry me at all and that there were many men who were chasing after

you. Tell me, who are they?!”

“It’s none of your damn business!” Anna said immediately. She felt annoyed because Wayne had

doused her with cold water.

Moreover, she knew she looked like a mess and felt embarrassed. She wanted to leave right away, but

she didn’t expect him to keep

getting mad at her.

Anna couldn’t take it anymore. So, she grabbed the edge of the bathtub and prepared to leave. As she

did this, she said indignantly, “Wayne, we‘ve broken up. I didn’t say anything just now for the sake of

your grandpa. But, I’m going to tell him what happened between

us night now! You know what I don‘t want to see you anymore!”

“Don’t you dare!” He said sullenly,

Anna love after hearing his words. Then, she gritted her teeth, looked at him, and said, “What? Wayne,

why wouldn’t I dare?”

Just as she finished speaking, Wayne pushed her down into the bathtub. He then sat across the tub

and then squeezed her

shoulders lightly to keep her from moving. He looked down at her and said with annoyance, “Anna,

don’t forget that you’re at my house!

Do you think you can just come and go like that?”

“Let go of mel” Anna screamed out in pain.

Wayne was overwhelmed with anger, and all he could think about was what had just happened in the

courtyard. He saw Richard

make a move on Anna, but she didn’t reluse. And what made him even angrier was that she said she

had never considered marrying him



His eyes immediately turned red. At that moment, he could no longer control his anger and immediately

tore her silk dress into

pieces. He then saw the perfect curves of her body and her white lace lingerie.

Seeing her tremble with rage, he was even more reckless.

“Let go of me, Wayne! You bastard!” Anna screamed. She then began to struggle and slapped the

water in the tub hard. However,

Wayne tied her hands to the water valve with his tie and immediately propped her up by the waist.

About Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand -

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With

the below Chapter 183 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably,

despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late.

Please read chapter Chapter 183 and update the next chapters of this series at


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