Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 485 I Didn’t Kill Him!

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At that precise moment, the door beside her opened. The next second, the crowd rushed in, bringing in

the fresh air.

Anna sat numbly on the floor, unable to process what had just occurred. People standing outside the

door were also taken aback and shocked. They had just witnessed the crime scene in their boss’s


The room appeared in disarray, with debris scattered all over the floor. Holding a blood-soaked dagger

in her right hand, Anna sat by the door, and a man lay beside her. Blood was dripping from his body

and seeping into the beige floor cracks.

“Someone call the police and ambulance!” Suddenly, someone shouted. It wasn’t until then that some

people of the crowd who regained their composure acted quickly. However, most of them were still in

shock and stood very still.

Wayne had just stepped out of the elevator when he noticed a young man frantically explaining the

situation over his cell phone, “Someone has been injured here. I’m not sure if the man is still alive, but

there’s a lot of blood here. Yes, we do need an ambulance.”

Hearing the word “blood”, Wayne became terrified and could feel his heart pounding. He immediately

ran toward Anna’s office and pushed aside the people in his way. By the time he reached the office

door, he exhaled a sigh of relief at the sight that Anna was safe and sound. Then he walked up to her

on the bloodstained floor and said softly, “Anna.”

His voice was gentle as if it held the most powerful force in the world and was pulling Anna back from

the abyss. A while later, Anna looked less pale, and she gradually shifted her gaze to Wayne’s face.

When she looked Ff up and saw Wayne in front of her, she dropped the dagger in her hand and

shuddered, “Wayne, he… he’s dead.” She sobbed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. And the

blood on her hands splattered on his suit, shirt, and tie.

“It’s okay. I’m here to take you home,” Wayne said firmly as he stroked her back with one hand. His

voice was as gentle as moonlight. As he spoke, he helped her up and walked to the door. And then,

Wayne led Anna out of Lemon’s office, ignoring the mess on the floor.

On the way home, Anna stared blankly out of the window and felt sick as she smelled the blood in the

car. As a group of students crossed the crosswalk, their car stopped at an intersection. Seeing their

youthful faces, Anna realized something, sat straight, and exclaimed, “Isabella! Bill said Isabella is in


With a serious expression, Wayne nodded, dialed Noel’s number, and briefly explained the situation to


After hanging up, Wayne looked at Anna and reassured her, “Noel has gone to find Isabella, she’ll be

fine.” When the light turned green, he started the engine and continued driving.

Anna nodded and said nothing. As she calmed down, she realized that Bill had probably said that just

to make her crazy. She analyzed, Bill probably knew how this would end before he arrived at my office.

From the moment he walked into my office, he had planned the ending. Dama it! | shouldn’t have fallen

into his trap so easily!

About 40 minutes later, the car stopped in front of the Wright’s front door.

The maid who opened the door was stunned to see them and trembled as she asked what had

happened. Wayne carried Anna out of the car, who had been silent, and said to the maid calmly,

“Anna’s frightened. 484 | Didn’t Kill Him!

Bring her some food, please.”

After that, he dashed into the house and took Anna to the bathroom. The bathroom was filled with

warm steam, and all Anna could hear was the sound of running water. The smell of blood disappeared

only after Wayne changed the water in the tub several times.

Even though the smell faded, Anna was still terrified. She sat in the bathtub, and her whole body was

shaking. Wayne used the shower to wash her body while she clung to herself tightly.

“Wayne, he killed himself. He killed himself…” Anna muttered, trying to recall what had just happened.

Everything seemed surreal, and she wondered if she had remembered it wrong. She couldn’t

remember if Bill had grabbed her hand and stabbed himself or if she had done it. She even believed

her brain had changed her memory.

“Let Tammy and Matthew stay in Europe. Find them a good high school, Wayne. They can come back

here after finishing college. It’s the best way to keep them safe,” Anna said to Wayne after regaining

her composure.

“Okay.” Wayne didn’t ask what was going on but agreed without hesitation

At the time, Anna didn’t know what Wayne was thinking. Neither did she realize that he was already

planning to risk everything to protect her.

Around half an hour later, Wayne helped Anna get dressed in clean clothes. When they came out of the

bathroom, Anna felt sick and was about to throw up the instant she saw the pile of bloodstained clothes

on the floor.

Seeing that, Wayne picked up the clothes and left the bedroom considerably. Just as he was about to

leave the bedroom door, a maid 484 | Didn’t Kill Him! oF rushed over. She looked at Wayne in horror

and was even more terrified when she saw the bloody clothes in his hand. “Sir, there is a bunch of

police outside saying they want to take Mrs. Wright away,” she said.

Wayne said calmly as he shoved the clothes into the maid’s hand, “Tell them that she is not at home.

Take those clothes outside and throw them away.”

After the servant walked away, Wayne let out a sigh, changed his clothes and walked toward the front

yard. The yard gate was open, and several police officers were there. When one of the officers saw

Wayne, he took out his police badge and said to him, “We are officers of the Birmingham Police

Department, and we need Anna Wright to help us investigate a case.”

“Sorry, Anna isn’t here,” Wayne said, putting his hands in his suit pants pockets and looking at the

police officer’s badge indifferently.

A young police officer standing outside the door grumbled, “We watched the surveillance and followed

your car here. Besides, your maid just said your wife was home. You…”

“Stop talking, Tony!” An older officer said loudly, interrupting him.

Immediately, Tony stopped talking, bowed his head and seemed embarrassed. Wayne frowned. He just

stared at Tony, saying nothing.

“Mr. Wright, your wife is under investigation for a crime, and she is not a criminal. If she chooses to

escape at this time, the situation will become much more serious,” The officer seemed to be

threatening Wayne and even addressed him as “Mr. Wright.” He reminded Wayne that he was the CEO

of the Carousel Group and that breaking the law would tarnish the company’s image.

Wayne would not have hesitated to get the company out of trouble if

this were the old days. But he preferred to handle it as Anna’s husband. 484 | Didn’t Kill Him!

After giving it some thoughts, Wayne smiled and looked at the officer calmly. “I told you she wasn’t

here. If you don’t believe me, come back after you get a search warrant.”

The police officers knew Wayne had done it on purpose, but there was nothing they could do about it.

They were all aware that they could not offend the Wrights. Otherwise, they’d all be in big trouble.

The young officer appeared to be unhappy, but all he could do was nod and say, “OK. Then we’ll.”


He was about to finish when he heard a woman’s voice. And everyone turned to look at the person

behind Wayne who just shouted his name.

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 485 I

Didn’t Kill Him!

Novel Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand has been updated Chapter 485 I Didn’t Kill

Him! with many climactic developments What makes this series so special is the names of

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Chapter 485 I Didn’t Kill Him! novel Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand


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