Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 536 They’re Coming for Me

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A large number of reporters had gathered at the site at this point. And Matthew’s bouncers stopped

them from entering the perimeter. With his helmet on, Matthew stood at the construction site looking


“What should we do now, Mr. Wright?” Maria walked carefully in her high heels through the snow. She

looked worriedly at Matthew and said, “It’s a problem with the preliminary engineering, but | can’t reach

the engineer responsible for that right now. We’ve obviously been set up.”

Matthew replied with a frown, “Tell the PR team to handle the news. Send me the surveillance video

from around here, please.”

“| already asked them to find the video. But since the power was out last night, the cameras didn’t

capture anything,” Maria said.

“Where are the people who are supposed to be guarding the site?” Matthew asked with a darkened


“They didn’t even come to work.”

“Who gave them the day off?”

Maria remained silent for a moment before responding, “It’s one of the engineers. But | can’t contact

him right now.”

The entire management team is absent. Some have resigned, while others have simply run away. So, |

have no idea which was to blame. And the Carousel Group has no choice but to take responsibility for

it. After all, we didn’t tell the public what was wrong with the building when we took it over. The

company’s engineering department has been debating whether to solve the problem or build a new

building for quite a while.

Unfortunately, the accident occurred before they could reach a final 535 They’re Coming for Me

decision. What should | do?

Seeing that Maria appeared nervous and unsure of what to do, Matthew pulled his mind back to reality

and signed, “Don’t worry about it, Maria. Let’s start with the PR. I’m sorry, but you need to return to

headquarters for me.”

“Are you worried that the board will hold you accountable for it?”

“They’re definitely going to make a big deal out of it,” Matthew said. Yet, Maria couldn’t hear him

because the wind was so loud.

Then the snow stopped falling. At the same time, a crowd had gathered outside the barrier fence

surrounding the construction site. The reporters, who had nothing better to do, interviewed them and

asked about their reactions to the accident.

The crowd all took the moral high ground. As a result, almost everyone blamed the Carousel Group.

“| heard that Carousel Group’s president is a fifteen-year-old boy. That’s insane! Can a fifteen-year-old

really run a business? This rich kid must view his job as a game, which explains why he doesn’t care

about other people’s lives.”

“Exactly! How could their parents do something like this?”

“Isn’t there any other talent in this company? Seriously, are his parents still alive?”

“What are you talking about? Why are you so mean to them?” Chelsea screamed. She had just arrived

when she heard these hurtful words.

“What are you up to?” A man from the crowd asked her with a tight frown.

“| should be the one to ask you what you were up to!” Snarling,

Chelsea was about to approach the man. 535 They’re Coming for Me

Seeing that things might get out of control, Anthony rushed over to stop Chelsea and protect her before

he could park her bike. “Excuse me, please don’t take her words seriously,” he said to the crowd.

“Do you not care about other people’s lives, girl? Why are you defending him? Is it because you think

he’s attractive?”

Hearing that, Chelsea was becoming enraged. She rolled up her sleeves and looked like she was

about to fight them. While covering her mouth, Anthony dragged her away from the crowd. He then

took her to a store nearby.

Chelsea asked angrily after he broke free of his grip, “What the hell are you doing?!”

“Calm down! There are many people there. You can’t even beat them all on your own.” Anthony

patiently persuaded her, “Also, do you know the CEO of the Carousel Group?”

Anthony then cast a subconscious glance at the boy in the barrier. He had just seen that teenager in

the mall the day before. However, he had not expected him to be the president of the Carousel Group

and the project’s leader. Then Anthony thought, He must be a rich boy born with a silver spoon in his

mouth. And he must have had the best of everything since he was a child.

Frowning, Chelsea said to him, “Why would | know him? I’m just a nobody.”

“A nobody? Really? Then how did you get such an expensive necklace? Tell me, Chelsea, who are


Chelsea remained silent. Then she was lost in thought, /n fact, / also wanted to ask myself who | am.

Since Anna rescued me from that island years ago, I’ve relied on others, including Anna and Jasper.

