Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 539 Playing It By Ear

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The collapsed construction site was close to several universities. So, it might endanger the university

town and surrounding towns. In response to the collapse, Carousel Group planned to hold a press

conference to address the public. At the same time, they wanted to publicize the plans for future

development to reassure the residents. Therefore, Carousel Group held a press conference in Cliatin

the following afternoon.

Before the conference began, Anna came to encourage Matthew in the hotel lounge. Originally, Wayne

refused to come, but Anna persuaded him to do so.

In a hurry, Maria handed a stack of papers to Matthew and said, “These are the questions that the

journalists will ask here. I’ve written appropriate responses to each question, so you can just answer

them according to it.”

Matthew took a quick glance at the script before tossing it aside. “Thanks, but that’s not necessary,” He


“Mr. Wright…” Maria made an attempt to persuade him. To her surprise, Matthew motioned with his

hand that she didn’t need to say anything else. Confused, Maria cast a glance at Wayne, who sat next

to her. Then Wayne nodded in approval and told her to leave Matthew alone.

Later, after Matthew went to the stage, Maria said to Anna and Wayne “Shall | let the driver drive you to

the airport? You may miss your flight if you don’t leave now.”

Extremely nervous, Anna said with a frown, “I still want to stay here with Matthew. Never mind; | can

change my tickets.” Hearing her response,

Maria froze for a moment before walking away. 538 Playing It By Ear

“Don’t worry, Matthew will take care of everything,” Wayne said, taking Anna’s hand.

At the conference, Matthew sat on stage in his suit while reporters were photographing him. They took

pictures of him so quickly that he didn’t even have time to blink.

Then one of the reporters began asking questions, “Mr. McCarthy, how does the Carousel Group intend

to deal with this collapse?”

“We will strictly adhere to the engineering plan. In fact, this building had a foundation and internal

structure deterioration issues before we took it over. As a result, we will not make the next planned

changes to it until these issues are resolved,” With composure, Matthew answered the question

logically and coherently.

“The person in charge is said to have fled after the incident happened.

Is this because he committed an illegal act, Mr. McCarthy?”

“No. In fact, we signed a contract before making the deal and we didn’t do anything illegal.”

Maria had prepared a script with all the questions the reporters might ask. However, after a while, out

of her expectations, all of the reporters on the scene began to murmur as if they weren’t satisfied with

Matthew’s answers.

Then a reporter abruptly stood up and said, “| heard one of your group’s car brands was issues with

many of its products. Did it happen because of a break in your capital chain?”

Stunned, Anna stood up right away backstage. She said, “Those cars? Why do they want to know

about that? What does it have to do with the collapsed building?” After rereading the manuscript and

ensuring she didn’t miss anything, Anna asked Wayne, who was next to her, “What’s going on here,

Wayne?” 538 Playing It By Ear

Shaking his head, Wayne frowned and sighed, saying, ‘-Ten minutes ago, there was news exposing

that one of the car brands of Carousel Group’s had defects, and the court filing note was also made

public. This incident sparked a huge uproar on the Internet.”

“Then what should we do? Can Matthew handle it himself? If he can’t, we have to do something to help

him,” Anna asked, her voice trembling. Meanwhile, Maria had also just learned the news. She frowned,

not knowing what to say.

As Matthew tapped the microphone twice and pushed the speech into his hand., the meeting room

gradually became quieter. The next second, what he said amazed Anna, Wayne and Maria, “After we

received the feedback that showed one of our car brands had flaws, we immediately recalled all of the

vehicles in this batch and compensated the owners. Whether the quality of these cars is truly defective

still remains unknown, so we will examine and study them further to verify it later.”

“But since you have recalled these vehicles, so you have complete control over the findings. What if

about the actual result of the testing?” One of the reporters asked sharply.

“Rest assured. A third-party agency will fully supervise the entire process. So, it’s impossible for us to

falsify the result,” Matthew calmly answered calmly.

Seeing how Matthew was good at playing it by ear, Anna finally felt relieved. And the heavy stone on

her chest finally dropped

“Shall we leave now?” Wayne asked, taking her hand in his.

“Where to?” Still immersed in the amazement that Matthew brought her, Anna was a bit confused as to

what Wayne was talking about.

Then Wayne displayed the news on his phone to Anna. “Let’s go home. You don’t need to worry about

Matthew. See, just as | told you 538 Playing It By Ear before; the kid is a natural. He can handle the

crisis excellently. And I’m sure he can handle everything on his own in the future. And now, | need to go

back to the headquarters and deal with the situation.”

