Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 352

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Alter seeing Wayne, Jennie was stunned. Seeing that, Anna immediately pressed her on the shoulders

and forced her to sit down.

‘Til give you two some privacy/’ Anna said, then put the apple and the knife on the nightstand. As she

walked past Wayne, she showed him an encouraging smile.

Wayne and Jennie misunderstood each other for 20 years, so they couldn’t solve these problems

overnight. Wayne resented Jennie, and she kept holding on to him. Therefore, they still needed more

time to get along and understand each other.

Jennie appeared even more uneasy after Anna left. She said, ‘Til leave here this afternoon, Wayne. |

won’t bring you any troubles.*’

Wayne frowned at her and said, “The doctor recommended you stay in the hospital for a week. So, why

are you leaving this afternoon? If the doctor knows that you’ve left, he’ll blame me for it. You’re making

it difficult for me.”

Jennie froze, unsure of how to respond, Wayne frowned again, this time in an unnatural way. They

were both silent for a long time.

Wayne then said, breaking the ice, “William was apprehended by the police. He has previously

committed other crimes, so he might be sentenced to life imprisonment this time. Is there anything else

you’d like to say to him before the trial?”

“No,” she replied quickly. Then Jennie let go of the sheets and then relaxed. She felt she could no

longer pretend she didn’t know anything

about Wayne’s true identity because Wayne already knew everything. 352 The Reunion Rather than

avoiding the subject, she was forced to face the harsh reality.

Wayne said with a nod, “My brother is not badly hurt. He just has a high fever but hasn’t woken up yet.

They took him back to Birmingham yesterday, and he is now in the military hospital. You can go there if

you don’t want to stay here any longer.”

Jennie looked surprised and asked, “What did you just call him?” She hadn’t expected Wayne to be

willing to admit that Ryan was his brother. She assumed she would be content if Wayne would treat

him as if he were a stranger.

Wayne avoided her gaze and said, “No matter what, he’s dad’s only son and grandpa’s only grandson.

He will eventually become the heir to the Wright family and the Carousel Group. | will be responsible for

his life later on.”

Hearing that, Jennie felt a sharp pain in her chest. Her greatest fear was that Wayne would doubt

himself after knowing all this. However, it Was inevitable.

“Nonsense!” A voice interrupted their conversation at that point. Then, Peter walked in.



Wayne and Jennie both exclaimed at the same time.

Peter walked in and said, “Your dad raised you for thirteen years, and Iraised you for twenty. You can’t

deny that fact, Wayne. So, you’ll always be my grandson and James’ son.”

Wayne frowned but appeared deeply touched.

“I know all about it,” Looking over at Jennie, Peter said. He felt 352 The Reunion

conflicted when he saw his daughter for the first time in twenty years. Immediately, tears welled up in

his eyes. He was embarrassed to be seen crying, so he turned away to wipe his tears.

“Dad,” Jennie tried to stand up and comfort him,

Peter waved his hand and said, “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. We’re a family, so it’s time for us to

have a conversation. Tell me how you raised Ryan on your own all these years.”

Jennie stared at Wayne, unsure what to say.

“Grandpa, I’m leaving…”

Peter cut Wayne off before finishing his sentence, “Don’t leave! | have no idea what you’ve been up to

every day. Do you even have no time to spend with your family? | heard you say you would let Ryan be

in charge of the Group. Are you doing this because you’re not James* son? I’m telling you, you’re your

mother’s son. Your mother is my daughter, so you’re still my grandson.”

Wayne then looked at him in amazement.

At the same time, Anna sat in the lounge area near the room’s entrance, with Matthew and Tammy

leaning against her. Peter had brought them with him, and they kept asking her to tell them what had


“Mommy, you are so brave! Were you not afraid at that time when facing the bad guys?” Tammy asked

with a wink.

Matthew was also curious but appeared more concerned about Anna’s safety.

Anna hugged them tighter and said,”I was terrified. But I’ll be brave to protect the people | care about.”

Tammy nodded firmly and said, “I’m going to protect you, Mommy. 352 The Reunion I’m not going to be


Matthew wrapped his arms around Anna. He didn’t say anything, but he looked earnest.

Aweek later, Jennie was discharged from the hospital. After she checked out, Wayne picked her up and

drove her back to Birmingham. And he took his mother straight to the Wrights’ house.

When Jennie arrived at the house, she stood in the doorway for a few moments before entering the

house. She had moved out of the house twenty years before. She had not only lost the love of her life

at the time, but she was also alone. So, when she came back here, she felt mixed emotions.

That night, the whole family had dinner together.

Ryan was doing well, so the hospital agreed to let him out for one night. Selina had been looking for an

opportunity for them to have another family dinner. So, she chose that night. The atmosphere was

much cozier than that previous get-together.

Jennie prepared the meal on her own. She cooked so well that even Selina, a picky eater, kept

complimenting her and even expressed an interest in learning how to cook from her.

Jennie and Selina went for a walk in the garden after dinner; Peter and Wayne were in the study

discussing the acquisition project. So, Ryan begged Anna to show him around the house.

“It’s far too dark here! Can’t you just visit here during the day?” Anna complained.

“The hospital won’t let me out during the day! I’ll have to leave first thing in the morning.”

Anna accompanied him down several corridors. The flashlight in her hand illuminated the path ahead,

but she still felt scared. The mansion was 352 The Reunion enormous, and only the courtyard they

lived in had lights. So, the rest of the yards was completely dark.

“Let’s go back after seeing this one, okay? You can stay here as much as you Want after you get out of

the hospital.”

“I’d be happy to! But, after a while, I’ll be going to school in America.”

Anna froze, surprised, “Really? How come you never brought it up?”

“Hal Anna, do you expect me to stay? Well, ‘ll tell the school I’m not leaving*’

Anna was about to say something when she heard someone behind her say, “You want to use that as

an excuse to stay here forever, don’t you? It’s not a good option.”

The maid told Wayne that Anna and Ryan were in that courtyard. He was worried that something might

have happened to her because it was so dark, so he came to check on her. But just as he arrived, he

saw his brother “harassing” his fiancee.

As Wayne was upset, Ryan suddenly shouted, “Hey. It’s Wayne, my dear brother! What brings you


Wayne and Anna both fell silent. Wayne showed a fake smile, unsure

what to say. He admired Ryan’s skill at pushing his luck in his mind.

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand -

Read Chapter 352 with many climactic and unique details. The series Falling in Love With A One-

Night Stand one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 352 -

The heroine seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly

this happened a big event. So what was that event? Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Chapter 352 for more details


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