I’ve been living

under others’ roof, but none of them are related to me. Though my life has 535 They’re Coming for Me

become much better after Anna rescues me, | would still dream about the life | had before leaving that


“I’m no one!” Chelsea collected her own thoughts and exclaimed before turning and walking away.

Anthony froze for a moment before rushing to her. “Chelsea, wait for

me! I’m sorry! | shouldn’t have been so nosy!” he said.


Not long after the news came out, Anna immediately left the hospital, purchased the earliest flight

available, and flew to Cliatin with Tammy. They saw Matthew as soon as they walked into the hotel

room. He still had a bandage on his arm and appeared much thinner than before.

“What’s going on?” Anna asked Matthew with concern, her voice trembling.

Matthew didn’t expect Anna to come. He froze, then looked at Wayne sitting on the couch. Wayne

frowned at Matthew, implying that it had nothing to do with him.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were hurt! Mom and | would still be in the dark if | hadn’t seen the

news!” Tammy shouted, “What’s wrong with those people? Matthew, you weren’t there when the

accident happened. So why are they blaming you?”

“When exactly did you get hurt? Did you get hurt last week?” Anna asked.

Matthew felt a headache as he looked at his mom and his sister. “It’s okay, I’m fine. The doctor said I’ll

be fine in half a month,” he explained.

Anna blinked away her tears and then gave Wayne a stern look. Then she questioned Wayne, “Did you

come here the other day because Matthew was hurt? What were you thinking? Why didn’t you tell

me?” 535 They’re Coming for Me “i

“You really let me down, Dad!” Tammy exclaimed. She was so enraged that then she kept ignoring


I didn’t tell you because | didn’t want you to worry about Matthew.

Why did you come without telling me? You’re not helping me here, but you’re only causing me trouble,

Wayne thought to himself as he was speechless.

After calming down, Anna asked about the project.

“We’re discussing what we should do. There have been a lot of accidents recently, and one thing led to

another. I think they’re doing this because they want the land we bought,” Matthew said, “There are few

companies that can compete with us. A Group called Azul was the winning bidder, but they later

abandoned their bid. I’m unsure what they want or why they want to do it.”

“| believe Azul Group did it,” Wayne said, “I’ll have Gabe look into what they’ve been up to lately.”

“Dad, what are the shareholders saying about this?” Matthew asked thoughtfully.

Wayne responded, “I’m not sure about that. What’s the problem?”

“These people look like they want to ruin the project, but | think they’re coming for me.” Matthew’s gaze

remained fixed on Wayne as he spoke as if he wanted to find some information in his eyes.

Having pondered for a while, Wayne said, “No, you’re overthinking it. They didn’t say anything about

this. It’s not a big enough deal, after all. If you’re still worried, I’ll go back and keep an eye on them. You

only need to take care of things around here.”

“Mom. Tammy, since you’re here, why don’t you stay for a few days? I’ll have a guide to show you

around.” Matthew suggested.

Tammy exclaimed, “What? I’m not in the mood to go anywhere! I’m staying here to look after you.”

Taken aback By what Tammy said, Wayne shook his head, thinking this was a bad idea. He felt that

Tammy would not only fail to take care of Matthew but would cause him trouble.

While they were talking, Anna noticed that the door was slightly ajar. And she was pouring herself a

cup of tea when she saw someone outside the door. Then Maria entered the room. She looked

professional in a light beige suit.

“Maria, did you just stand in the doorway?” Anna asked.

“No, | just got here. Anna, will you and Tammy stay here for a while? Do you want me to show you

around town?” Maria asked with a smile.

Anna replied, “No, thank you. By the way, thank you for looking after Matthew.”

“That’s what I’m supposed to do since he’s my boss,” Maria looked at Wayne and asked, “Do you want

to go to the launch site for Matthew, Mr. Wright? Right now, the public relations department is handling

the situation.”

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 536

They’re Coming for Me - the best manga of 2020

Of the Novelebook stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is Falling in Love

With A One-Night Stand. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga

has been translated to Chapter 536 They’re Coming for Me. Let's read now the author's Falling in

Love With A One-Night Stand Novelebook story right here


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