Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 378

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‘378 Saved by A Little Girl

What the hell?! Aren’t you the one who ordered your men to kidnap me and bring me here? Why do

you act like you know nothing about it? Thinking of that, Anna shuddered in panic and said, “I don’t

know. I’ve been here for a month and I don’t know how | got here…”

Then Dragon looked at her in surprise and asked, “What? Who brought you here?”

Anna exclaimed, pointing to Josh in the room, “It’s him! And a man with a beard!” Dragon immediately

understood what had happened. He shouted angrily, “Bastard!”

Anna deliberately pretended to be aggrieved and crouched in the comer. And Josh was shivering on

the ground, blood dripping from his head.

Then Ada walked down the stairs. She looked exhausted and didn’t appear to have gotten enough rest.

When Ada saw Anna’s sad expression, she immediately smiled. She leaned on Dragon’s shoulder and

said in a coquettish voice, “It’s not a big deal, Dragon. Don’t get upset over a small thing like this. If

Josh likes her, let him have her.”

“I’m not asking which woman Josh has his eye on, but why is she here, woman!” Dragon said, refusing

to let the matter go.

Josh collapsed to the ground, trembling, and exclaimed, “It wasn’t me! Miss Xavier had asked Mike and

me to bring her in. I’m not sure what’s going on!”

Immediately, Ada’s face became paler. She said, “Vou’re talking ‘377 Saved by A Little Girl nonsense!

You wanted her, so you brought her here. I have absolutely no idea about this!”

“Boss, you must believe me. You can ask Mike, he was there with me. He couldn’t have kidnapped her

without your orders.”

Dragon glanced at Mike, who had been standing off to the side, and asked, “What’s going on? Tell me!”

“Josh was right, Miss Xavier told us to do it,” Mike said indifferently.

‘Ada’s eyes widened in shock. Dragon angrily pushed Ada to the ground, “I shouldn’t have been so

nice to you! How dare you order my gang around and keep sending people from outside?! Are you

trying to get me killed?”

“Dragon, I’m trying to take revenge for you! She is Wayne’s wife and Ryan’s sister-in-law. That family

caused you to suffer so greatly!” “Is that so? Then why don’t you just kidnap that i”**t Ryan?” Dragon

snapped. He grabbed Ada’s hair and slapped her face several times, making her mouth bleed.

Ada fell to the ground and couldn’t even speak clearly. She suddenly said, “Dragon, I’ll kill her now. I’m

sorry, I’ll never do it again.”

Hearing her words, Dragon glared at Anna as if he were looking at an ant. For him, killing her was as

easy as pie. He said, “We should kill her quietly. And we need to step up patrols these days so the

cops won’t find us.”

After that, Dragon looked at Ada indifferently, pointing to the cabin next to it and said, “Leave this to

Mike. Ada, | underestimated you. | didn’t expect you to dare to order my gang. Don’t you ever go to my

room again! Since you like to put women in that room, you can stay there for the rest of your life!” 377

Saved by A Little Girl

Ada cried and fell at the Dragon’s feet, but he had no mercy for her. He kicked her hard and quickly

returned to his room. Ada stood up and followed him.

Meanwhile, Josh shuddered and stood up, feeling relieved. He then asked Mike, “What are you going

to do with her?”

Hearing that, Anna’s face turned as pale as a ghost. She didn’t know if Mike was a good guy or not.

However, even the good guys might have killed people on this island.

Mike looked at Anna coldly and said, “I’m going to take her to the mountains and get her killed and

buried. Let’s go.”

Josh said, “Why don’t you leave it to me? I’ll have to teach hera lesson because she hit me.”

Mike said, looking up at the second floor, “Dragon ordered me to handle her, not you. If you want to do

that for me, you can ask him yourself.”

As Mike was speaking, there came the sound of a leather whip striking someone and Ada’s screams.

Josh shuddered and said, “Forget it! I’ve just gotten out of trouble, and I can’t risk it again because of

this woman. Take her away!” Mike let out a laugh and took Anna away. They kept walking through the

woods. It was almost dark when they arrived at a stream. And Anna saw that there was a grave with a

cross on it.

Her heart was racing, and she thought in depression, You want to drown me here and bury me, don’t

you? f**k! I’ve never imagined that I’l die in this way. If! die, who will look after Tammy for me? | know

Wayne will be responsible for raising Tammy and Matthew. But God knows whether there will be

another “Ada” who tries to harm the kids so that she can be with Wayne! ‘377 Saved by A Little Girl –

Mike walked alone across the stream to the grave, removing the grass away from it. Anna felt it was

weird. After a brief pause, she asked, “Is this your wife’s grave?”

“That’s not the question you should be asking,” Mike growled.

Anna shut up and thought, What’s wrong with you? Do you have to get your wife’s permission before

you kill someone? Can’t you just hurry up and get it over with?! don’t want to suffer anymore!

Suddenly, she heard a little girl say, “Don’t you touch my mother!”

The voice echoed through the peaceful woods. When Anna looked up, she noticed a skinny little girl

running out.

“I said I’m the only one who can touch my mom’s grave!” she yelled as she ran to the grave and

pushed Mike hard.

Mike sat down on the ground. He didn’t seem pissed but he looked sad. After a while, he patted the dirt

on his clothes and said to Anna, “Let’s go.”

Anna looked at them and decided she couldn’t go with him. She asked the little girl, “Do you like the toy

| gave you?”

The girl froze and blinked at her. Mike angrily yanked Anna’s arm and said, “Don’t talk to her. Go now!”

Anna continued to pray in her heart that God would save her. The little girl then stopped them and

asked Mike, “Who is she? Where are you going to take her?”

“Stop asking that!”

The little girl ran up to them and shouted, “That’s what you told me before my mother died! Leave her



“Then don’t come back here to see me. I’m going to have to leave this ‘377 Saved by A Little Girl

hellhole sooner or later!”

Mike frowned.

Anna said, “I can’t run away for now, so maybe you can kill me later. Let me live a few more days and

take care of this kid. It won’t do you no good.”

As Mike was hesitant, the little girl took Anna’s arm and said, “Come with me.”

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