Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 379

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379 Let’s Get out of Here

The girl led Anna through the woods to an isolated cave. Anna followed the girl into the narrow cave

and found that it was actually well- furnished.

The furniture there was all exquisite woodwork, with a bed, a table, a chair and a mirror. Anna noticed

some wooden ducklings in the bathtub and assumed they were the ones Mike had carved that day.

Mike clearly loved his daughter, but Anna couldn’t understand why the girl seemed to despise her

father so much.

“My name is Tracy. What’s yours?” said the girl. She didn’t seem to be scared of Anna.

Anna was relieved that she still had a few more days, and she smiled and said, “I’m Anna. Thank you

for saving me.”

“You’re very welcome. But | can only save you for the time being. After awhile, he’ll still kill you. He’s

just one of Dragon’s obedient dogs, and he will do whatever Dragon wants.”

“He’s your father, isn’t he?” Anna froze.

“I wish that he’s not,” Tracy said, frowning, “He’s not worthy of being my father or my mother’s

husband. He stood by and watched as those bastards abused my mother, but he didn’t dare to say

anything or do. anything about it!”

Hea that, Anna felt conflicted emotions and

for Tracy.

Then Tracy picked up two toys from the windowsill and said, “The little toys you gave me are awesome.

When | opened them, I found these 378 Let’s Get out of Here two things. What are these? | followed

the instructions and made two monsters.”

“They’re not monsters; they’re Bumblebee and Spider-Man,” Anna said with a smile.

“What exactly are they?”

“They are both heroes. And…”

And Tracy listened intently as Anna told the story of the Marvel characters.

“How old were you when you came here?” After finishing telling the stories, Anna asked.

“About four or five. I don’t remember,” Tracy said blankly, “I’m going to have to leave here eventually

anyway! But no one talks to me except for the box.”

“Which box?”

Tracy proudly displayed her box to Anna and exclaimed, “I always talk to it when I’m bored. To be

honest, I don’t understand anything the box says. But I think you’ll understand because you’re from


Anna smiled as she looked at the old radio. She had an idea and asked, “Where can you hear the box


Tracy pointed to the sky outside and said, “I can hear it when I climb to the top of West Mountain! Is

this because the gods all live in higher places?” She referred to a hill to the northwest as “West


“Do you always bring this radio to that mountain?” Anna asked.

Pointing to the box, Tracy said happily, “Oh, this thing is called a radio!”

Anna nodded her head. 378 Let’s Get out of Here

Tracy continued, “After | climb to the top of the hill, I will press this button. Then the radio will start

playing, But I can only hear it when the Weather is nice, and it won’t talk when it rains.”

Anna took her phone from her duvet pocket. When she woke up after she was taken to the island, her

first thought was to get her phone, and she

was surprised they hadn’t taken it away. She later discovered that it was because there was no signal

there. And as she learned that there was a signal at the top of the mountain, Anna’s eyes glowed.

“Tell me what it’s like out there, will you?” Tracy said, waving her hand.

Anna stared at the little girl and thought for a moment. Then she said, “Life is much more exciting out

there than it is here! The kids love these toys, and they love comic books and movies.”

Tracy listened intently to Anna about the outside world. And Anna also got some information from her.

Looking around, Anna noticed orange lights on, making it look quite cozy. She asked, “You’ve been

living here for over seven years, right?” “Actually, my dad was supposed to send me out of here after

my mother died. But he didn’t.”

“You were little then, so he couldn’t send you away.”

“But | heard there were orphanages where children could be adopted. They have food and games, and

I’m not sure why he didn’t send me there.”

“Those children are orphans and have no parents. They have a miserable life.”

“I don’t have a mother, and Mike doesn’t deserve to be my father. Also, I was trapped here and had to

watch out for wild animals. So, I ive a miserable life too. Let me go to the orphanage! | really, really

want to go 378 Let’s Get out of Here there!”

Anna felt mixed emotions. By the early morning, Tracy finally felt tired and fell asleep. Having snuck out

of the cave on tiptoe, Anna ran up the hill. She turned on her phone and found it had only a 3% charge.

She was very anxious and went around the hill for a long time, trying to find a signal.

But she had just taken two steps when her phone died. Anna sighed as she put her phone back in her

pocket and walked back to the cave. The next morning, Mike came in and put a thermos on the table.

Anna ducked back and gave him a wary look.

Mike told Anna, “Tell my daughter to get up and eat breakfast. There are wild animals here, so don’t run

around at night. If you meet them, no ‘one can save you.”

Anna froze, realizing that Mike knew she had gone up the mountain last night. Tracy awoke after Mike

had left. She sat at the table, looked at the insulated lunchbox, then put the lid back on it.

She complained, “It’s the same meal every day! | don’t wanna eat it”

Anna asked, “Tracy, do you want to get out of here?”

Tracy exclaimed as she ate her bread, “Of course I do! | even made a raft in secret. But it doesn’t float,

and I can’t swim. I don’t even have an idea about which direction | should go.”

“Would you mind showing me your raft?”

“Do you want to run away? Let me tell you, it’s okay for me to run and get caught. But if you do that and

get caught, you will be screwed.” “But don’t you want to get out of here? The world outside is full of

wonders!” 378 Let’s Get out of Here

“No. Anna, stay here and talk to me, please. I can pretend I’ve been there if you tell me a little more

about the outside world.”

It was at that moment that Anna realized she had probably talked too much about the outside world the

night before, leaving the girl with little interest in what was out there. Still, her eyes lit up when she saw

the bread in Tracy’s hand.

“Do you know what people eat out there?” she asked.

“What? Pheasant, steak, and bread?”

“Those are main dishes. Do you know about dessert?”

“I’ve heard the box mention it. What exactly is it? Is it tasty?”

“Try it,” Anna said, pulling a bar of melted chocolate from her jacket pocket

Tracy refused to eat the chocolate after looking at it. She asked, “What is this? No, I’m not eating it! It

looks like s**t!”

Anna said as she popped half of the chocolate into her mouth. “It tastes really nice. See, try some.”

Tracy was finally persuaded. A few seconds later, Tracy ate the

chocolate quickly and even licked the wrapper. She said, “This is so good! Do you have any more


“Ifyou want more of this, get out of here with me, okay? There are things that are better than chocolate

out there, such as burgers, donuts, cakes, lobster and so on.”

Tracy asked curiously, “Wow! Are there really so much tasty food?

Anna said, “I’m not lying!” “But Mike lied to me! He keeps telling me that if | go outside, I’ll starve to

death. He doesn’t want me to leave here.” 378 Let’s Get out of Here “You will indeed starve to death if

you go out there by yourself. But if you come with me, I’ll make sure you get to eat all of this.” Tracy

asked, her eyes brightening, “What are we waiting for? I’ll show you the raft | built earlier.

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand -

the best manga of 2020

Of the Novelebook stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is Falling in Love

With A One-Night Stand. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga

has been translated to Chapter 379. Let's read now the author's Falling in Love With A One-Night

Stand Novelebook story right here


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