And Wayne analyzed to himself, This time, someone must’ve deliberately leaked the news about the

so-called flaws of our brand’s car during the press conference. Clearly, someone is doing this to tarnish

our group’s reputation and make Matthew panic. And I’m curious as to who the black sheep is.

Following the press conference, Matthew and his staff returned to the hotel. On the way, Maria kept

apologizing to Matthew, saying, “Mr. Wright, I’m sorry. This is entirely my fault. | should’ve predicted the

situation and been more prepared. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry!”

“It’s OK,” Matthew said in a flat tone, “By the way, where are my parents?”

“They’ve arrived at the airport.” Matthew nodded and continued, “Come back to Birmingham with me

when everything is finished here.”


“The international racing competition is about to begin. | want to form a professional racing team with a

group of racers.”

“Racing competition?” Maria froze for a while and asked.

Nodding firmly, Matthew explained, ‘wMy father has acquired several car brands before | took over the

group. It took him a lot of effort to acquire those car brands. So, I’m determined not to let my father’s

efforts go in vain. The annual international racing competition will provide an excellent opportunity for

major automobile manufacturers to promote themselves. And many companies invest in racing teams

to show off their vehicles to the public. Therefore, | can’t miss the chance to clear the name of our

group.” 538 Playing It By Ear

After his evening shower, Anthony grabbed a Coke from the fridge. Then, his cell phone rang. When

Anthony saw the caller ID, he pressed the answer button. “Hello? Mom. What? Hold on, I’m going to

call Alicia right now.” Then Anthony called Alicia three times, but she didn’t answer.

“What’s the matter?” Isabella asked as she noticed something was off.

“My cousin Alicia has run away from home. It’s not a big deal because she does it all the time. She’s

most likely hiding out at a friend’s house,” said Anthony

“How old is your cousin?”

“Fifteen. She’s a total troublemaker and often skips classes.”

Isabella thought, Fifteen. She’s the same age as Tammy.

“My uncle doesn’t have any high expectations of her. He just hopes that she could run his tea

plantation later. My uncle lives in the mountains. I’ll take you to see their tea plantation when I’m on


“OK,” Isabella said with a smile.

Aweek later, Matthew solved the whole thing. Anna went to the airport to see her colleagues off after

knowing everything was going well. And Patrick was among the second group of volunteers.

Anna told him, “Don’t forget to bring your protection. Did you bring any insect repellent?”

Patrick replied, “Yes. Don’t worry, Mrs. Wright.” He then leaned in close to Anna’s ear and said, “I will

finish the task you assigned to me and will certainly send you the experimental data as soon as


Before Anna could speak, Nancy walked close to them and said, “Anna 538 Playing It By Ear is your

supervisor, not your mother, Patrick. Are you done or not? If you don’t leave, none of us will be able to

board the plane.”

“Mrs. Wright is only a few years older than me, so she can’t have a son my age,” Patrick grumbled.

“Ha! Anna’s son is only fifteen, but he’s about your height. Am | right, Anna?” Nancy said with a sneer.

“I’m talking about my age! Age!”

Wanting the stop the nonsense, Anna interrupted their conversation. “OK, bye,” she said as she patted

Patrick’s backpack. Patrick then walked away reluctantly.

At the same time, Nancy remained at the end of the line to count the people. She nudged Anna with

her elbow, whispering, “Anna, you are amazing. Patrick is so smitten with you!”

“What? Don’t be ridiculous!”

“I’m not! It’s great that you’re not going to Fleosil because it gives you the opportunity to keep him away

from you. | was afraid your husband would become envious if Patrick spent too much time with you.

Everyone will blame me for this if that happens!”

Anna rolled her eyes and commented, “That’s ridiculous! Have you finished counting? I’m afraid you

won’t make the plane if you don’t leave now. You’re the team leader? Aren’t you supposed to set a

good example for your team members?”

“Holy crap!” Nancy exclaimed as she checked her watch for the time. She then tucked the roll call into

her pocket and dashed towards the security checkpoint, pulling her suitcase behind her.

Standing still and Anna watched them leave. She turned around and exited the airport hall only after

seeing them pass through security. As soon as she turned around, a girl ran into her. “Ouch!” The girl

shouted in pain.

When Anna looked up, she noticed a girl sitting on the ground. The girl was cute looking and looked

about the same age as Tammy.

“Are you all right?” Anna immediately helped her up.

About Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand - Chapter 539

Playing It By Ear

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With

the below content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred

interchangeably, despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and

then regret. late. Please read chapter Chapter 539 Playing It By Ear and update the next chapters

of this series at


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