Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 243

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When Wayne heard Anna say it, he felt like he had been stabbed with a knife. His expression turned

grim as he then asked unhappily, “What did you just say?”

Anna raised an eyebrow and then said boldly, “You know, although our marriage is a deal, we are still

husband and wife. So yes, I am his wife.”

Wayne asked through gritted teeth, “Anna, you said that on purpose, didn’t you?”

Anna gave him a quick glance before purposely adopting a perplexed expression. She said, “What? I

didn’t mean to hurt you and I was telling the truth. Tell me, which part of what I just said was wrong?”

Wayne questioned with a frown, “So, who am I to you?”

Anna folded her arms and then sized Wayne up from head to toe. She said, “Oh? Apparently, we are

exes after we broke up.”

Wayne treated Anna nicely since he returned from Seriel City, and had people bring flowers and treat to

Anna’s office every day.

Anna wasn’t impressed by these favors from him. She wouldn’t forgive Wayne because he had done

something wrong and hadn’t apologized to her.

Anna wouldn’t have necessarily gotten back together with Wayne even if he had apologized to her. So,

she was right; they were just exes.

Wayne didn’t seem to think that way at all. He looked more serious and said, “Anna, you’re mistaken.

We are still together.”

Anna looked at him seriously and then said, “Oh? Really?”

Therefore, she teased him by saying, “You are aware that once you have said something, you cannot

take it back. You did say that you wanted to break up with me, Wayne.”

“I didn’t expect Gabe to betray me,” Wayne muttered after becoming silent and clenching his fists.

Anna looked at him and started to jeer, “Please don’t blame him, Wayne. He didn’t do anything wrong.

Do you really have no idea who told me this? Oh, I guess you’re not as smart as everyone thinks. So, it

makes sense why your cousin got the job instead of you.”

Wayne’s face darkened with embarrassment right away, thinking, I shouldn’t have told you such things,

Anna! Did you intend to make fun of me in that way forever?

Anna decided to stop making fun of him after observing how speechless he appeared to be.

“Well, I’m leaving now,” she said. “Let me give you a ride,” Wayne said right away. Anna shook her

head and answered with a polite smile, “No, thank you, I drove here.

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Besides, it doesn’t seem to me that we’re going in the same direction.”

Anna believed that she and Wayne needed some space to collect their thoughts and determine

whether they were right for each other. And she felt that she had much more to consider about than


Their last few fights had been over the kids and the secrets she had kept from him back then. Anna

thought she needed some time to process what had happened before deciding whether or not to keep

dating Wayne.

Wayne stood by himself while Anna walked away confidently without turning around.

He instantly realized what Karl had said to him just before leaving. According to Karl, most women

were, in fact, very vindictive and liked to talk about mistakes men had made in the past.

Women would keep those thoughts in mind if they didn’t say them throughout their argument. And later,

they would say all those things one day and then leave men speechless.

Wayne felt that now was that time. As much as he hated admitting it, he was wrong.

Andrew created a sample of the staff uniform after working with the design team for a week. Therefore,

Lemon had a project meeting before the formal bidding process started.

During the meeting, Oscar, Lemon’s administrative manager, gave a brief analysis of the project and

stated, “The Joan Group voted with a top-level resolution of 30% and a staff meeting vote of 70%.

Anna asked, “The group’s employees mainly make the decisions, right?” “Yes, if this tender is fair.

“Oscar made his point clear.

Although the employees accounted for 70% of the vote, no one knew if someone within the group

would control the employee vote.

The employees won’t give a rip about what they wear to work, but the apparel businesses that

participated in the bidding do. Therefore, there was a chance that someone would buy everyone out.

“So, in the meantime, we need to keep an eye on the internal movements of the Joan Group. We also

need to see if anyone disrupts the vote and take action in time to deal with

Everyone began talking as soon as Oscar finished speaking. “What? Do we still need to do that? We’re

not spies!” “We don’t know how to do that.” “Can you hire a professional one to do that?”

Anna’s phone rang at that very moment. When Anna saw who was calling her, she stood up and said,

“Sorry, I have to answer a call. Please go on with the discussion.”

Ryan’s pleasant voice came over the phone as she was just picking it up. “Anna, I’ve got everything

figured out! I’ll return to Birmingham this afternoon.”

Anna was surprised and asked, “Oh? Really?”

Ryan traveled across the whole UK and found almost every nanny who had worked in the Wright

household then. Finally, he found out the truth about Matthew’s accident. It hadn’t been a very easy

task, so Anna had assumed he wouldn’t be back until after Christmas.

She hadn’t anticipated that he would complete all the work in just two months.

“Yeah, right. I’ll tell you exactly what I found out when I see you. I believe what occurred to Matthew

back then wasn’t a coincidence, and I’m afraid Wayne knew about it


Hearing this, Anna felt her heart skipped a beat. Then, she asked in a low voice, “What time will you be

at the airport? I’ll be there to pick you up.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I’ll go straight to your house after I arrive.” After hanging up the phone,

Anna had mixed feelings inside.

If Matthew’s accident had something to do with Wayne, she would never let him stay in the Wright


In the evening, one of the servants reminded Wayne that he had to pick up Matthew from school.

Wayne set the newspaper down, gave his watch a quick peek, and got ready to enter the garage.

The cook called out to him before he left and said, “Sir, Matthew won’t eat anything lately. Is it because

he doesn’t like the food I cook?”

Wayne frowned and replied, “Oh, you can’t cook what he likes to eat.”

A little dejected, the cook frowned as well. Before working at Wright’s, she was a well-paid nutritionist.

However, the fact that neither Matthew nor Wayne seemed to enjoy her food once she had worked

here really annoyed her.

Wayne was driving a dark blue car when he came out of the garage. The beautiful car gleamed

magnificently in the bright sunlight.

He then drove the car out of his house.

Matthew’s picky eating had bothered him. Because Anna doted on Matthew so much and often cooked

for him in the past, he would only eat what she cooked.

At lunchtime, Tammy would bring him some of Anna’s cooking, which was all he ate every day. He

wouldn’t eat anything else, no matter how delicious the food their cook had prepared for him.

About Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand -

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With

the below Chapter 243 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably,

despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late.

Please read chapter Chapter 243 and update the next chapters of this series at


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